The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 359: Kill 2 獠 (2 in 1)

Wuyingzhan and Shuanglong Flash are the two combat skills that Chen Dong has not been detected!

Chen Dong used [No Shadow Cut] as a trick to get out of trouble, and then used [Double Dragon Flash] to execute the lore, because the Double Dragon Flash itself has a deterrent judgment. Two dragon-shaped vigors will hold the opponent's body in tandem. Make it impossible to dodge.

However, this ambition was defeated.

At the moment of Shuanglong Flash, Li Shuyi suddenly raised her right hand, and an invisible thin line of light was connected to Bai Xiaowen. The next second, Bai Xiaowen's body suddenly disappeared in the slashing spirit of Shuanglong Shuang, and appeared next to Li Shuyi!

Special skills of elite squads, traction!

When the team strengthened the effect of two choices, Bai Xiaowen considered giving up the critical strike rate bonus and also gave up the health bonus, but the only constant is the traction of the active team ability, which is a must.

The ability of this team with a public cooling time of up to 8 hours finally showed its value, and Chen Dongzhi's beheading operation ended in failure.

In fact, before Zhao Zhixiong attacked Bai Xiaowen, Li Shuyi could also use traction skills. However, she and Bai Xiaowen did not expect that Zhao Zhixiong's arrow actually had a penetration effect, and thought that it could be blocked by a skull knife shield, and did not pay enough attention, so they did not use traction.

It was the last lesson that made Li Shuyi firmly remember the importance of traction in her heart. This time, she did not take any more risks, and she directly used her traction skills to return Bai Xiaowen to a safe place.

After Chen Dong was shot down, he did not look back, but fled instead!

Obviously, he gave up Ye Mazi, any **** is not as good as his own life.

Now the situation is clear. The strange Taoist who is good at driving skeleton beasts is very powerful, and the army of the court is encircling, every second is extremely precious! Ye Mazi is in a weak state, and the combat effectiveness has been reduced by half, which is almost a burden.

It would be nice to kill this weird court priest (Bai Xiaowen) in one blow, but since it failed, there is no reason to stay and fight.

However, when Chen Dong just ran away the first step, a sense of fear was holding his heart, and his steps were all in a panic.

"Da Chen is in charge. You don't care about Ye Mazi? Running this way is not good for your reputation."

Bai Xiaowen sounded a bit ridiculous. After seeing Chen Dong's escape action, he immediately applied the deterrent skill and set it in place. Then a group of summoned creatures rushed forward and continued to encircle.

Although Chen Dong has the leader skill "Pirate Flag Master lv2" that reduces the control duration by 40%, his mental strength is low, and the duration of the deterrent effect will be extended accordingly. In this way, the final control time is still 3 seconds, which is enough for angry claws to wait for the summoning creature to enclose again.

Chen Dong was so angry that he shouted to Bai Xiaowen: "Mavericks nose, do you really want to kill everything?"

Bai Xiaowen sneered at the corner of his mouth, "a person like you should never have been alive."

During the period of the Jiajing Plane World, in Quanzhou City, Bai Xiaowen had seen the tragic situation after being looted. Large households can also abandon their belongings and escape from the secret road in advance, but ordinary ordinary people can only become slaughtered The lamb, the pirates, commits adultery, and does nothing evil.

In the Jiajing plane world, only 30% of the true eunuchs and 70% of the false eunuchs.

From Bai Xiaowen's point of view, Zhen Zhen is damned. And those who are originally Chinese people and the same roots should pretend to be pirates, and in turn plunder their compatriots' fake pimple, it is even more worthy.

In other cases, Bai Xiaowen will still give some respect to such a senior leader and general leader of small forces as Chen Dong. But for the "pirate" Chen Dong, Bai Xiaowen has no respect at all.

A thunderstrike fell through the air, and Chen Dong waved his sword, and then two skeleton sword shields rushed forward, slamming two shields up. Although Chen Dong wasn't shot backwards, he also gave him a slight stature.

Li Shuyi gave up Ye Mazi, turned on the enhanced lv4 acceleration effect attached to the shoes, and used the brutal collision skills to enter the field. A fierce impact knocked Chen Dong back a short distance.

Then came the outburst of angry claws. [Howling] After applying all the gains, a swoop pounced and knocked Chen Dong, who was in an imbalanced state, to the ground, tearing the two front paws frantically and splashing blood.

During the 1.5 second duration of the suppression effect (subject to Chen Dong ’s Pirate Flag Master lv2 skill reduction), a group of summoned creatures, including Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi, began to output crazy!

After the suppression time was over, Chen Dong's numbness disappeared, and when his energy spit out his angry claws, he turned over and climbed up. However, Bai Xiaowen's spell switching-Confused Heart Charm has been waiting for a long time. Under the calculation of Bai Xiaowen's accuracy to 0.1 seconds, the time was stuck and the spell hit Chen Dong, and it was again stunned for 2 seconds. Dizziness!

Chen Dong was already injured, and his health was only over 500 points. Now, he was hung with several layers of bleeding effects, and his health was less than two hundred!

As an agile boss, Chen Dong's strength value does not have an overwhelming advantage. In addition to the "shadow without a shadow" just launched, he can escape from the siege by shadow, but he does not have the means to escape from the siege.

If it is a power-type boss, after being surrounded by the group, you can also use the powerful strength value to summon creatures to fly, knock back, and open a path.

Chen Dong can only abandon the idea of ​​running away and attack with all his strength, trying to cause more and more fatal damage to the enemy before falling, which is also the last fierceness of his accumulated year-long pirate. Almost all his swords stabbed at Li Shuyi, attacking others, regardless of the attack.

However, Li Shuyi's body surface shimmered, it turned out to be illusory. Chen Dong pierced several swords and stabbed the target, but the feeling came was an empty forcelessness, like a stab in The same in the air.

On the other hand, Li Shuyi speeded the speed to the extreme, and the two swords were handed out almost intermittently, like a precise textile machine action, with the light of the flame of the dance of demon fire, constantly causing damage to Chen Dong.

This form of blurring is, of course, due to Li Shuyi's newly acquired gold equipment, the ring of nothingness. Within 5 seconds after opening, it has a forced dodge rate of up to 99% against physical attacks or skills with priority level 7 (including 7)!

In these five seconds, Li Shuyi faced the physical output type boss, which was almost invincible. She didn't have to worry about defense at all, and she was able to output with all her strength.

There is no need to worry about defense, it will not be affected by Chen Dong's "Fighting Sword Technique" routine, and the attack speed will not be reduced.

After accumulating the "Mark of Thunder" effect for 5 more layers of critical strikes, Li Shuyi directly chose to detonate along with the cumulative fire damage of "Dancing of the Demon Fire"! On Chen Dong's head, a terrible mixed damage value of more than a hundred points suddenly appeared!

At this time, a split wound skill of the angry claw also hit Chen Dong, which exactly triggered the extra crit chance of Blood Rage.

Chen Dong's health value quickly fell to 1/750 points, and Tong Tong fell to the ground with a sigh of blood and coughed.

"I ... died here ..."

"I'm not interested in listening to your last words, let's die." Bai Xiaowen shot Chen Dong's eyebrows with a shot.

Chen Dongmei's heart splashed with bleeding flowers and fell to the ground. An unfinished last word had only half the time to say: "I only blame the court forbidden the sea, I was forced ..."

Bai Xiaowen quickly ordered the summoned creature to siege Ye Ma. After Li Shuyi turned her target to Chen Dong, only the suture monster was entangled in Ye Mazi, and ate Ye Mazi several times, and her life value plummeted to nearly 300 points.

Fortunately, the strange life of the suspicious fat boy is long, coupled with Ye Mazi's attack power and attack speed are greatly reduced, otherwise it is impossible for the fat boy to support the 7th-power boss Ye Mazi onslaught.

After Chen Dong's death, Ye Mazi became even more passive. The original strength of this guy is as high as 70, which is very daunting, which means that melee creatures such as the skull knife shield hand, stitching monsters, etc., it is difficult to maintain the formation and get stuck.

But Ye Mazi is in a state of weakness, like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and the biggest threat has been weakened a lot. Several summoned creatures took turns carrying Ye Mazi's attack, which was not very difficult.

Ye Mazi's agility is weak. In the case of siege, his dodging ability is much worse than that of Chen Dong. He is hit frequently, and his health value also explodes.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Mazi's "Feisha" skill is relatively rogue, the blinding time is as long as 10 seconds, and the cooling time is very short. Li Shuyi, who originally belonged to the main force of the output, was tragically targeted. As soon as Ye Mazi's skill cooldown time came, she immediately cast flying sand to make Li Shuyi blind.

In the state of being blinded, Li Shuyi can continue to attack with her sword, but she can't see the target clearly, it is easy to accidentally hurt her allies, and she is also vulnerable to attack. Therefore, every time she wins the Feisha skill, Li Shuyi has to retreat, wait until the skill is over, and then move forward to attack.

Even without Li Shuyi's output, Bai Xiaowen and the siege of summoned creatures are still quite efficient. In addition, both Bai Xiaowen and the summoned creatures are not afraid of the blinding effect of the flying sand skills. The reason is very simple. The summoned creatures are under the fine control of Bai Xiaowen. They can attack the target without their vision. Once Bai Xiaowen is blinded, he can Switch to the shared vision of the summoned creature and continue to command ...

Soon, Ye Mazi's health was hit below 100 points.

Ye Mazi was bathing in blood, leaping high, holding the knife in his hands, slashing down sharply! A white light flash generally fell, and there were still more than a hundred points of sutured fatty, but the head was chopped off, the blood was overflowing, and the fat body fell to the ground with a sound.

This is Ye Mazi's [Beheading] skill. As long as the death judgment is triggered, the life value is ignored, and the behead is killed.

This is just the reflection of Ye Mazi. Bai Xiaowen has no fluctuations in his heart. He still calmly directs the summoned creature to attack, and leaves Ye Mazi's life value empty.

boom! Ye Mazi's fat body fell to the ground.

In another battlefield, Zhang Ting and other three elite school captains and several elite pirates have also ended their battles. With the help of Bai Xiaowen's deployment and the participation of the vampire Kitts, they have slashed the elite pirates. It is worth mentioning that the attack by Zhang Ting and others did not harm Bai Xiaowen's gains. Several elite pirates also dropped two silver treasure chests.

The final harvest was two gold treasure chests and two silver treasure chests.

The tremor of Jinmen Island became more and more obvious. A large number of warships of the Ming Army have blocked three pirates from the melee in Jinmen Port. In addition, Mingmen ships have approached the four borders of Kinmen Island. Soldier, has begun to land.

"Let's go, it's not the time to open the treasure chest. It's a rare opportunity to kill a few more elites and leaders when the situation is uncertain."

Bai Xiaowen put away four treasure chests and said to Li Shuyi.

Li Shuyi nodded, and the two brought a group of summoned creatures and three school captains, including Zhang Ting, back along the road and killed toward the Golden Gate Port.

On the way, I did encounter a single pirate elite. Needless to say, they all made Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi's ghosts under the gun / sword. Although no treasure chest was dropped, the psionic points given were real. An elite is a few hundred psionic points. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

All the way back to the Tushan of the three pirate rally, Xu Hai and others were still there, Xu Hong's body fell to the ground, and the blood flow was endless. Apparently, under the defeat of the pirates who eat melon, Xu Hai regained his initiative and killed his cousin Xu Hong who betrayed him.

In addition to Xu Hai, there was also Yu Dazhen who was wounded into battle. His Majesty a group of elite soldiers surrounded Xu Hai and others and were asking questions.

When Xu Hai looked up and saw Bai Xiaowen, he was very excited and shouted, "He is there!"

Yu Dazhen looked sideways and smiled suddenly: "You are not dead."

Bai Xiaowen is a little speechless, Yu Dazheng is obviously happy, but why does this sound a bit harsh? However, of course, Bai Xiaowen would not talk to Yu Dayu, and nodded with a smile: "I followed Chen and Ye Erze along the way, and when they saw that they wanted to pretend to run away, they took the lives of both of them, so it took some time. . "

Yu Dazhen laughed and said, "I know that Bai Xiaozhen's strength is extraordinary. The Governor Dui is still worried for you. I never thought you would give the biggest credit."

"Ashamed and ashamed, this credit is mainly due to the Governor and you. As a monk, I am not interested in officialdom, why care about this?" Bai Xiaowen made a look of high moral character, and he had to say anything to deal with any kind of person words.

Yu Dazhen nodded: "You're right. In fact, as long as I can kill a cricket, even a small flag school is fine."

A burst of laughter rang out: "General Yu, if you can only be a small flag school, who can be a general? I, the Governor-General of Zhejiang and the Commander of Pingyang, will be said to be ignorant!"

Everyone looked at it, and saw Hu Zongxian and Xu Wei playing. The two scholars were really cautious. They came in and were firmly guarded by a group of elite army soldiers like wolf-like tigers.