The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1434: Siege Demon Guardian

Bai Xiaowen manipulates the death knight, wields a lance, and mobilizes his maximum spiritual power to block.

要 Here I want to say that the death knight's rifle weapon is not a psionic equipment, but a weapon condensed by negative energies just like Delifa's spiritual spear.

Similarly, the sword of the skeleton warrior, the bow and arrow of the dead bone archer, etc. can be regarded as summoning creatures with their own weapons, and there is no additional bonus attack power.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen now has the highest authority of the Black Soul Stone, and has given the death knight consciousness, after which he can wear some limited field equipment.

当 啷!

The lance and the green fire blade collided with a loud noise.

The death knight's rifle, the thick black air on the surface, scattered away, the body trembled violently, the health value fell sharply by 14%, and the body was stiff.

The demon guard seemed to have not been affected at all. After a short breath, the green fire blade was raised again.

Familiar attraction appeared again, so that the death knight had no chance to escape.

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes. The demon guard's suspected skill can be cast infinitely!

Two explanations, either this is a passive skill effect, or the demon guard's combat expertise has been refined to a very high level, leaving the opponent unable to dodge between hands and feet.

If it is heads-up, the death knight will definitely be slashed by the demon guard. Don't look at him now he still has 86% health value, but he is in a state of inflexibility and can't mobilize the Spirit Guard, saying that the second is the second.

On the surface, Death Knight and Demon Guardian are both leader-level evolutionary creatures, only 3 levels apart.

But in essence, the Death Knight currently does not have any evolutionary equipment, which is equivalent to playing against the Demon Guardian, regardless of its attributes or spiritual power.

Fortunately, this is not the heads-up for the death knight.

Gao Delifa shot, and the spear spear was accurately positioned on the side of the green fire blade, causing a slight deflection. At the same time, the butcher threw an iron chain and dragged the death knight back from the war horse.

There was a loud noise, and the demon guard's sword slashed the undead warhorse.

The death knight rolled a few times on the ground, climbing silently. The gray aerosol condensed under his feet, and soon was an undead war horse, appearing beneath him.

Undead warhorses, like lances, are the result of the death knight's negative energy. It used to take mental energy to reunite, but now it is the spiritual power of the death knight.

Bai Xiaowen spread out his palm.

Zhenyuanli · Furious Charm, flying directly to the angry claws.

The body of the angry claw swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was not far behind the Demon Guardian. What's more important is that the spiritual value of the angry claws has actually increased by a full 300 points! The breath of the whole wolf is as if it were two wolves.

的 The violent spell cast by Zhen Yuanli has more effects that Bai Xiaowen does not know, and now I can just watch it.

The reason why Bai Xiaowen didn't know it was because now there is no skill bar, Bai Xiaowen can't see the digital description of the rage spell, and can only experience it with his heart.

The claws of the angry claws collided with the green fire blade of the Demon Guardian.

With a loud noise, the energy of the angry claws and the demon guard's body were all shattered. Both have a slight decrease in their health.

Although the health value of the angry claws has fallen more, he can finally carry the attack of the demon guardian. Because of the effect of the rage charm, he can not fall into the rigid state of arbitrary slaughter and can quickly launch a second attack.

Bai Xiaowen immediately realized that Zhenyuanli Fury Charm must greatly reduce the effect of stiffness.

Moreover, when the two are shocked, the energy of the body is dissipated, but it is a great time!

Bai Xiaowen waved a real element of lightning strike and landed on top of the demon guard who temporarily lost his green fire energy. A thunderbolt flashed, and the health of the Demon Guardian was dropped by 11%.

Break evil damage, also has a bonus for the demon species.

However, the demon guard is indeed thick and thick, unlike the bloodthorn banshee, which is easy to overthrow. In the case of a bloodthorn banshee, in the absence of spiritual protection, a real power lightning strike is enough to reduce its health value by more than half, and even a disability that is not conducive to action.

But no matter how hard the Demon Guard can fight, it's useless. There are angry claws holding positions in front, and in front of the crowded Bai Xiaowen summoning the army, the demon guard is just a competent sandbag.

Every time I shook with the angry claws, the green fire energy of the demon guard's body will dissipate for a moment.

Then the lightning strikes of Bai Xiaowen and the Dead Bone Demon Master will fall, and there will be a volley of the Dead Bone Archer and the output of other summoned creatures.

Beating on the demon guard who has no green fire energy for the time being, it can be said that the sword is seen.

Demon Guardian's health drops quickly.

Suddenly, the demon guard sent out a scream of yelling like a bull, yelling at Bai Xiaowen.

A huge green fire claw appeared to emerge from the void, holding Bai Xiaowen. Powerful squeezing force came out, and the green fire energy continuously eroded Bai Xiaowen's body.

At the same time, the ground beneath the demon guard's feet seemed to be infused with energy, and a green fire spread. In this land of green fire, his ability to move has greatly increased, and in two steps he stepped in front of Bai Xiaowen, the green fire battle blade split in the head.

When Bai Xiaowen was held by the claws of green fire, he immediately output the true elemental protection!

On the surface of Bai Xiaowen, a bright white light emerges, which will entangle the whole body of green fire claws, breaking apart and breaking ~ inch by inch ~ ~ This is the embodiment of Zhenyuanli's extremely high purity, and the quality is crushed. Energy to break it down.

If it is described by data rules, it actually contains priority confrontation.

True power of the doubles!

The green fire battle blade fell, and Bai Xiaowen's figure was illusory.

Then, a straw doll that was burned by the green fire and split into two sections fell to the ground. Bai Xiaowen's true body has moved out of the distance of seven or eight feet.

Wrathclaw loyally protects the Lord. Although the time of the rage spell has passed, he still throws himself up and blocks the Demon Guardian again.

Bai Xiaowen took a deep breath, the three horror knights suddenly changed and overlapped in one place.

In the dark fog, a giant four-meter-tall knight appeared.

The death knight took it to charge. This legion's charge skill was also cast with spiritual power. It was no longer covered with blood-red airflow, but with black aerosol.

The giant horror knight hit the demon guard and replaced the angry claws.

Then is the output of summoning creatures for a new round.

This cycle, soon the health value of the demon guard was hit below 30%, the flesh flaking in large chunks, the ground sent out a corrosive green mist, and was burned by the green fire energy contained in it.

The fighting power of the Demon Guardian has plummeted by 50%! Then there was no resistance, and the car was turned to the ground.

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