The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1759: The transformation of kitts

The promotion of the boss template to the lord is more complicated and difficult.

First, not all leaders can be promoted to lord.

According to Bai Xiaowen's estimation, if you want to evolve from a leader to a lord, you need to bear at least 50 death forces to achieve it.

This is different from the selection of ethnic leaders. At that time, the leaders of the four major ethnic groups were undecided. The four places under the rookie "Death" of Bai Xiaowen were all empty, so only 10 points of death power can make the leaders of the four major groups stand out. In terms of tolerance, 10 points Power is nothing to them who are leaders.

But now, the quotas of the four heavenly kings are full, and all four shortcuts for promotion have been occupied.

If you want to evolve from a leader to a lord, you need to pay several times or even ten times the hard work.

Such as the plague beast, butcher's nominal mount.

It is nominal because the butcher is more accustomed to walking on two legs and has not been riding it.

The Plague Beast exploded in place after absorbing 40 Death Forces. Of course this guy has no chance to become a lord.

Another example is the Lich of the Bone Race, whose performance is a little better than that of the plague beast, but the limit is 45 points of death power, which is no longer difficult to enter.

Of course, the Lich at this time is already a quasi-lord level, of course, much stronger than the dead bone hexer. Unfortunately, compared with the lord, there is still a gap, and the priority gap cannot be erased.

There is bad news, and of course there is good news.

After being resurrected, Sufferon's mount, the Frost Dragon, was resurrected. Bai Xiaowen tried to infuse the power of death. After Frost Dragon absorbed 50 points, he officially completed the leap and was promoted to Lord Frost Dragon. The body has doubled in size, and when the wings are unfolded, it really feels like a shade in the sky.

Bai Xiaowen continued to infuse, Frost Dragon's best result was 56 points of death power.

The Lich and the Plague Beast aside, saw all kinds of envy, envy and hatred.

Bai Xiaowen didn't bother to care about these two guys who were only five or six years old with self-consciousness. Who wouldn't blame himself?

It is also worth mentioning that the Skeletal Giant, which was originally a rare elite, even withstood the infusion of a full 60 points of death power, and jumped two levels, becoming the second lord creature successfully promoted.

This provides Bai Xiaowen with a new idea. The limits of rare elite creatures may not be worse than the leader.

Bai Xiaowen tried again. After all, one more lord has one more combat power available.

Three dementors banshees tried, no play.

Sha girl tried, no drama.

Bai Xiaowen suddenly thought of Kitts. What's more, Kitts also took great efforts to cultivate him, blood nerves, blood of the majesty, which is not a priceless treasure in the awakening stage? But Kitts has been indisputable and still stays in the rare elite stage.

Currently Kitts is in the position to fight the Mongolian Army under Vladimir's command.

I wonder if he was worn by Vladimir in small shoes?

Bai Xiaowen also summoned Kitts directly, no matter how many.

Summon across planes, of course, but it takes more time.

With a blank face, Kitts fell from the whirlpool in the sky. Before he landed, he did not expect to fly spiritually or open his bat wings, and he fell on the horse in vain.

Fortunately, this pain did not matter to him.

"Boss, is there something good?" Kitts rubbed his hands together.

"Well, if there's a good thing, it's up to you if you can't fight it ... eh? Have you improved?"

Bai Xiaowen unexpectedly discovered that Kitts's breath has become a lot stronger and he is already the leader.

"Hey, hey ..." Kitz carefully grinned. "Boss, I don't know what happened. Last month, I did a fight with a Mongolian army food robbing team. After killing a thousand captain, I broke through. Now. "


Bai Xiaowen snorted in his nostril. Although he was quite satisfied, this guy Kitz couldn't have a good face towards him, so he had to strictly ask for it, otherwise the tail of the cargo could go up.

"What is Vladimir doing to you?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"At the beginning, I was quite indifferent and didn't care much about me. But after I broke through, Lao Fu became a lot more enthusiastic. He asked me warmly, so I didn't get used to it." Kitts said honestly.

Bai Xiaowen smiled. He knew exactly what Vladimir was thinking.

Kitts was Bai Xiaowen's first relative in the blood. When choosing the leader of the ethnic group, Kitts was too disappointed, but he was a rare elite and could not meet the conditions. Therefore, Vladimir's position as the blood king was obtained.

Now that Kitts has broken through the leader himself, will Bai Xiaowen adjust the position of the Blood King? Will Vladimir's power be recovered and given to Kitts?

If Bai Xiaowen did this, Vladimir would be on duty under Kitts and the master and servant would switch.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaowen has the power to kill and kill them. Vladimir has no ability to oppose it. No matter what decisions he makes, he has to obey.

Therefore, Vladimir will have a relationship with Kitts in advance and change his previous cold attitude.

Bai Xiaowen actually didn't want to change.

On the one hand, when the blood king was changed, in the process of recovering Vladimir's power, those blood slaves under his control would die. A considerable part of them were members of the court of Shao Dingfang. The collective violent incident would easily make Song Ting panic. On the other hand, Kitts is not well-suited for this special post of Blood King.

"Boss, you see that I have become a leader now, can I follow you?" Kitts said, "In fact, I told Lao Fu that I'm not interested in the position of the Blood King, how can I follow my boss? Shutan? He just doesn't believe ... "

Bai Xiaowen smiled: "Okay, I can let you follow me, but you have to pass the test."

"Test?" Kitts instinctively felt bad.

"Look at your potential." Bai Xiaowen grinned, spit out a mass of dark death-like power in the palm of his hand, and smashed into Kitts' heart.

Kitts was pitted by Bai Xiaowen ~ ~ Unprepared, he ushered in the first wave of pain infused with the power of death, and quickly became grinning.

This pain of infused power does not work on the body, but on the soul level.

Therefore, undead creatures are not immune to this painful process of transformation.

Bai Xiaowen just poured 50 deaths into Kitts. Anyway, one-time infusion is the same as batch infusion, and the tolerance will not be enhanced by the slow infusion in batches.

Jackie Chan into the worm depends on his own good fortune.

As Kitz rolled around, suddenly Bai Xiaowen's thousands of miles passed the note, and there was a movement.

As soon as Bai Xiaowen's heart moved, he chose to accept the communication.

The light flashed on the spell, and Han Xu's half-length ghost appeared.

"Old Han, why are you here?" Bai Xiaowen was surprised. The thousands of miles of note cannot be cross-border communication, can be connected, indicating that Han Xu has reached the Dark Age plane.