The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1811: Interrogation

New Silver City.

In front of Bai Xiaowen, Red Shadow and Blue Shadow were **** by chains and kneeled under the steps.

As for the gray shadow that was finally caught, he is currently in a severely injured state, paralyzed from a high position, and was temporarily stopped by a group of demons with magic fire burning moxibustion to save a life, so he is not in the temple.

"Take off their masks."

Following Bai Xiaowen's order, the masks of Chiying and Lanying were taken off by two demon leaders, revealing their faces.

Both Bai Xiaowen and Xia Feng can see their true faces. These two people have obvious white characteristics and are not too old. Maybe it is because they know that the situation is not good, both of them are pale, and they do not know what kind of torture they will face.

"What's your name?" Bai Xiaowen intends to start with these ordinary problems. First, he must dissolve the other's alertness. As long as the two of them speak, and follow up slowly, they will be much easier to handle.

"Job ..." The young man in the red robe hesitated and said a simplified name, "His name is Jobs ..."

Bai Xiaowen smiled: "This is just your first name, what is your last name? What is your origin at Xinglian?"

Young Job in a low voice whispered: "I was originally a member of Bao Zanling, a little-known little territories, not of any origin ..."

"Bao Zhan led?" Bai Xiaowen didn't have much impression of this fifth-ranked or even lower ranking. But there is no meaning to understand deeply, because this young man named Job must not have much to do with Bao Zanling.

Shallow water ponds can't raise big fish. This Job's strength is the lord level. How could he live in a small territory that is weaker than the Tang dynasty?

"Which territory did you join after you broke away from Bao Zan?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Job didn't want to say anything, but when he saw Bai Xiaowen's questioning urgently, he also had to say, "It's Mister."

Bai Xiaowen frowned, and the territory had never heard of it.

"Lord Mister, which large organization does Star Alliance belong to?"


Bai Xiaowen was a bit surprised. He had some dealings with Shenting and Pan-Asian organizations, but the third-largest organization, the Plenary Session, has not had any disputes. Why did Puzhao come to the Dark Age plane and grab the bones of death from himself?

Xia Feng on the side said: "The Puppet Association is a loose organization, much looser than that of Shenting and Pan-Asia. This Mister domain is only one of the middle-level territories and cannot represent the will of the Puppet Association's high-level core territory.

Bai Xiaowen instantly understood that it seemed that Mister collar was only using the Puppet Association as a hidden bunker.

In fact, Bai Xiaowen also considered allowing Bai Huangling to join a large organization and maintain a certain degree of independence in it to develop slowly. However, since the appearance of Bai Huangling at the Star Alliance, he has been followed by Datang collars. The subsequent series of wars have also left Bai Huangling with low-key conditions.

"Both of you, and the remaining five teammates, are all members of Mister Lead?" Bai Xiaowen then asked.

"... Yes," Job hesitated.

Bai Xiaowen could see Job's breath changing. Although hesitant, what he said was true.

"Last question. If you answer honestly, I can let you go."

Bai Xiaowen stood up, "What is the purpose of the oracle behind you to rob you of the bones of the **** of death?"

There was a hint of fear on Job's face: "No ... I don't know."

"It's impossible not to know?" Bai Xiaowen saw that he was lying. "It can also be replaced with two small questions ... What's the name of your deity? Has he ever instructed you to do something after taking the bone of the **** of death?"

"I ... I can't answer you," Job said, looking down.

Bai Xiaowen watched Job's side, and Jobs, wearing a blue robe, sat on his knees without saying a word.

Jobs felt Bai Xiaowen's eyes, his eyelids raised, and said lightly, "Don't waste your efforts, Lu Wang. You can't get any valuable information from us."

"Really, it seems you are quite loyal." Bai Xiaowen's eyes quickly cooled down, "Pull out and chop."

Two demon leaders took Jobs out.

Surprisingly, Jobs was still a hard bone, and when he was taken out, he didn't even ask for mercy.

However, hard bones are a tricky hedgehog for Bai Xiaowen. He must not show the slightest degree of kindness, which will be understood as weakness.

Within a few minutes, the two demon leaders returned and threw Jobs' head in front of Job.

Job gritted his teeth, his fists clenched tightly, and his body was shaking. He wasn't out of hate but fear.

"I ... I can't say it. My every move, every word and every action, can't escape the control of the great deities ... I signed a blood oath!" Job said sadly, "Lv Wang, you haven't killed me Yes, before telling the news about that deity, I will die directly, even a word ... "

The demon leader responsible for killing Jobs suddenly walked towards Bai Xiaowen, kneeling on one knee, and presented an item.

"Is this ... a scroll?"

Bai Xiaowen took the scroll, and the eyes of evolution swept.

[Mysterious Invitation: Send the user to an unknown mysterious place. 】

On the side of the scroll, there is a line of small print, written in demonic language.

Bai Xiaowen already had a certain grasp of the demon language at this time, and he translated the text at a glance.

[Want my wealth ... Come on! I put everything there, and only the bravest, smartest, and strongest person is eligible to inherit my legacy! 】

Bai Xiaowen's mind suddenly stunned.

"All wealth ... only one person can inherit it ..."

Bai Xiaowen chewed the two lines of demon words and suddenly said, "This is the ticket to the place of origin ?!"

Xia Feng said suddenly: "Where did it originate?"

Bai Xiaowen couldn't answer Xia Feng, staring hard at the young Job in the red robe.

The latter was half shocked and astonished. At that moment, the change in look was directly captured by Bai Xiaowen.

"I don't understand what you're talking about ..." Job noticed Bai Xiaowen's stare and said, looking down.

"Oh, combined with your micro-expression analysis, you should understand at least half of it," Bai Xiaowen said slowly. "You understand at least the word ticket ... as for the name of the place of origin, there are many other titles Maybe it ’s called differently on your side. However, getting this ticket from Jobs shows that most of your organization has a manual copy. "

"I didn't ... I haven't seen any tickets." Job denied it.

Such a weak denial, of course, cannot be concealed from Bai Xiaowen.

"Oh, you don't need to deny it. I think this kind of ticket should be automatically exploded after being killed. Even if my next demon leader killed Jobs and still got the scroll, it is enough to explain this, maybe the ticket can't Put in the storage space, maybe the ticket has the characteristic of 100% drop ... "

"... You are such a devil ..." Job said weakly. "You guessed it all."

Bai Xiaowen reached out and said, "Bring it."

Job lowered his head and said, "I can't give you the ticket on my body ... In addition to being unable to fit in the storage space and dropping 100%, there is another feature ... soul binding."

"Only by killing you can you get tickets?" Bai Xiaowen responded quickly.

Job's head dropped silent, apparently acquiescing to the fact.

"Job, I need two tickets now," Bai Xiaowen's words are mild. "But, including you, there are three captives ... that is, I can save your life and not take your tickets. . But you must give me a reason to do so. "

Job raised his head.

"Tell me all the information you know and can say," Bai Xiaowen said, "As for the secrets that you are not convenient to tell, I can take a speculative approach and bypass your blood oath. The premise is that you To cooperate. "

Job's expression was struggling, which meant that he was actually betraying his oracle.

However, Job is also very clear that he has no choice, but "Lvwang" has choices.

If Job didn't cooperate, "Lv Wang" would go to the old Seven Frobisher, then there was only one way to wait for himself.

However, even if he is determined to betray the oracle, Job is not sure that he can survive-lost the use value, but there is still a ticket on his body, will "Lv Wang" really keep his promise to spare himself? Or just kill and get another ticket?

After all, there aren't too many tickets. Taking away a ticket now is tantamount to cutting out a competitor.

"I'm willing to cooperate ..."

Job whispered.

"A wise choice." Bai Xiaowen smiled and let everyone in the hall except Xia Feng leave.

Job didn't know much about the purpose of snatching the bones of death, etc., which could not be revealed. However, with regard to the "hidden meeting" of the seven-member organization and their boss, Gast Bibby, he still talked about soy beans.

"You mean ... At that time, Gast Bibby was favored by a deity and became the first voter; then Gast was again looking for evolutionaries in the Star Alliance and developing new voters, and you are one of them ? "

Job whispered, "Yes, I was only an elite evolver at the time. I don't know why Boss Gust came to me and gave me the opportunity to receive the blessing of the god. My strength rose directly to the lord But in the future, he must also obey the orders of the oracles and follow the actions of Boss Gast. "

"From elite to lord ..."

Xiaowen Bai thought for a while and said, "There are two possibilities. First, Gast or the god, has some ability to see potential evolutionaries, so I found you to instill. Second, you are A lucky one. Judging by some of my immature experience, you are most likely the second case. "

Bai Xiaowen once perfused the summoned creatures with the power of death. The principle should be similar to Job's growth.

There are indeed summoning creatures with a large span of power, but the proportion is small. Many of the summoned creatures cannot withstand the infusion of divine power and explode, but they all have the face of death as the foundation, and they will be resurrected after a period of time without substantial loss.

If the test object is an evolutionary one, naturally there is no ability to resurrect.

However, after all, the infusion of divine power is an authentic deity, and the potential of the evolver is more powerful than summoning creatures. It is not impossible for Job to evolve directly from the elite to the lord level, that is, the success rate is relatively low. Job is a luckier numerator, and he may have scored dozens or hundreds of denominators before him.

This is also relatively easy to explain, why the Mister collar has always been infamous, and why Job's origin is only such a weak place as Bao Zan.

Gast Bibby didn't want to attract too much attention. With such a large template promotion, it will inevitably become the focus of the entire Star Alliance; therefore, when Gast chose the "experimental product", he also chose the weaker territories. The eye-catching evolutionary will never look for a rising star in the large territory, so as not to cause unnecessary attention.

Bai Xiaowen then used speculative questions to confirm some other secrets about the deities.

Job closed his mouth tightly, and did not dare to utter a word. He could only use his eyes to confirm whether Bai Xiaowen's guess was correct.

Blinking means nodding, which is correct; turning your eyes left and right means shaking your head, which is wrong.

It needs to be explained that the evolver has strong control over organs such as the eyelids, and will not have the problem of "acidity if the eyes are not blinked for three days and three nights".

"Is your deity called Amotava?"

Turn your eyes left and right.

"Have the image been revealed to the oracle? Is it a Hydra?"

Turn your eyes left and right.

"Capturing the bones of the **** of death was the order given by your deities through Gast?"


"Your tickets were given directly by the oracle?"


"Don't the gods let you go to the place of origin?

This question made Job pause. He neither blinked nor turned his eyes.

Xia Feng could have listened to God, and saw that Job had no response and was a little surprised.

"not good!"

Bai Xiaowen suddenly launched the transposition of Taoism, hiding behind Xia Feng.

In the next second, Job's head burst like a watermelon dropped by a sledgehammer, and the stinky blood spattered around, leaving a few blood marks on the ground ~ ~ The blood seemed to be strongly corrosive On the silver ground of the main hall, there was left cymbal smoke.

The blood splattered extremely fast, a bit like a hidden weapon thrown by a master of hidden weapons. There were three bloodstains, and the laser shot towards Xia Feng.

Xia Feng could have avoided it, but Bai Xiaowen hid behind him. He can only give up the power of launching space, and instead use the symbiosis of artifact to defend.

Three pieces of armor were exposed from Xia Feng's chest, legs, and face. The blood fell on the armor sheet and rolled out without causing damage.

"He's dead?" Xia Feng quickly realized that he was talking nonsense, "You have a quick response."

Bai Xiaowen smiled without any embarrassment.

"The **** behind him is really fierce." Xia Feng said.

"Don't sigh ..." Bai Xiaowen sighed. "Brother Xia, there is a **** of truth behind you."

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