The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1499: Lords battle! Xia Feng v Kenneth

Lord Xia Feng opposite Kenneth also shot a beam of light.

After the light converged, a ghost image of a martial arts hall with ancient Chinese style emerged.

However, the speed of consolidation of this ancient Huaxia Museum is very slow, far less than the speed of consolidation of the Pool of Fire, and no change has been seen for a while.

Then the leader of Xia Feng pulled out the dark, wide-bladed broken sword behind him, striding forward to the army of fire elves opposite him.

Bai Xiaowen felt a little bit incomprehensible.

The image of the queen bee appeared, and the voice sounded, "Now you know, how did the lord fight?"

In the void near the, other people's images appeared one after another. The closest to Bai Xiaowen was the old clock, then the sky monkey and the queen. Bai Xiaowen knows that these images are just a consciousness of the visitors.

Although the spectators can talk to each other, they do not interfere with each other in the duel on the field and will not affect the fairness of the duel.

Bai Xiaowen's lingering queen said: "They ... are calling for troops in their own territory?"

The queen queen smiled: "Yes. The lord can summon his territorial army to fight in the main material plane. However, to summon the territorial army to participate in the war, it is necessary to provide the corresponding" psychic medium ", referred to as" spiritual medium ". "The illusory buildings you see, whether it's the Pool of Fire or the Martial Art Museum, are actually buildings in their territory."

After a pause, the bee continued, "The beam of light shot by the lord is actually creating a psychic medium connected to his territory on the main material plane. After the psychic medium is formed, his territory can be transported to the psychic location. The army. "

Bai Xiaowen also asked, "Why is Lord Kenneth's Pool of Fire Spirit Medium able to quickly transport the Fire Elf troops, while Lord Xia Feng's Huaxia Wukan Spirit Medium is so slow to form?"

The Queen Bee smiled:

"Spirits have different strengths. The more powerful the psychics, the slower the molding speed. The transport of troops from their territory to the main material plane is limited by the strength of the psychics.

"The pool of fire psychic strength will not exceed 500 crystals. With the strength of Lord Kenneth, it can be completed in one second, but the total strength of the transport army must be less than 500 crystals, and the strength of the individual soldier will not exceed 5 crystals ...

"The Huaxia Wukan Spirit Media can be felt from the fluctuation of spiritual power. The intensity is above 1200 crystals! The Lord Xia Feng takes at least 15 seconds to form it. Of course, the Huaxia Wuguan Spirit Media, the warrior army transported. , No matter the individual strength or the overall strength, it must be much stronger than the fire elf army. "

Bai Xiaowen understood it.

Lord Kenneth pre-emptively summoned the flame army, it should be to grab a first mover.

It takes 15 seconds or more for Lord Xia Feng to summon a powerful psychic medium with 1,200 crystals. Then this period of time is the blank period for His Majesty's army. He must rely on his own strength to block this wave of attacks from the Phantom Force. Wait until The Armed Forces appeared before they could counterattack.

The result was not the same. Lord Xia Feng personally met the Huojin troops, and a common cross-cutting passed. The top ten Huojin were neatly broken into two pieces, and then burst into Martian sky.

There are many fire spirits in the back row, and the fire arrow spell is cast at the same time.

However, the target of these flame arrows is not Lord Xia Feng, but the spirit medium behind him-the beam of light in the Huaxia Wuguan.

The queen said in a timely manner: "After the psychic is attacked, it will slow down the formation speed. If the attack strength exceeds the ceiling of the psychic, the psychic will directly burst. This is how Lord Kenneth used this method to let Xia Feng The lord cannot dodge the attacks of the fire spirit, and must respond directly. "

"The tactic is nothing for Lord Xia Feng."

Lord Xia Feng did not evade, and he sang softly. The spiritual power burst into a wall of three feet of gas. The flame arrow blasted on it, only splashing ripples.

Then Xia Feng's palm burst into hot light, and a broken blade fell down.

The wind is blowing!

火 Each flame is surrounded by a long and narrow blade, and then chopped into pieces, and finally bursts into the sky.

Bai Xiaowen was a little shocked. This move was a bit similar to the "Wan Yao Knife Wheel", but both the coverage and lethality surpassed the Wan Man Knife Wheel several times.

Hundreds of fire elite troops, all fell.

The sky monkey said excitedly: "I finally saw Lord Xia Feng's Seven Killing Sword. This should be the first killing style. The wind is terrible."

But Lao Zhong was very calm, shaking his head and saying, "To fight against the first wave of flames, Lord Xia Feng wasted a lot. Lord Kenneth's purpose has been achieved ... Look, the second wave of offensive has come."

灵 The pool of flame psychic medium has faded.

However, with a wave of the staff of Lord Kenneth's eagle head, beside the pool of fire, another pool of lava rose.

The afterglow of the Pool of Flames and the hot flame energy left over from the fighting spirit team, like a whale sucking water, poured into the pool of illusive lava, making it quickly take shape.

The queen bee softly said four words: "Fire line linkage."

Although the queen did not elaborate on what "fire linkage" means, Bai Xiaowen was able to guess one or two based on the situation on the field.

Obviously, the second psychic medium called by Lord Kenneth ~ ~ is still a building projection of fire properties, absorbing a large amount of flame debris, resulting in a greatly accelerated molding speed.

Bai Xiaowen can also sense the strength of the second lava pool psychic medium. It seems that it is not much different from the Huaxia Wukan that Lord Xia Feng first called, at least 1,000 crystals. However, Lord Kenneth took only eight seconds to shape the lava pool.

A large group of fiery fire elements appeared. They had a strong upper limb and torso similar to humans, but the part below the waist was a burning flame.

Judging from the breath, the single strength of the fiery fire element is at least twice that of the fire essence.

Lord Kenneth's eagle's head was lifted, and the ring of chaos above his head turned suddenly.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

At least half of the fiery elements exploded, and the violent energy poured into the remaining half of the fiery elements army.

These fierce fire elements have been infused, their body size has been expanded by 30%, and the whole body emits red light like red charcoal.

After a fiery trajectory of flames spread, dozens of fierce fire elements rushed towards the opposite Xia Feng Lord.

"Chaos sacrifice! This old guy, Kenneth, this hand is really fierce." The queen couldn't help but praise.

Lao Zhongdao said: "He should know that procrastination is definitely not the opponent of Lord Xia Feng, so he must win in the early stage regardless of losses. I did not expect this duel, the key winner was played so quickly. It depends if the Lord Xia Feng can block it. "