The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 171: Anti-drug search

Time passed hour by hour.

"Haven't found it yet?"

Cao Yongjing's eyes were bloodshot, and her hair became messy, and her expression was a little embarrassed. He hasn't closed his eyes for a full sixty hours since he returned to the South Island.

"Well, no."

Daigo Goro murmured. During this time, he also stayed with Cao Jingjing and had no time to sleep.

"Yawn ..." Erjietang Hongmaru, who was sleeping in the back seat of the car, rubbed his rubbed eyes and woke up, "I haven't found an important family member for so long? Shouldn't they all be killed?" ? "

Kusanagi Jing shook slightly with her right hand on the steering wheel.

"I said Jing, you should also have more contact with the official people, don't throw these channel relationships to your family members ..."

Nikaido Hongmaru stretched a little lazily and said with some sullenness, "For two and a half days in a row, I was confined in this cramped car, and my body was a little stinky. It was simply unacceptable for a person like me "I think it's better to find a hotel and take a good rest?"

"You go to the hotel to rest. I want to find out again. I have met many ordinary officials in the past two days. According to them, there are several possible addresses." Cao Jing Jingtou buried on the steering wheel, and said this. Afterwards, he looked up and started the car again.

Nikaido Hongmaru was a little moved, but the gate Goro reached out and stopped him.

"No, the three of us are best not to be scattered," said Daimon Goro, Shen Sheng. "Although I don't know what the Chinese exorcist Shiroi Shirai is, he is a master who can destroy the grasshopper family! If we are scattered, then Give him every chance to break! "

Erjietang Hongwan said disdainfully, "When have you been so timid, gate? If Shirai dared to appear in front of me, I would definitely let him taste the thunder and lightning ..."

Suddenly, the car window was knocked, and an ordinary guard at the Caoyu family gasped, saying:

"Master Jing! I just received a call from Lord Sakamoto ..."

Grasshopper Jing suddenly startled, a kind of shivering excitement, gushing from the bottom of my heart! He hurriedly asked, "Uncle Sakamoto? Where is he?"

The guard reported an address and said anxiously, "Master Sakamoto said that he has been hiding for the past few days, and someone seems to be following him! He also called this phone by adventure ..."


After listening to the address with patience, Cao Jingjing stepped on the accelerator and went away! The words behind the guard were all chasing into his ears with the wind, making his mind more urgent!

As long as he sees Sakamoto's protection, the high-level relationship that Kusanagi's family broke off on the South Island can be revived.

Cao Jingjing can mobilize the official high-level South Island to help him find the killer named Bai Jingsheng!

This is the only street light in the fog, and the only clue in the mess!

Especially when someone heard of Sakamoto Jiho, Cao Jingjing was anxious. He was afraid that when he arrived at the target address, he made another attempt and only got the news that Sakamoto was missing. In the past sixty hours, a similar situation has happened a dozen times, each time with hope, and then Save it!

Fortunately, luck is much better this time.

In a remote outer ring city, inside a low dove building, Kusao Kyo saw Sakamoto Jiho.

"Uncle Sakamoto!" Kusanagi Kyo finally relieved.

"Master Jing, I finally saw you!" Sakamoto Baobo was unkempt and looked a little sluggish. "Thank you, you're fine."

"I'm okay, and I'm going to make the killer pay!" Cao Yongjing said with gritted teeth.

"Master Jing hasn't rested for a long time, right? Please come upstairs with me and take a good rest." Sakamoto said.

"No need!" Kusanagi Kyo said hurriedly. "Uncle Sakamoto, get on with me! I remember the high-level relationship between the family and the police. You have been running the business ... we will meet those officials! I can't wait to find the murderer and burn him to ashes! "

Nikaido Hongmaru shrugged and squeezed his sour waist: "Okay, okay."

After getting on the bus, Sakamoto Jiho sat in the back row: "Master Kei, let's go to Chikuzen-cho first and visit the head of Honda."

"A class leader?" Cao Yongjing frowned slightly. "I search across the island, I'm afraid he doesn't have such great power."

"We can meet with the director of Bucheon through the channel of the director of Honda," Sakamoto said.

"Why don't you see him directly?" Nikaido Hongmaru said impatiently.

"This ... Director Fuchuan's residence has been under surveillance all the time. I suspect it is Shirai's men ... This is why I have been afraid to show up these days. Without those monitors, I would have gone to the police. Friend. My personal relationship with Director Bucheon is very close! "Sakamoto said.

Erjietang Hongmaru snorted: "Don't be afraid, uncle! I wish that Shirai's uncle's uncle jumped out."

Sakamoto looks at Kushiro. Cao Yongjing nodded slightly: "Go directly to Director Fuchuan's residence."

The car turned a corner and sped out.

Suddenly ~ ~ The siren sounded, and a number of police cars blocked the vehicle on which Cao Jingjing and his party were riding.

A man's voice came through the loudspeaker: "The people in the car listen, get out of the car immediately, don't try to resist, you are already surrounded!"

This passage was repeated twice.

Cao Jingjing took a moment's notice, then opened the door and jumped out of the car. He looked over, and a group of policemen were close enemies, aiming his vehicle with a gun.

"Why stop me?" Cao Jingjing wanted to punch him directly, but he still resisted.

"According to the report, there may be drugs hidden in your car! We need to search you!" One of the police officers showed his credentials.

"Asshole, which police station are you from? Do you know who this young master is, and what is the relationship between me and the director of the South Island Police Station?" Sakamoto Jiho jumped out of the car and said angrily.

"No matter what you are doing, it's our duty to seize drugs." The policeman gathered his documents and aimed with a gun. "Now, get out of the car for inspection ... If you resist, the police have the right to kill you on the spot!"

With the strength of the Caojingjing trio, the police who came ten times more did not look at it. However, the shackles named [Order] have restrained the hearts of these three first-class fighters, preventing them from letting go!

In particular, in the case of visiting the Commissioner of Police, the three were even more reluctant to conflict with the police.

"I won't have drugs on me." Caojing Jingdao.

Daimon Goro shook his head: "Neither do I."

The two looked at Nikaido Hongmaru together.

"Hey, what do you guys look at me like this? Although my hobbies are wide, but drugs never stick," Erjietang Hongwan spread his hands indifferently. "Let them check it out ... it's so bad." .

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