The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1093: Oscar Show

After the regular season, the strong teams with a total of sixteen expenditure lines in the four regions will have a rest period of one month.

In the first round of the playoffs, there is no need to draw. The first round of the match is related to the ranking and the region. It has been determined this year that it is the Southeast Region vs Southwest Region, and the Northeast Region vs Northwest Region.

For example, the No. 1 seed Silver Frost team in the Southeast Region will play the fourth place in the Southwest Region.

As the second seed, the White Phoenix team is third in the Southwest Region, and so on.

In the first round, there will be no civil war in each region.

It is this rule that every playoff team pays great attention to the other three regions, especially the region that is determined to be the opponent.

After discovering that there is such a monster team with a 100% win rate in the Southeast Region, the playoff teams in the Northeast, Northwest, and Southwest regions are all good.

This Nima, four hero classes plus one luxuriously equipped elite tank, are all level 8 and above, are they eligible to impact the Super Cup?

Especially in the second half of the season, the performance was even more horrible. The four-man missing lineup can all play against other teams. How about playing in the playoffs?

It is better to play against the No. 1 seed Silver Frost team in the upper southeast region than the No. 2 seed White Frost team-this is the consensus of the remaining three regions in the playoff teams.

The playoff rankings in the Northeast and Northwest regions have already been firmly established. Besides, the regional matchup has been determined in advance, and it can be relieved for the time being.

The Southwestern region is different. It is itself a region against the Southeastern region, and the points of the current third-place Tianhu and the fourth lonely team are very dead, only one point away.

The final game of the playoffs in the southwestern region is exactly the end of the battle between Tianhu and Guxin.

In this closing battle, the Southwest Region also warmed up in advance-because Tianhu vs. Loneliness was one of the most exciting showdowns in the region over the years.

This year is particularly exciting. The two teams chase after me, and the rankings are rising alternately. Before the last moment, no one knows the final ranking.

If Tianhu can win, whether it is 2: 0 or 2: 1, lock in third.

The same is true of the lonely team. If the score is 2: 0, the score will be overtaken directly, ranking third. Even if the victory is 2: 1, if the two teams have equal points, the winning team will be ranked third.

This round of games has also been called the "Oscar Show" by many insiders. Neither Tianhu nor Guxin want to win! The winner of the first round was to meet the invincible division of the White Phoenix team, which is almost dead. On the contrary, it is better to touch the Silver Frost team, there is a line of vitality.

How can you not play fake matches when both teams want to lose?

The four members of the White Phoenix team also watched this game through a live webcast-during the regular season, everyone was working hard behind closed doors. They did n’t know much about other teams. Now they have the opportunity to get a glimpse of the strength of the first round of opponents. , Still have a look.

Although everyone believes that the strength of the White Phoenix team is overwhelming, it is one thing to be strong. The mentality must be stabilized and not overly arrogant, so as not to overturn the gutter.

In the game preparation room, the chairman of the lonely guild was training the main players.

"Officially, we must go all out in the final game, and we will not be able to get on the bench. The full main lineup will play, you have to play our lonely style."

The coach in charge of the formation of the soldiers on the side said with a smile: "Our advantage is great, we must take good care of it. Everyone remember that friendship is first, and competition is second."

The president added: "Efforts in one season cannot be wasted. The place in the regular season is very important for the playoffs. We must break through the first round of the playoffs."

This is simply a hint of madness. The subtext of the chairman and the coach is that you must lose, and send the enemy Tianhu team to the third, and let them die with the White Phoenix team.

The players understood: "Okay, we must carry forward our style and ensure the regular season position."

As everyone knows, the commentary of this round of competition is the most disturbing. They are responsible for the round.

"Well, the Tianhu team and the lonely team, the rivals of the enemy, who can laugh the last? Let's wait and see!"

"Guess the session is over. The captain of the Tianhu team Tan Cheng is disabled first. What mode will he ban?"

"This has to take into account the characteristics of the two teams. They are old enemies. The Tianhu team is in a good balance. Each member is a master who can carry it. The lonely team is the captain of the team. As a 9th-level hero profession, heads-up is almost invincible. Therefore, I predict that Tianhu will ban the defensive mode that threatens them the most, so as not to be worn by the lonely team five times ...

"Tianhu actually banned the conquest mode. For the Tianhu team with balanced strength and general strength, the victory rate of the conquest mode is very high. It seems that Tianhu has new tactics."

The captain of the Tianhu team Pei Yibo secretly pouted. In case of the conquest mode, the five members of the Tianhu team have to act independently. The probability of wearing is relatively high, and it is better to ban it.

The captain of the lonely team, Tan Cheng, scolded cunningly, but he also had a back-up and disabled the defensive mode.

"Uh, uh?"

The commentators are "unintelligible" again: "What is the operation of the lonely team in ban guard mode?"

Or the male commentator responded quickly: "It seems that the ideas of the two teams are the same, and they both hope to determine the victory through team battles, which is also in line with the spirit of our league training team ..."

In the first game of the two sides, the real killing mode was drawn.

The game is not exciting, just read the commentary to know.

"Okay, the two sides encountered in the river valley ... We saw the Tianhu clan shooter Jiang Gen, caught a chance, jumped back to the captain of the lonely clan, reloaded the soldier Tan Cheng, and fired a heavy crossbow ... "

"This choice is a bit reckless ~ ~ But Jiang Gen's player should be to repel Tan Cheng and not give him the opportunity to rush into the team to create a large-scale killing. It is really self-denial."

"This heavy crossbow shot actually prejudged the position ... Tan Cheng's s-shaped position was not twisted, but was shot by a crossbow! Gosh, a wonderful prediction!"

Jiang Gen scolded MMP, all tilted thirty degrees, can you still hit?

Seeing that Tan Cheng was repelled dozens of meters, Jiang Gen couldn't send his head off the first time, he could only grit his teeth and start shooting Tan Cheng.

As everyone knows, Tan Cheng sneered secretly, isn't Lao Tzu's positioning technique imaginable? There are no empty skills.

He was slowed down by heavy crossbow shooting, and Tan Cheng was not in a hurry to solve it. He maintained a slow speed, and spread his legs to the speed of the turtle to rush to Jiang Gen.

Jiang Gen regretted for the first time, why did the heavy crossbow shoot lv7 produce a slowdown-type special effect "shock"?

Fortunately, Tan Cheng was quite resistant to fight as a heavy soldier. Jiang Gen dropped a few arrows and only hit him with less than a hundred points of health.
