The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1423: Lingjing

"Is this amazing?"

Bai Xiaowen paused for a moment, then silently said, "Show me how I am now."

A bunch of white light turned into a mirror, reflecting the appearance of Bai Xiaowen wearing a mask.

面具 This mask is special, maybe very thin. Every subtle expression of Bai Xiaowen will be revealed on the mask.

However, Bai Xiaowen's temperament has changed, from being handsome in the sun to wicked.

Needless to say, in the case of wearing the face of death, the charm value of the living body is definitely going to drop wildly. As for undead creatures ... well, whether they will be affected by Charisma, Bai Xiaowen is really not sure.

Fortunately, the appearance of death is not equipment, it does not matter whether it is worn or not.

The difference is only one point: when wearing the face of death, Bai Xiaowen's suppression of the ranks of undead creatures will be greatly improved.

So Bai Xiaowen took the content of death and put it into his storage space.

It didn't take long for the teammates to wake up from the legacy.

Now the equipment of the five people is automatically unloaded and hovered in front of them. The rules of the spirit world automatically transfigured a piece of clothing, eliminating the embarrassment of walking away.

Everyone sent out their emotions. The evolution of this evolutionary is really strange, it is like completing a leap of life form.

"Are we still human?" Li Shuyi suddenly asked this question.

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "It depends on how you define 'people.' However, you don't have to think about such complicated philosophical issues, as long as you are still you, I am still me ... it is enough."

I paused for a while, and Bai Xiaowen asked everyone to check the successive reminders of the rules of the spirit world.

Around the "equipment transforms Lingjing", teammates talked.

Li Shuyi said: "Fortunately, my red leaf sword and old Korean loincloth anchor chain are left to Jun. These two heirlooms are turned into Lingjing, I'm afraid it is not a good deal."

Bai Xiaowen said "um", "Look at the ratio of transformed Lingjing first."

When transforming Lingjing, Bai Xiaowen found that only the equipment he wore when he chose to promote the evolutionary was included in the transformation.

As for the equipment that is not worn on the body, they cannot be converted into spirit crystals, but can only be temporarily sealed and left in the storage space to eat ashes.

That's why, "枭" let them wear the best equipment.

Bai Xiaowen tried +7 Desert Eagle and chose to transform.

The desert eagle turned into weathered sandstone particles and scattered. After a cloud of hazy white light had dissipated, Bai Xiaowen hung a small pile of thumb-sized round spar in front of him.

try {mad1 (\ 'gad2 \');} catch (ex) {} Obviously the round spar is the phantom, and there are 16 in total.

In other words, +7 Golden Weapon: The transformation of the Desert Eagle results in 16 Spirit Crystals.

Then the +4 arbiter's resolution necklace, which turned out to be 13.

Then there are +4 ghost shoulders, only 8 of them.

When Bai Xiaowen tried to transform the dark gold equipment "+4 Tianzi Mianyu", Baiguang turned into a waterfall, and a large number of spirit crystals appeared.

180 pieces!

After trying a few pieces of equipment, Bai Xiaowen already knew something and said with a smile:

"I can probably figure out the conversion mechanism. The superb gold equipment with powerful skills should itself be worth about 10 psionic crystals, while the ordinary gold equipment should be halved to only 5. On this basis, +4 There will be 3 additional levels and 6 additional levels +7. If it is below +4, only 1 additional level should be added. "

Qiao Rui nodded and said, "It is relatively easy to strengthen levels 1 ~ 3, so we will give 1 psionic crystal. We will give you 2 for the next strengthening level 4 ~ 6, and finally we will give 3 for strengthening levels 7 ~ 9. It's the same algorithm as the captain. "

Cecilia said: "Dark gold equipment obviously exceeds this standard a lot."

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Dark gold equipment is about ten times larger than this. This is probably in line with the rarity of dark gold equipment, but I don't know how the set is calculated. Well, don't hold back, all transform the equipment Cheng Lingjing. "

My teammates are a little bit reluctant. After all, they have accompanied their equipment for a long time, and they have some feelings.

Alas, there is no other way around, these equipment are useless to them.

Li Shuyi transformed the set of double daggers, and Han Xu transformed the three-piece set of the King of the Deep Sea.

Finally concluded that the two-piece set was doubled on the basis of the original "valuation", and the three-piece set was tripled.

Soon, everyone transformed their equipment.

Bai Xiaowen's equipment is the best, and the three-piece suit worn by the summoned creature butcher, as well as Kitz's equipment, can no longer be worn and needs to be transformed. What he ended up with was 1,246 spirit crystals.

The rest of his teammates got two or three hundred Lingjings.

This large gap is mainly due to the dark gold equipment compared with gold equipment, the "valuation" exceeds too much, and Bai Xiaowen has several pieces of dark gold on his body.

Subsequently, the rules of the spirit world gave another reminder that the team relationship of the people has been automatically released, and the original use of the prop "Black Vow" was automatically converted into 120 spirit crystals.

try {mad1 (\ 'gad2 \');} catch (ex) {} When everyone wants to concentrate Ling Jing with Bai Xiaowen, Bai Xiaowen shakes his hand and says, "Wait a minute. Now there is no team relationship and no team In public space, it is not appropriate to concentrate the team property in me. You must have some spirits in your body. "

Wu Qiaoru agrees: "It seems that the plane of the evolver needs us to break through ourselves."

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "Yes, we are going to face a" professional test. "It is inferred from the name that it should be almost the same as Shu Yi's career when she was promoted as a hero. They are all explored by one person. After the professional test is over, we will enter the legendary 'Star Alliance'. "

"What does Star Alliance look like? Without teaming, how can we meet at Star Alliance ~" Li Shuyi said.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "Wait a minute."

Bai Xiaowen then said to the spirit rule: "Query my territory coordinates."

Under the starry sky, the virtual map of Bai Xiaowen's plot of the Three Kingdoms plane surface emerged slowly.

Soon, the virtual image shrank and turned into a opaque material-sized, palm-sized token that fell into Bai Xiaowen's palm.

Spirit rule: "Based on your performance in the unification process, you have obtained a territory. This is your territory token. You can choose to fuse this token to obtain complete territory jurisdiction."

Bai Xiaowen immediately chose to merge.

I don't know what kind of token, like a pool of water, quickly infiltrated into Bai Xiaowen's palm and disappeared.

Bai Xiaowen immediately felt that there was a lot of information flow in his mind and he added a lot of new permissions.

It has the authority to make "territory coordinates".

Bai Xiaowen spent some element of power. According to the operation of authority, a little glowing ball quickly appeared in the palm of his hand, which contained his territory coordinate information.

Subsequently, Bai Xiaowen gave four "territory coordinate balls" to four teammates and instructed them not to easily pass the coordinates of the territories.

Four teammates have started a career test. In front of them, a glowing portal appeared, and they entered separately.

Bai Xiaowen watched four teammates ... or his former teammates left, and looked at Zhen Yan who was standing quietly behind him.

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