The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1687: Dark Age

The latest website: The Queen Queen shook her head: "How can it be so easy to make the Dragonfire Scroll, you need to use the lord's dragon skin, otherwise it will not be able to carry such a powerful energy at all. The dragon is originally scarce, and can make the skin of the scroll, only Limited places. "

In fact, the dragons of the evolutionary plane are basically lords.

The point is that dragons are too scarce.

Candice suddenly said: "This time the Uganda dinosaur planet opens, it should be good news for the queen queen. Dinosaurs are also ancient dragons."

The queen nodded and said, "The lord's dinosaur skin can indeed be used to make scrolls. Recently, Star Alliance has added a supply of scroll materials, so I was able to support three dragon fire scrolls for Lu Wang. Unfortunately, I was lucky No, he failed to open a portal in the secret area of ​​Wiya domain, and this planet missed Wu Ling. "

Candice shrugged: "This time we are in the dark tooth secret. Everyone is unlucky ... Divine creatures are going crazy, even dinosaur riots with the entire planet, it is very difficult to grab a gathering point of spiritual power. I heard that it was successful in the end. When the portal is completed, there will be three territories. "

Bai Xiaowen said, "I have one." He knew that this matter could not be a secret, so he didn't have to hide it, but he was a little bit furious.

Sure enough, neither Candice nor the queen was too surprised, apparently already knew.

"If the queen queen wants to go to the dinosaur mystery and open a new portal, he can use the White Phoenix collar." Bai Xiaowen said. The queen has been taking good care of him for a long time, and it should be helpful.

The queen shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to create new portals. Only during the time when the secret portal of the Uya domain is opened, can the territory portal be established."

"Is there any connection between the two?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

The queen said: "I don't know, but some lords have tried it before. The mystery is like this. Once the portal is closed, the possibility of creating a new portal is cut off. So the period when the mystery is open is the best opportunity. I want to build a new teleport. The gate can only wait until the next time the secret area of ​​Wiya domain opens, I do not know what year or month it will be. "

Candis said, "During the closing of the mystery, it is really impossible to build a new portal, but there is usually an alternative way to resonate with the magic circle."

The queen shook her head: "The Resonance Law Array needs the help of Aboriginal people. Do I expect to communicate with a group of dinosaurs and let them work for me?"

Bai Xiaowen now understands. Before the next time the Mystery Realm of Wiya domain is opened, the Star Alliance evolutionary wants to go to the dinosaur planet, there are only three channels, and the portal of the White Phoenix collar is one of them.

Considering the precious resources on the dinosaur planet, the preciousness of these three channels can be imagined.

"If the queen queen needs dragon skin materials or sends someone to the dinosaur planet, he can cooperate with Bai Huangling." Bai Xiaowen said.

The queen queen was obviously interested in this cooperation, saying, "Okay, when the Dark Age plane is over, we will discuss the cooperation."

The queen is also very understanding. She knows that when Bai Xiaowen ran into the Dark Age plane, his territory was empty and he would definitely not accept foreign masters. Want to cooperate can only wait until Bai Xiaowen returns from the Dark Age plane.

Candice said, "Well, let's get to the point. The Dark Age plane, I collected some simple information, it's really eye-opening. You can take a look."

Bai Xiaowen took the pamphlet in Candice's hand and turned it over slightly.

The Dark Age Plane is a very special world.

The structure of this plane world feels to Bai Xiaowen, a bit like a classic game in the AD era-Big Pineapple (Diablo). Maybe the rules of the spirit world refer to the structure of the big pineapple when generating the Dark Age plane, but they are different.

In the Dark Ages, there are two camps of demons and humans (including some rare Asian races).

The average world camp is balanced, but the Dark Ages are different.

The demonic forces are very powerful, occupying almost all the territory of the continent.

The human camp has only a few scattered settlements.

Moreover, demons will not really die. After they are "killed", the soul will enter the legendary hell, and after a period of time, they will be reborn. Of course, the time of rebirth is determined by the power level of the demon. The stronger the demon, the longer it takes to regenerate.

There are also some demonic race information attached. In addition to the "little evil" and "dark mummy" I have seen before, there are demons such as "shofar demon" and "pain demon".

It is worth mentioning that the Dark Age planes are not only demonic races, but also undead races, such as zombies, puffy corpses, ghosts of the Styx, etc., which belong to the demonic camp.

After reading these materials, Bai Xiaowen said: "Since the demonic camp is so powerful, the power of this plane is unbalanced, why haven't humans been extinct?"

Cantis said:

"I have understood the reasons and should have something to do with the ethnic characteristics of demons. They are 'chaotic and evil' races and do not have a strict organizational structure. They are often a powerful demon. They used force to subdue a group of small and medium demons and form a group. Demon forces; there are many demons of this size in the Dark Ages! Wars often break out between the demons, and they have a strong sense of territory and cannot unite to destroy humanity. "

After a pause, Candice also said, "Devils are selfish self-centered selfish ghosts. Some demons may also have the idea of ​​captive humans. After all, demons can be reborn, be regarded as immortal beings, and humans have no essence in them. The threat of ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen nodded: "For demons, it's like playing a game. "

Playing games, Shuang is right, even if you play off and get hacked, you can be reborn, really twenty years later, a good man.

The queen said: "Mengchuan's Tianfu leader is most likely to join the demon camp. After you cut into the Dark Age plane, as long as you find a way to destroy the Tianfu leader's resonance, you will complete the task. Of course, if you ca n’t find it If the Tianfu-led resonance matrix, or the stern defense cannot be destroyed, you must find a way to build a resonance matrix for yourself and fight for a long time in the future. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded.

The queen and Candice's expectations for him only destroyed the resonance law circle led by Tianfu. This can temporarily cut off the connection between the Tianfu collar and the Dark Age plane, and curb the demon army of the Tianfu collar from expanding.

But Bai Xiaowen has higher goals.

Since Mengchuan can manipulate the demons for his own use, Bai Xiaowen feels that he can do it, as long as he finds the secret of Mengchuan's manipulation of the demonic army!