The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 204: Training mode (two in one)

The large LCD screen lights up again.

Yan Xiaoxin said: "The CUAA league will start the qualifying match in two months. Our Jinghai base city belongs to the" Jianghai Division ". There are two qualifying places, but there are six universities competing. These video materials I got, That's the information of the ace members of the other five universities. "

On the big screen, there appeared a handsome young man wearing a sky blue uniform.

Yan Xiaoxin introduced: "This is the trump card of Jiangnan University, Qi Ruifeng. Last year, Jiangnan University was able to make it into the top four, and he definitely contributed."

In the video, Qi Ruifeng held a war stick and faced the siege of the three opponents without any panic. When the tip of the stick was picked, he hit an enemy's chin and provoked the opponent with a vicious back fall!

The enemy who may be hit is not happy with the health, and the damage caused by the back fall ignores the extra defense, and kills him on the spot. Moreover, the shock caused by the back fall skill also shocked the other two people at the same time.

Qi Ruifeng has a layer of light blue aperture on her body. I don't know what gain effect is triggered. He patiently dealt with the other two, showing super high fighting skills and equipment skills.

Just ten seconds later, Qi Ruifeng found another chance, fell back again, the war stick was picked out, and another blue enemy flashed on the ground behind him. Qi Ruifeng's body once again had a light blue aperture.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ruifeng raised his right hand, the fiery flame energy condensed, and a huge fireball flew out, engulfing the enemy who fell to the ground, and killed it again!

The last remaining enemy naturally did not have any threat to Qi Ruifeng.

Yan Xiaoxin paused the video and said, "Qi Ruifeng's strength is very tyrannical. Last year, he was already a Hero Professional 5th level. This game was his last 16 games of last year. At that time, all his four teammates were killed and the enemy was left. The next three, two of them are basically intact ... but as you can see, Qi Ruifeng picked three and led the team to the semifinals. "

"What is his special awakener, how does he feel that he will throw throws and fireballs, and he is very powerful." Chen Guowei raised his hand and asked.

"Qi Ruifeng is a spiritual specialty, his career is a 'War Mage', a hero template." Yan Xiaoxin said.

"Spiritual ability? Then his throwing skills can still pass the judgement?" Bai Xiaowen was a little puzzled, "Does it say that this is his professional characteristics?"

Yan Xiaoxin nodded: "His professional passive ability includes two points. First, all throwing skills are based on spirit, and the probability and damage are calculated. Second, each successful throwing skill can give himself Adding a 'Vietnam Warring Stronger' buff can increase your spirit by 10% and stack up to 3 levels. "

Bai Xiaowen understood and nodded, "It's really strong."

[Back fall] is only a low-star skill, with a short cooling time and low mental energy.

Qi Ruifeng, as a hero class, chose [Back Fall] to quickly stack up the "Passive and Stronger" professional passives-so that combat skills are basically useful, and it does n’t matter if the star rating is low, as long as you choose the right one With the combination of skills, you can play a powerful effect of one plus one greater than two.

When the passive stacks up to 3 layers, a 30% increase in fireball will be used to teach opponents to be human. What's more, the opponent is under the hard control of the throwing skills. There is no way to dodge or defend, only face. Catch fireball.

Chen Guowei said: "We still have such awesome figures in the competition area, and it is no wonder that Jiangnan University has secured a qualifying place. Several other universities, shouldn't there be such cruel people?"

Yan Xiaoxin shook his head and said, "Last year, only Jiangnan University in Jianghai Division had a heroic career. Five other universities, including our Jinghai University, did not ... but this year will be different."

"Yes, our school also has a hero career." Chen Guowei laughed.

Yan Xiaoxin shook his head again: "Not only our school ... Jinling University also has a hero career."


Yan Xiaoxin clicked on the second video. In the picture is a slightly thin and pale boy.

"This person is called Jiang Yi," Yan Xiaoxin said with emotion. "He was a college entrance examination two years ago. At that time he was not an awakened person, and his grades were average. In the end, he lost a few points and failed to enter Jinghai University. Slightly worse than the combat department of Jinling University. Until last year, his total attributes reached 20 points, reaching the threshold of quasi-awakening. "

"However, after the test of the spirit world, Jiang Yi was surprised everyone ... he was promoted to become a hero. Fortunately, Jinling University had lost its qualification to participate in the CUAA league at that time. Jiang Yi ’s heroes were useless. It did not impact us at Jinghai University. "

Yan Xiaoxin also said: "Of course, last year, Jiang Yi was only a hero 1st class. Although the potential is very strong, but the combat power is not strong, even if the competition is not a big problem. This year is different. According to what I searched Intelligence, Jiang Yi is already a 3rd-level hero profession and is growing fast. "

Yan Xiaoxin did not find Jiang Yi's fighting video, only a recent interview video.

——Mr. Jiang Yi, can Jinling University get the right to qualify for the Jianghai Division of the CUAA League this year?

Jiang Yi: "No, but I will try my best."

A middle-aged man next to him added with a smile: "Jiang Yi's strength is unquestionable, but unfortunately, the other members of Jinling University, compared with the elite of Jinghai University, have some gaps, so the final result is not easy to say."

—— "How does Jiang Yi think that there will be a chance of winning against Jinghai University?"

Jiang Yi thought for a while: "It's 60% or 70%. It depends on play."

—— “Jiang Yi is very confident. This year, Jinghai University also had a heroic professional admission, called Bai Xiaowen, and also won the champion of the strongest college entrance examination in history. Jiang Yi, do you think you are better than Bai Xiaowen, who is better? "

The reporter who asked the question obviously had some picky questions. For them, if there is no news, they have to get the news. Otherwise, there is no explosion point, no selling point, who is willing to click?

Jiang Yi had a smile on his fair face and said, "I think I want to be stronger, and Bai Xiaowen is restrained by me."

The reporter was excited: "Mr. Jiang Yi said, if you meet Bai Xiaowen, are you confident enough to defeat him? Will you be overconfident?"

Jiang Yi nodded slightly, regardless of the look of the middle-aged man next to him: "I just state a fact. There is no need to tell lies in this kind of thing. Excessive humility becomes hypocrisy. To be honest, I especially want to participate again. During the college entrance examination, I tasted the taste of the champion in the college entrance examination. Unfortunately, it was too late for me to wake up. "

The reporter got the selling point he wanted, and was very satisfied, soothing Jiang Yi, for example, something like "big device is late".

At the end of the video, Chen Guowei snorted: "This Jiang Yi is really dragging, and he hasn't played with the old white ... the captain has a fixed look, it's really irritating."

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Being able to transfer to a heroic career shows that he must have great strengths. The professional restraint he said also made me curious."

"Generally speaking, those who refrain from summoning professions are assassin-type, lurking over a critical attack and slamming the summoner. But this Jiang Yi's skinny, bloodless face, really can't see what he has. "Said Chen Guowei.

Yan Xiaoxin said: "Jiang Yi has not participated in the game. The Jinling University team regarded him as a secret weapon, and the information has not been made public, so there is no precise information on occupations and skills ... I just heard that he seems to have a mental strength. type."

"It is estimated that I want to play against the competition when competing for the qualification of the league." Xiang Hui said.

"This kind of confidentiality doesn't make much sense, and everything will be clear after a fight." Bai Xiaowen said, shaking his head. In this age of information, it is impossible for the awakening to keep all his secrets.

Even if Bai Xiaowen, in the fierce competition in the future, it is inevitable to show his own scorching bloodline. The awakened person should continue to work hard, make progress, increase his hole cards, and let the opponent's intelligence and information always lag behind by one beat, in order to gain a head start in the competition.

The next few videos are members of the excellent team from other universities in the Jianghai Division. Although there is no hero occupation, it can also be called a hidden dragon and a tiger. If you compete at the level of the school team led by Liu Fei before, you may not be able to maintain the right to qualify in the Jianghai Division.

After watching these videos, Bai Xiaowen also understood Yan Xiaoxin's thoughts.

What Yan Xiaoxin was most worried about was that Bai Xiaowen led a group of miscellaneous troops to defeat the Liu Fei team, so he succumbed to the CUAA league and developed pride. The few videos she prepared, especially Qi Ruifeng's one-on-three video, were to put pressure on Bai Xiaowen and let him see the strong players in the CUAA league.

However, Yan Xiaoxin still underestimated Bai Xiaowen's pattern.

Even if the CUAA league is rookie, Bai Xiaowen will not stop moving forward. Further away, there are professional leagues, Super Cups, and strong players who can cut off the arm of the flame demon, those are the targets Bai Xiaowen chases.

"In the next few days, the new players will familiarize themselves with the base. Those who have not used the psionics training ground can experience it. The captain will form a formal training table two days later and allocate the time for the psionics training ground. .

Allocating time for psionic training grounds is also a power of the captain.

The base has an exclusive psionic training ground, which is space A-03, which can be used for school team training. Generally speaking, the number of people in A-03 training ground at the same time is about 2 ~ 5 people.

The use of the training ground is divided into batches. After a group of people enters, no one else can enter it until the end of their scheduled time.

Of course, there is a charge for the opening of the training ground. In the training mode, it takes 100 psionic points per hour. If you want to set some special rules, such as changing the terrain, speeding up the mental recovery, speeding up the physical recovery, etc. Both require extra psionic points.

This is just the lowest level psionic training ground. Some high-end psionics training grounds can even set the cooling time to halve, get the powerful effect of combat proficiency, double the skill proficiency, and make training more effective.

Yan Xiaoxin asked to stay and leave.

"It's still early, should we go and experience it first?" Bai Xiaowen asked other people's opinions.

Xiang Hui: "Count me."

Li Shuyi: "I will go too."

Chen Guowei raised his hand: "Go with the same!"

Bai Xiaowen pulled Feng Ziang again: "Senior, you can come too." He said to Han Xu and others, "If we haven't experienced the training mode, let's experience it first."

Of course, Liu Fei, Han Xu and others have no opinion.

Ding Cheng and Yan Jun took the initiative to follow Bai Xiaowen all the way to the light gate of the training ground in the center of the base, explaining to them how to operate the console.

"It's about three hours before lunch, so let's set three hours." Bai Xiaowen adjusted it and was prompted to deduct 300 psionic points.

"The terrain does not need to be changed. The terrain of the gladiatorial field can also be used barely. The mental power is restored to double speed. Do you want to adjust this?" Bai Xiaowen consulted others.

Yan Jun said: "Captain, if you want to practice small skills with a short cooling time, you still need to adjust the mental strength recovery speed. In our training ground, you can set the maximum recovery speed to 3 times! If the skill cooling time is compared Long words ~ ~ The speed of natural recovery of mental power can keep up with the consumption, so there is no need to adjust. "

Li Shuyi said, "Take 3x speed. Two of my three skills are small skills."

Xiang Hui and Chen Guowei also agreed that they are both agile and their speed of recovery is always painful. In contrast, Bai Xiaowen was the least needed.

"Okay." Bai Xiaowen set the speed of mental power recovery to 3 times, and got a hint again: to maintain 3 times of speed for 3 hours, a total of 900 psionic points need to be deducted.

Behind is the speed of physical recovery, several people have no requirements for this.

Bai Xiaowen's grass-like ancient martial arts, however, required a lot of physical energy. However, he hasn't planned to expose the cards of the fiery pedigree, so there is no need to waste psionic points to adjust the speed of physical recovery.

A total of 1200 psionic points were spent. According to the rules of the training mode, the cost is shared by all, and each person spends 240 points.

The dim light gate quickly turned light blue.

"Captain, pay attention to the team when entering, blue light gate team, red light gate team," Ding Cheng reminded, "if five people go in at the same time, it is teammate relationship, there is no proficiency in practice. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded, and after thinking for a while, he grouped.

"Feng Ziang and I went in advanced. When the light gate turned red, the three of you went in."

"Then we will practice each other then, the three of us hit you two?" Chen Guowei asked.

"You practice with my summoned creatures," Bai Xiaowen said of course, "Feng Ziang is responsible for adding blood and shield to the summoning creatures, so that they can be promoted."

Xiang Hui had to admire Bai Xiaowen's mind, how he turned so fast.

Soon, the five were divided into two teams and entered the training mode of the A-03 psionic training ground in batches.