The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1693: Christ the Saviour

Also in a state of persecution, there are two guards, as well as guard instructor Herbart.

Miko Kailuowen's status in Wutu is obviously very high. She salutes so solemnly, and calls Bai Xiaowen as the "savior". Herbart and others can't just ignore it, their eyes are tight. Keep an eye on Bai Xiaowen.


Bai Xiaowen first came back from the shock and said, "Wait, will you admit that you are the wrong person? Saviour, I can't afford such a great title."

Herbart couldn't help but say, "Master Kelvin, is this your prophecy? Have you ever seen this young man save the world in the future?"

Ms. Kai Luowen shook her head and said, "This is the prediction of my teacher."


Inhale cool air * 3.

The teacher of Witch Kai Luowen is the late great sage Erasmus.

The prediction he made was obviously more authoritative than Miko Kelvin.

Bai Xiaowen still has a certain degree of skepticism, mainly because he used to be a magic stick, and knows how powerful the magic stick is.

After the witch Kai Luowen got up, she stared at Bai Xiaowen and said, "My teacher Alasmo, in the last years of life, was closer to the gods. He made three prophecies, the first of which was the savior 'Heristo He's here. He said, 'When two Kellovens meet, they foreshadow the arrival of Christos.'

Christos, is an ancient Latin word, similar to "Messiah", all mean the savior.

"Two Kelvin meet ..."

Herbart saw the portrait of Kelvin young in the golden pocket watch, and suddenly realized, "This is the young you and the present you met, so it is the sign of the Savior's arrival."

Herbart and the two guards looked at Bai Xiaowen differently.

With that look of eagerness and eagerness, there was a look of suspicion, which made Bai Xiaowen feel a little overwhelmed.

"Wait a minute, I still can't accept it," Bai Xiaowen said, shaking his head.

"Master Christos, please follow me to the Spirit House."

Miko Kelvin said, "I will reveal your destiny for Lord Christos."

With Miko's endorsement, Herbart and the two guards did not stop Bai Xiaowen from entering Utu.

This is a good convenience, of course, Bai Xiaowen did not refuse.

As he followed Kai Luowen, Bai Xiaowen glanced over the rules of the spirit world:

"B-level quest: [Golden Will] completed. 97% complete, evaluation: perfect."

"You get 8 Spirit Crystals (rounded up)."

In addition, Bai Xiaowen also received a "standard 4B" perception light ball. Counting the previous, he has stored two sentimental spheres.

"We're here. This is my teacher and my residence, the spirit house."

Soon, Witch Kai Luowen stopped in front of a wooden house and introduced it to Bai Xiaowen.

"Excuse me, Lord Erasmus, seems to have ..."

"Yes, my teacher has died, but his spirit is with me."

Miko Kelvin opened the door of the cabin: "Spirit cabin is forbidden for ordinary residents, but Lord Christos is an exception. Please come in."

Bai Xiaowen stepped into the cabin.

The furnishings are simple, with wooden beds, tables and chairs, and a wooden board as a partition. On the table, there are a lot of sheepskin rolls.

Bai Xiaowen asked: "You should know the Seven Devil Kings, can you tell me?"

He knew that Miko, Kai Luowen, should be relatively knowledgeable, so he took the opportunity to ask for some information about the Dark Age plane.

Ms. Kai Luowen nodded: "Yes. Please wait for a while. I will explain to you the composition of the demonic forces. Before that, I need to follow the teacher's will and reveal your destiny to Lord Christos. "

"Is it the content of the three prophecies?" Bai Xiaowen said.

Miriam Kai Luowen: "Exactly, it is the three pictures that the teacher saw. In the years before his death, he found the 'immortal' stone wall and carved these three pictures."

"Immortal wall?"

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Nothing is immortal."

Miriam Kai Luowen: "The stone wall is closely related to the fate of human beings. Only when humans perish will the stone wall decay, otherwise no force can destroy it. If humanity perishes, then the prediction of Christ the Redeemer will not With meaning, it does n’t matter if the stone wall is corrupt. ”

Bai Xiaowen became interested, and he instinctively felt that the "immortal stone wall" said by the witch Kai Luowen must be a very important message.

"Well, where is the immortal wall? I'm also interested and want to see these three prophecies."

Ms. Kai Luowen shook her head and said, "I don't know the location of the stone wall. However, the teacher taught me a way to sublimate our spirit and travel through the endless mountains and rivers,‘ see ’to the stone wall and understand the picture of the prophecy.”

Bai Xiaowen: "What method?"

Witch Kai Luowen said: "The incense ceremony."

She pushed hard over an iron stand with an extinguished charcoal brazier on it.

"Master Christos, are you ready to witness your fate?"

Miko Kelvin asked seriously.

"Well." Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly.

Then under the command of Witch Kai Luowen, Bai Xiaowen sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation.

Witch Kai Luowen inserts three incense sticks on the charcoal brazier. She then sat down opposite Bai Xiaowen.

The aroma rose.

Bai Xiaowen felt that there seemed to be a soft big hand that slowly let his mental consciousness get out of the body.

This feeling is novel. Originally Bai Xiaowen actively explored consciousness to the outside world (spiritual detection), but now it is passive.

Bai Xiaowen was able to confirm that this method was safe, so he felt relieved without resistance and allowed the spiritual knowledge to explore the outside ~ ~. call. call.

For a moment, Bai Xiaowen's spiritual knowledge was driven by that gentle big hand, extended indefinitely, across countless mountains and rivers, countless black lands, and finally stopped before a steep mountain peak, floating.

The voice of Witch Kai Luowen sounded: "We are here, Lord Christos. Please see the first picture on the stone wall,‘ the advent of Christ the Redeemer ’.”

This sound is a bit special, it sounds from the bottom of my heart and is not affected by hearing.

With this voice, Bai Xiaowen's spiritual knowledge was drawn and turned to a stone wall.

There are carvings on the stone wall, a tall figure stands, and behind it are lines that symbolize the light. Before the tall figure, there were two female busts sculpted across the body.

Bai Xiaowen was silent.

Miko Kelvin also said: "Please look at the second picture of the stone wall again,‘ the great work of Christ the Saviour ’.