The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1831: Antah, ancient kingdom

With this old voice, a pale phantom appeared at Yongdaokou.

This is an image of an old man with white hair, which is composed of pure spiritual energy and does not have any substance.

"Master, are you human like you?" Sieglifa said with some uncertainty.

At the time of saying this, Siegdelifa had already treated himself as a person.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said: "It's just a mental ghost. What you want to turn into is what it looks like. The other party should do this to hope to get closer to us and communicate better."

Both of them transmitted voice through the soul link, but the old man seemed to be aware and smiled and said: "Hello, outsider. I am the guardian of the Antah kingdom, my kingdom has turned into the dust of history- —I have no threat to you. If you want to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Antah, I can help you. ”

Bai Xiaowen is interested.

As a planet of origin, Xuan Bingxing actually exists in an ancient kingdom! Does this represent other planets of origin, and there may also be remains of ancient kingdoms?

These ancient kingdoms should have come from the prosperous times of the gods. From their ruins, many secrets about the gods, even the secrets of the place of origin, can be discovered.

"How do you call it? Is it the King of Antah?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

The old man shook his head with a hint of silence: "I am not a king, nor any minister of auxiliary affairs ... I am not a ghost after the death of a single person, but sleeping on the bottom of this Hailan star, thousands of antas A representative of the Hittite mind. You just call me Antah. "

The old man Antah slowly drifted forward, followed by Bai Xiaowen.

Antah introduced slowly while floating.

This planet, once called Hailan Star, believed in Neptune.

At that time, the surface of Hailanxing's astral body was covered with sea water. The deep sea kingdom Antah can enjoy the rich oceans and rich civilizations, which has developed a unique road to the strong, and the use of spiritual power has reached its peak.

However, at the end of the Second Age, the war between the gods destroyed all this. The Kingdom of Antah was imprisoned by a powerful deity, and the vast oceans were frozen and turned into endless ice, and the entire Hailan Star also became a black ice planet.

This is where Antah ’s once undersea king city was located. Today, countless Antah people have fallen into sleep forever under extreme ice.

When the scourge of annihilation came, the twelve great sages of Antah used the technology of spiritual resonance to gather the spiritual power of all Antah people to create twelve "caregivers". These twelve caregivers are shaped with spiritual strength as the cornerstone.

The twelve caregivers took turns to watch the Antah Kingdom. They took on the mission of promoting the rejuvenation of the ancient kingdom when the new era came.

When a caregiver wakes up, the other eleven will sleep to save consumption.

At this time, a group of people had already passed through Yongdao.

"This passage looks very short, why did it feel long to me at first?" Bai Xiaowen said doubtfully.

The Antah caregiver said: "The length of this Yongdao in the physical sense is really short, but there are twelve mental barriers in the interior, and the length of the cycle is infinite. If there is no guidance from the caregiver , Ordinary outsiders, no matter how long it takes, will not be able to finish the Yongdao. "

After a pause, the Antah Guardian said again: "However, you are not an ordinary outsider. Even if I don't show up, you can break the mental barrier."

Bai Xiaowen blinked subconsciously.

"Okay, this is where the Antah people sleep ..."

Following the introduction of the Antah caregiver, Bai Xiaowen found himself in a huge underground corridor. There is an icicle in the cloister. Within each icicle, there is a creature with a snake body but a human arm sleeping.

This looks like the giant monster snake at the entrance of Yongdao, but it is much smaller in size, just taller than normal humans.

Needless to say, this is the true image of the Antah people.

"I have a few questions." Bai Xiaowen said.

"Ask, I will tell you without reservation." Antah caregiver said.

Although there were some unexpected Antah caregivers' goodwill, Bai Xiaowen asked questions directly.

"You just introduced that at the end of the Second Age, there was a war between the gods ..." Bai Xiaowen asked, "Can you elaborate, what is the Second Age, and the details of the war between the gods?"

"Don't you know?" Antah's caregiver's phantom face showed a humanized expression of doubt, "Aren't there a Valkyrie Valkyrie around you? Although it is the form of undead resurrected after death, it is indeed It is a high-level warrior who has experienced the war of the gods of the Second Age. She should know more than me. "

The undead is the dead after recovery, another kind of life. Generally speaking, the undead transformed after the death of the strong can retain the memory and personality consciousness during their lifetime.

Just like the black rider song Leah.

Bai Xiaowen couldn't figure out why the Sieglifa became the way it is now. There was no memory of the memories of his lifetime, only a name remained.

Perhaps it is between losing the old and the new, and losing too much memory? After all, the seventh-generation death **** Nigel also knew the full name of Sieglifa. When he arrived at Bai Xiaowen, he only remembered the simple name of "Delifa" at the beginning.

If Bai Xiaowen becomes the eighth-generation Grim Reaper, and there is the ninth-generation Grim Reaper later, maybe even the simple name of "Delifa" can't be kept, becoming a banshee who doesn't know his name.

Despite that, Antah ’s caregivers do n’t have the meaning of going to the bottom ~ ~ He is a collection of spiritual power, without a complete personality, and naturally has no extra emotions such as curiosity .

The Antah caregiver explained: "Our world is divided into three epochs. The legend of the first epoch is the" Genesis Yuan ". The Almighty Supreme God woke up. He created humanity according to his own image and created many others. The deities, each performing his duties, help him manage the order of the universe. After all this is done, the Almighty Supreme God enters into a deep sleep. "

The Genesis God's sleep is old.

Bai Xiaowen had such a thought in his mind.

The Antah caregiver continued: "So, the second era, the era of the gods began. The deity created by the Almighty Supreme God was initially a perfect creature without any dust, no greed, jealousy and other negative emotions. , Can well manage the universe left by the Almighty Supreme God. The Supreme God only gives them an emotion, which is a strong curiosity and curiosity ... "

"I'm afraid it's going to be bad." Bai Xiaowen said.


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