The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1805: Calculation and Breakthrough

"The old man is willing to join the White Phoenix Colleague. From then on, Master Lu Wang looks forward to it and begs for inclusion!"

Fu Jing fell to his knees, how sincere and sincere he was.

"Get up, don't bring the Datang collar to Bai Huang collar ..." Bai Xiaowen said mildly, "As long as you are loyal to Bai Huang collar and show enough ability, Bai Huang collar will not treat you badly. "

Bai Xiaowen reached out and patted Fu Jing's shoulder lightly. He retracted the restraint of Fu Jing's death, and at the same time turned away the residual thunder entangled in Fu Jing's old wound.

Fu Jing shuddered, feeling like a big stone blocked by his chest was removed, and his own spiritual power could finally resume operation.

There are many reasons for Fu Jing's fear of Bai Xiaowen, and this death force that imprisoned him is very important. Fu Jing has never seen such a terrible energy. No matter how hard he tried, this black energy stayed still. Fu Jing managed to condense out, tried to break the imprisoned spirit, and swallowed it all.

Because of this, Fu Jing has been unable to repair the old injury during this time.

Now, Bai Xiaowen not only took away the imprisonment, but also eliminated Lei Jin. Fu Jing didn't need to expend his energy to expel Lei Jin from the old wounded. All that was left was a purely physical injury. Of course, he would recover soon.

Bai Xiaowen handed an elixir to Fu Jing, who did not hesitate to swallow it.

Between several breaths, the medicine power diverged, and Fu Jing's pale complexion returned to ruddy at a speed visible to the naked eye. Touching the old injury on the back again, it turned out that she was already crusted.

"Thank you Lord for your medicine!" Fu Jing thanked him, and fell down again.

Bai Xiaowen frowned, but no longer blame Fu Jing. Fu Jing has been accustomed to false performances and courtesy for so many years in the Great Tang collar. It is not easy to change all at once, as long as he is careful not to let him break the atmosphere of Bai Huang collar.

With spiritual power, Fu Jing shook his body, and his beard and dirt on his body fell off. Except that the clothes are slightly worn out, the whole person has recovered a little spirit of the magical spirit.

"Master, what's the matter, please show me that old age will do his best to complete it."

Bai Xiaowen said, "Fu Jing, the first plane you came to is called the Dark Age. I ask you, is it convenient for you to find someone or to find things?"

Fu Jing replied: "Lord Lord, I ’ve just arrived in the old age, and I do n’t know much about this plane, so my ability to predict is worse than when I was in Star Alliance. As for finding people and things, of course it is easier to find things Because there are too many people involved. "

Bai Xiaowen also did not care about the ambush in Fu Jing's words. Anyway, this old guy must perform well and win a vote of sufficient weight, not afraid that he will not contribute.

"Okay. Higglifa, bring it."

Higglifa agreed, and brought a belt-shaped storage device to Fu Jing.

This storage appliance, which looks like a "storage belt", is actually just a storage ring, but as a storage ring for the tyrant Nibroz, it must be larger than the regular size N.

"Fu Jing, the owner of this storage device is dead. I now need to find its corresponding storage space and the coincident position of this plane world." Bai Xiaowen said.

Fu Jing nodded, then hesitated and said, "Lord Lord, who is this guy left behind? Old people need to know each other as much as possible."

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand, and a true power turned into an illusion, which turned into the demon body of the tyrant Nebroz.

"This is a god-class demon ..." Bai Xiaowen briefly introduced.

"Mumbling," Fu Jing swallowed a sip of saliva, and he was terrified even when he was frightened.

The surprise was that Lord Lu Wang was able to kill the deities, which was incredible.

The bitterness is that with regard to the divine origin, even the dead one, the prophecy spells are very tricky. To take this job, I am afraid that I have to explain my fate.

However, the new lord can kill the deities, and this strength is even more firm. I don't hold such a thick leg, I regret it all my life. In the future, I will be in the Baihuang collar, whether to be a celebrity who is being trusted or to be marginalized in the corner, depending on this wave.

"Lord Lord, it matters a lot. I want to bathe incense and calmly calculate without interference." Fu Jing bowed.

"Yes, but give me a result as soon as possible ..." Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and let Higdelif settle down and settle down.

After Fu Jing left, Bai Xiaowen also stepped into the quiet room and continued to study the first page of the black book, the mysterious green light polyhedron in the dark space, summed up the rules of symbolic connection in trial and error, and connected them in series to form a complete Lines.

The super brain plays a powerful role in this process. Others might have been drowned in this endless number of symbols and permutations and combinations, but Bai Xiaowen relies on his super brain to ensure that he does not make repeated mistakes and quickly obtains the rules of symbol combinations.

Soon, Bai Xiaowen successfully traced the first line of the polyhedron, and most of the power of death was consumed.

Bai Xiaowen did not continue to describe for the time being. He turned out of the black book space and returned to the sea. He wanted to try whether the "epiphany" bonus effect of the black book symbol was stable.

Without disappointing Bai Xiaowen, as soon as the spiritual consciousness exited the black book space, he had a feeling of epiphany again.

Bai Xiaowen immediately opened the second professional book-Taixu Jing, and studied it with meditation.

The reason why I chose "Tai Xu Jing" is because the "Taigong Jingfa" does not appear in the next part of the content. If you want to advance to level 17, you can't start. Instead, you might start with "Tai Xu Jing".

In addition, "Tai Xu Jing" is the most obvious for Bai Xiaowen's personal combat power bonus. In preparation for what his father Bai Yuantang called "the place of origin", Bai Xiaowen must also focus on the "Tai Xu Jing".

If in the place of origin, as in the spirit world, the territorial army cannot be summoned, Bai Xiaowen is bound to compete on his own strength.

Don't prepare now, and then complain about unfairness to the governor of evolution, what's the use?

When studying the Taixu Jing, Bai Xiaowen deeply felt the role of the black book, and seemed to make his understanding of the origin of the entire world clearer. This is different from the perception of the photosphere.

This also means that the epistemic knowledge provided by the black book does not conflict with the role of the perception of the photosphere to enhance the comprehension ability.

Bai Xiaowen felt that his understanding of "Tai Xu Jing" has also accelerated a lot. He simply gambled and used a divine-level perception light ball directly and extravagantly.

Anyway, after completing the mission of the savior's deities, Bai Xiaowen won a total of three divine-level perception balls. I ’ve used one of the worst “Protoss 6C-grades” before, and now it ’s okay to use a medium “Protoss 5B”, anyway, the last and most precious “Prosper 6S + Feel the light ball spare.

The effect of the Divine Level 5B perception light ball is amazing.

It seems that there is a powerful person possessing a state many times higher than himself, and it seems that he has become a powerful person. When reading the classics, Bai Xiaowen even had an inexplicable familiarity, as if the Taixujing was written by himself, and studying it was like reviewing his reading notes.

Superimposed with the black book's epiphany, Bai Xiaowen directly pushed the Taixu Jing to the fifth level, and he was still moving to a higher level.

It is a pity that the black book has a limited time for epiphany, and it also has a limited time for comprehending the light ball.

In the end, Bai Xiaowen failed to make a continuous breakthrough. His second professional classics remained at the fifth floor-but it was not far from the sixth floor, and it seemed to be only separated by a layer of window paper.

Of course, this is just an illusion. When you really try to break through, the realm of the sixth floor is like a mirage.

"That's enough ..." Bai Xiaowen got up and moved his limbs.

If there is another synchronous blessing of the black book and divine-level perception of the light ball, it should be able to break through the sixth layer. However, Bai Xiaowen didn't want to spend the price of a divine-level light ball to be promoted to the sixth floor, and to break through two consecutive layers, it will inevitably have some negative factors that affect his future.

With the help of the black book, it is better to practice slowly, accumulate a lot, and step on the sixth floor steadily.

The last remaining divine-grade photosphere can be used when you want to advance to a higher level evolutionary.

Bai Xiaowen took a look at the information coming from the rules of the spirit world.

"Thanks to the breakthrough of the second professional classic" Tai Xu Jing ", your body has been tempered."

"Increase your strength, agility, and physique by 15 points. Increase your spirit by 25 points."

"Your true power limit is increased by 400 points."

"Your special specialization: Mastery of Psionics rises to Expert Level 3."

"You have a new understanding of the branch of Immortality: The Method of Ascension."

"You have a new understanding of the branch of immortality: the method of nourishing qi."

"You're right ..."

The last news is all about the "three cultivation and three refining" branches of the six immortals, each of which has obtained some new content.

The most important one is the branch of fairy magic: Alchemy, Bai Xiaowen obtained three intermediate-level fairy magic maps, called "Star Warrior Fairy", "Blue Wizard Fairy" and "Wanjian Fairy Magic", each with its own magical effect .

It is now Level 16 of the Tai Gong Bing Fa and Level 15 of the Tai Xu Jing. Bai Xiaowen ’s personal strength has also increased greatly.

178 points in strength, 185 points in agility, 185 points in constitution, 216 points in spirit.

The basic attribute represents physical strength and is an important physical means by which the evolutionary can exert his combat power, so each upgrade will be strengthened.

True Elemental Power, increased to 4600 points.

This is a qualitative change. For high-level king-level demons, the upper limit of spiritual power is about four or five thousand points. Next, Bai Xiaowen can use the darkness to resurrect, and pull up a high-level king-level demonic powerhouse to serve himself.

Bai Xiaowen pushed out the door, and it was Yuelang Xingxian outside.

Higglifa has been faithfully guarding the side, seeing Bai Xiaowen appear, bowed and said, "Congratulations to the master to a higher level."

"Delifa, is Chinese literature good ..." Bai Xiaowen smiled. "Can you see that I broke through?"

Higdari said: "Although the master's breath is well covered, the spirit of spirit in the eyes has changed significantly."

Bai Xiaowen knew that this was an inevitable physical reaction after his spirit broke through the 200 mark. Including increased physical strength, agility and other attributes, you can fully adapt in a day or two.

"Where is Fu Jing?" Bai Xiaowen asked the most concerned question.

"He has finished his calculations and is waiting for the call of his master."

"Let him come ... by the way, please also invite Brother Xia." Bai Xiaowen's spirit was refreshed. Fu Jing did not take too long to calculate the results this time, which provided enough preparation for Bai Xiaowen.

In the new Silver City Hall, Bai Xiaowen received Fu Jing while practicing amulets.

"... the result of the old calculations, Lord Lord." Fu Jing coughed again and again, his face was pale and papery, and his breath was a bit weak.

Obviously, spying on the heavenly machine is inherently risky. It is related to a dead deities and the remains of some of the deaths. Such a large relationship makes Fu Jing spray a few mouthfuls of blood. It is not bad to let him die. Already.

"Very good," looking at the map, Fu Jing tremble marked a place, Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly, "If your calculation is accurate, I will not only absorb you into the White Phoenix collar, but I will reuse you and provide you with Sufficient training resources. "

"Thank you Lord Lord, your subordinates must be loyal and dedicated to report the Lord Lord's generosity and kindness ..." Fu Jing once again "grateful."

Bai Xiaowen waved and said to Xia Feng, "Brother Xia, you should take a trip in accordance with the location on the map. I estimate that the Purple Shadow gang should not arrive in front of you. After arriving at the place, you can lurk and watch, don't act rashly . "

Xia Feng nodded slightly. He understood that Bai Xiaowen sent himself, just to make an eye at the target location.

For someone else, Bai Xiaowen may feel overkill. Xia Feng didn't have this kind of extra thoughts, he just split his hands and turned into a ripple of space and disappeared in place.

Bai Xiaowen continued to command: "Higedley Law, immediately rectify the army, ready to set out. In addition, please ask Roschel's crow to come over and tell him that it is time to complete the agreement ..."

Sigridari was ordered to go away ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen continued to make immortals in the hall.

Watching Bai Xiaowen while giving orders, while leisurely refining fairy charms, Fu Jing aside, his eyes were almost startled.

Hua Xia's amulet is very mysterious to the average person, but Fu Jing has a wide range of knowledge and understanding. Even he himself has learned some tricks to practice amulets.

The amulet should pay attention to meditation, and if the whole amulet is accidentally broken, it will collapse and become waste. The spell that Bai Xiaowen is refining now is by no means a simple charm.

So the question is, how did Bai Xiaowen make it so easy? Not afraid of distractions?

Unable to understand, Fu Jing is even more awed by this mysterious new BOSS.

He thought to himself, Lord Lv Wang didn't seem to like Fengying to shoot horses. Should he change his work idea?

Not to mention Fu Jing's thoughts, outside the hall, a magic fire crow flew quietly.

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