The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 431: Mad Alchemist (2 in 1)

Xiaowen Bai and Shuyi Li pushed in. Dust Fate

"Our shop is closed. If you want to buy something, come early tomorrow!"

Akea, who was packing the counter, said without looking up.

Bai Xiaowen stepped forward and said with a smile, "I'm here to trade."

After hearing this familiar voice, Akea looked up abruptly, with a hint of shock in her eyes: "You guys? You should find the crow organization."

In the hands of Bai Xiaowen, a pattern of yellow charms suddenly appeared, and then broke into Akaia's brows.

Spiritual Realm Rule Tips:

"Warning: You are trying to attack Akea, a legal resident of Hodge Town, and your actions will lead to unpredictable consequences."

Bai Xiaowen's movements returned to normal after only a slight pause.

Meanwhile, Heishui Lane.

At the same time as Bai Xiaowen played the spell of confusion, Qiao Shuya, who was located at the headquarters of the Crow Organization in Heishui Lane, suddenly fell upright, causing a panic.

"Joshua fell?"

"Strange, doesn't it seem like a fall ... it feels dead?"

"This despicable fellow died just right, and he was very happy."

From the backyard, Gide came out: "What are you talking about? Hurry up and let me go!"

Gide's 7th-level elite is very powerful, and Bai Xiaowen's backing is behind his power, and other members have bowed their heads to avoid it.

Gide suddenly saw Qiao Shuya, who was dying in the crowd, and his eyes shrank for a moment. He walked two steps, squatted down, and tried Joshua's breath.

"... how is this possible?" Gid panicked, then gritted his teeth, quickly peeled off Joshua's clothes, and examined the whole body, and found no scars.

"It must have been the guy who just did it."

"Yes, no one except him has that ability."

The whispering of the people nearby made Gide fearful, and he could only attribute Joshua's bizarre death to Bai Xiaowen. The point is, Qiao Shuya didn't have any betrayal behavior, how could he irritate Bai Xiaowen?

Or is Bai Xiao textually a murderous, cold-blooded guy, moody? Those who oppose me die, and those who follow me die alive?

For a moment, Gide even thought of escaping everything.

"This may be a voodoo mantra. That person had a corpus of voodoo transformation, and asked about voodoo news. It must be related to voodoo."

"I heard that voodoo spells are weird. Once a spell is cast, no matter how far away, they can take the life of the other party."

"I think it's not just Joshua who is cursed ..."

If anything, Gide's face turned gloomy. He stood up and reprimanded: "Nonsense! This guy, Joshua, was deprived of his life because of his incompetence. You don't want to help the adults to kill their lives and show their worth. Do you want to follow in the footsteps of Joshua ?"

Others were also frightened by what was said. One of them said, "We don't even know the name of the adult, and without his order, what should we do?"

"The grown-up didn't give an order, we should also find a way to take the initiative!" Gid gritted his teeth. "I remember ... Besides the investigation of voodoo, the grown-up is also more concerned about the disappearance of people ... We started from this point. , Think about how to help adults! "


The reaction of Gide and others, in fact, Bai Xiaowen didn't care, he didn't even know that an unintentional action caused Joshua to die in Heishui Lane, and it became a model of death that spurred the entire crow organization.

The main reason is that the crow organization is relatively weak, knows nothing about the disappearance of the population, and Bai Xiaowen has not paid much attention to them.

Right now, Bai Xiaowen's main energy lies in Akea.

Akea's eyes were abyssal, and his behavior was mechanical, apparently confused by Bai Xiaowen's success.

Bai Xiaowen quickly looked at the fragments of Akea's memory. After a minute, he opened his eyes.

"Fortunately, the mistakes I made before were not fatal, or ... the vigilance of this voodoo secret lair was not as strong as I expected. I now know the base of voodoo, let's talk while walking . "

While looking at the list of materials that the voodoo corpse had taken from Heishui Lane, Bai Xiaowen suddenly thought of the place where the voodoo leader was located, which must be close to Heishui Lane.

Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine a scene where a voodoo corpse crosses most of the town and swaggers across the city. It is strange that it does not attract the attention of the sheriff and patrol.

Close to Heishui Lane, Bai Xiaowen narrowed his thinking. As the only shop on the street that sells alchemy items, Akea's cauldron has successfully entered Bai Xiaowen's field of vision.

Bai Xiaowen can be sure that the secret stronghold of voodoo must have something to do with the cauldron shop in Akea, and it has a lot to do with it. Since the voodoo corpse doesn't mind looking for underground organizations to search for materials, it certainly won't mind coming to the only alchemy shop on this street to buy some necessary alchemy appliances.

And the wealthy boss Akaiah, when asked about the secret place of religion in the local area, he did not even earn gold coins. When he asked me three questions, it was abnormal. However, at that time Bai Xiaowen's attention was still focused on the main task. After receiving the information from the Crow Organization, he chose to leave, which was neglected.

That's why Bai Xiaowen thinks he made a mistake.

Think about it, if Akea is sufficiently alert, she may smell some unfavorable factors from Bai Xiaowen's question and send feedback to voodoo personnel! In case the horrifying snakes hit the grass and let the voodoo people get the news in advance, then it is troublesome.

The other party got the news in advance, and with the preparation for the battle, it was not terrible. Xiaowen had the confidence to complete an A-level elite task. However, if the other party directly advises and chooses to run, it will be necessary to collect intelligence again.

According to Akaia's memory fragments, he did not choose to warn the secret voodoo stronghold. He stayed in his store while Bai Xiaowen left the store and went to Heishui Lane.

This is where voodoo is not alert enough, and it is also an important reason why Bai Xiaowen's mistakes did not affect the situation.

Although this mistake did not affect the situation, Bai Xiaowen made a certain self-examination. Asking an unidentified boss, Akea, about the "secret place of worship" is a bit reckless.

After listening to Bai Xiaowen's explanation, Li Shuyi said, "This mistake ... you think it is a mistake, I don't think so. If I replaced it, I might never think that this shop has a problem."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head, slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, revealing a playful smile.

Li Shuyi happened to look up to see the smile, and suddenly burst out: "What are you laughing at, it feels like you are mocking a mortal like me with a low IQ, which is abominable."

"Why, if you have a low IQ, there will be no people with high IQ," Bai Xiaowen quickly clarified, leaving the topic at the same time, "It is about to fight. Although the number of opponents is small, maybe only one or two people, but the strength should Very strong, in this Kuroshio plane world, the overall level of the characters is very high, be careful. "

When the crow organized the killing of the boss Benny, the claws of angry claws, Li Shuyi's weapon skills, jewelry outbreak skills have been used, within the next few hours, the combat power will drop a grade.

But this is also no way out. The 8th-level elite Benny has close to 500 health and is not easy to kill. Especially with stealth skills, he will break out if he breaks out and let Benny order the crow to organize. The siege of other people is more dangerous, and it often takes a greater price to get away, and it may not be possible to get clues about voodoo.

The crow organization looks very weak, but after all, it is an underground organization with a hundred people. It is the most wise choice to directly capture the thief and capture the king first, quickly kill Benny, and deter others.

Li Shuyi nodded swiftly when Bai Xiaowen said something serious. She adjusted her breathing rhythm, as light as a raccoon cat, followed behind Bai Xiaowen, walked all the way, and entered the backyard of "Acaia's Cauldron".

In the backyard, there is a hidden cellar. Because of the memory fragments, Bai Xiaowen found the entrance switch of the cellar and opened the lid.

Suddenly, an unpleasant odor came out.

"It seems that the source of the sewage and foul odors on the entire street is here." Bai Xiaowen murmured to himself, and then walked in step by step along the descending steps of the cellar entrance.

Jo Mo walked down forty or fifty steps, and Bai Xiaowen finally reached the bottom of the cellar. He looked up, his eyes were empty.

"Oh my **** ..." Li Shuyi exclaimed in the team channel, "Is this hollowing out the entire street? This is just an underground hall!"

"The underground research institute called Voodoo is better." Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes and looked at the structure of the underground hall with dim light.

There are wall lights on the four walls of the hall, burning whale candles. There are sealed boxes on the floor, exuding a cold atmosphere, like coffins.

Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi slowly walked to the end of the hall.

At the deepest level, a large experimental platform, standing next to the wall, was a huge suture corpse monster, but with their eyes closed, there was no movement.

"Hello, stupid and bold stranger."

Suddenly, a slightly dull voice sounded.

Li Shuyi looked around, her hands were already pressed on the hilt. However, she did not find the source of the sound, which was strange, as if it sounded from her eyes, and seemed to come from all directions.

"Hello, crazy voodoo."

Bai Xiaowen's slender palm gently held Li Shuyi's wrist, and her stable hand instantly made Li Shuyi calm down.

"Hahahaha ... Correct me, I'm not a voodoo, I'm just an alchemist from voodoo. Of course, in front of you stupid mortals, I am God.

"People who call themselves God will never realize how big the gap is between themselves and God." Bai Xiaowen said squinting.

"Hum, in the Code of the Light Church, God created everything. And in my opinion, the means of creating everything is not advanced. Through alchemy, I can turn stones into gold, fish eyes into pearls, and gravel. Become a diamond ... There is no essential difference between me and God. "

After hearing this, Bai Xiaowen has quickly determined that this voodoo alchemist should be a patient with advanced secondary disease.

However, Bai Xiaowen stepped up the speed of spiritual search, but on the bright side he was still talking nonsense to this Chinese two sick alchemist: "You are wrong. Everything you do is just 'transformation', and it has essence with God's 'creation' The difference. The most important point is that God can create human beings and create living beings. Can you? Don't count these rotting corpses in your laboratory. "

"Huh! Stupid and ignorant mortals, in my opinion, God's creation is nothing great," it was probably poked at the pain, and Zhong Erji Alchemist said angrily, "I have now made a preliminary breakthrough, which can give sutures Certain thinking ability! In the future, I will be able to create life and reach the realm of God! "

"You finally admit that you are not a god." Bai Xiaowen's ability to grasp words was the best in the world.

The alchemist's voice stalled for a while.

However, this alchemist is obviously not stupid. He quickly realized that Bai Xiaowen's purpose was to provoke himself. The so-called two quarreled and lost seriously. He tried to make his tone easier: "At least, in your case, In front of mortals, my ability is already a miracle. In addition, don't bother searching with your spirit. Your level of mental strength is far worse than mine, and it is impossible to find me. "

"is it?"

Bai Xiaowen suddenly turned around and raised his hand. The tall voodoo suture body fat boy appeared, and he threw a chain at one of the transformation giants in the corner! After the sound of crackling, the tip of the chain directly pierced the belly of the transformed giant, and then a voice of metal attack came out!

The meat hook skill is activated, dragging an oval-shaped sphere directly out.


The oval sphere cracked from it, and a short old man less than 1.5 meters tall collapsed from it. Fatty's meat hook was also clamored and collected.

"How did you find me?" The old man looked surprised.

"Guess?" Bai Xiaowen quickly lost sight of the old man ~ ~ Norton (Boss 8)

[Race: humanoid / human race]

[Class: Voodoo Alchemist]

[Attributes: Strength 25, Dex 22, Constitution 53, Spirit 80]

[Skill 1: Poison Throwing: Norton throws out a good poison. Depending on the type of medicine, different effects will be produced. 】

[Skill 2: Distortion of Pharmacy: Norton drinks the mutated pharmacy, which will mutate his body, and can re-adjust his attributes. 】

[Skill 3: Super antibody: The long-term voodoo experiment mutated Norton's body, reducing the toxic damage by 75%, and reducing other types of magic damage by 30%. 】

[Skill 4 :? ? ? 】

[Skill 5: Leader of Voodoo LV2: Increases health by an additional 400 points and reduces the duration of abnormal status and control skills by 40%. 】