The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 492: Comment

Bai Xiaowen's role template for the Marshal has also known on the official website. Of course, there is no specific data intelligence on the official website, only some brief skill descriptions.

Ouyang Heng ’s professional name is “Giant Tide Fighter”, and his professional skill is “Tide Surge”. The passive effect is to accumulate tidal energy on the blade with the passage of time in the combat state. In the next physical attack or physical skill, the All nearby targets deal magical water damage, which is a powerful passive aoe ability.

In addition, Ouyang Heng also has hero-level professional equipment, called "Golanais Stone", the role is to strengthen the holder's combat skills, to give it the power of the tide!

In other words, an ordinary and uncharacteristic skill will undergo mutation enhancement under the effect of exclusive equipment ...

Facing the approach of the Marshal, the psychic prince controlled by Qiao Wei was not nervous, raised his hand calmly, and the light of the spell flickered slightly.

The psychic prince hero template was recorded before Bai Xiaowen entered the Kuroshio Plane world. There is no doom bracelet, and Bai Xiaowen also hides the blood gold stone, a piece of dark gold equipment. He has the ability to not be exposed to the public sight. The overall strength reserved is probably about the same as when the qualifiers defeated Jiangnan University against Qi Ruifeng.

The blue imprisoned charms whistled out.

The Marshal's figure flickered suddenly, and the shoes accelerated to move away. This reaction and positioning technique is absolutely diamond-level in the eyes of ordinary people, and in the eyes of awakeners such as Bai Xiaowen, it is the instinctive reaction of a battle-hardened awakener.

However, the blue charm turned an arc and hit the Marshal with precision.

"Advanced meditation!" Li Shuyi exclaimed in a low voice.

"It looks like ... at least level 5 or even level 6 meditation. Does Teacher Qiao Wei have such a high level of strength?" Bai Xiaowen frowned.

The imprisonment effect took effect, and then a wave of the prince's arm waved, and a group of summoned creatures appeared, surrounded by the marshal.

"The choice is very clever, depending on whether the other party will hand over the deterrent control skills," Bai Xiaowen whispered. "If you do n’t understand, it will be dangerous to be surrounded by the summoned creature group. If you solve it, there will be deterrent skills in the future Additional controls. "

Of course, the premise of so-called clever tactics is that the spell can hit.

The choice of the Marshal is ...

"I surrender."

Unexpectedly, the Marshal figure disappeared into the duel first.

A grand beep announced the result. The prince of psychics won, the battlefield automatically disappeared, and all spectators automatically left the room. There was no time for an astonishment.

Li Shuyi took off the virtual helmet.

"I'm shocked ... what's going on? That's how the Marshal conceded?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know ..." Bai Xiaowen also expressed an aggressive look.

Anyway, none of the marshal's skills were used, and the control skills were not paid. It was unreasonable to admit defeat. Even if the manipulator of the Marshal thinks he can't beat him, he must resist a few times first?

Li Shuyi was surprised, picked up her mobile phone and swept away, and suddenly said in surprise: "The post from Wu Chaojie was deleted ..."

"In such a bizarre situation, I can only make two inferences ..." Bai Xiaowen said, "First, the poster and the challenger know each other in reality, and the relationship is very ordinary. Second ... The poster may be Ouyang Heng, but the challenger is most likely not Qiao Wei himself. "

Li Shuyi agreed: "Ouyang Heng can borrow Wu Chaojie's online account, of course, others may also borrow Qiao Wei's online account. However, such borrowing generally only occurs between people who are closely related and trust each other."

Due to the online real-name system, every citizen is responsible for the remarks under his online account. Whatever theft, I do n’t know, etc. are just not working.

Therefore, borrowing an Internet account is just as rare as borrowing a credit card from another space-time planet.

"Forget it, don't think about these clueless things ..."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "Since Wu Chaojie's post has disappeared, I no longer have to challenge him to prove anything."

Every move every move ...

The ringtone of the cell phone rang again, and Bai Xiaowen swiped his finger, this time by Li Beihai.

"President, what do you want?"

"Little white, tell you a good thing!"

Li Beihai laughed first, then said happily: "The Awakeners' Association of Base City of Taiwan Island has expressed his active cooperation to conduct a detailed inspection of the accounts of Botu Association. Zhao Yannian wanted to rely on the past, it is not so easy!"

"Huh? How did it happen ... Wasn't the Taiwan Island Base City Association very supportive of Zhao Yannian? Now he actually said he would actively cooperate? This is definitely not perfunctory?" Bai Xiaowen was a little unconvinced.

"Haha, it was a big man from the top of Beijing who made a speech ... Our public opinion means worked!" Li Beihai laughed. "On the official blog of the China Xia Propaganda Headquarters, you can see the latest update!"

Bai Xiaowen hung up the phone, and here Sister Zheng called again, saying the same thing.

Bai Xiaowen opened the official blog link of Huaxia Propaganda Department and saw the latest one.

"In response to the recent incident of the assassination of the college entrance examination champion, Comrade Qiao Zhen expressed his concern and issued corresponding instructions. At the critical moment when the road cleaning work was carried out fiercely, this assassination regardless of the overall situation not only seriously violated the law, It also had an extremely bad impact on the special road cleanup operation in the spring ... The relevant departments must attach great importance to verifying the persons responsible for the assassination incident according to law and handling it seriously ... "

This is an unexpected joy ~ ~ It was this big man who spoke ... "Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised, but more unexpected," Is the news on the Internet, Qiao Gong also concerned? Always feels not normal. "

Li Shuyi said with a smile: "Maybe you are the champion of the college entrance examination, and now it is indeed a critical period for road clearing in spring. This vicious incident of assassination has attracted widespread attention, and the central government must conform to public opinion."

"It's kind of inadvertently inserting willows. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it," Bai Xiaowen shook his head. "The wording given by Qiao Gong is still very strict. The Botu Guild should be unlucky."

In the psionic age, the guilds had a certain degree of autonomy, but it was impossible to fight against state machines. The official power of Huaxia is even more powerful. The awakening masters in the army are like clouds, and any guild is far behind.

Although the Botu Guild was far away from the emperor, it did not dare to oppose the central government. Bai Xiaowen even feels that if he is the chairman, he needs to consider how to get rid of the relationship, and if necessary, sell the vice chairman Zhao Yannian ...

In short, this remark almost confirmed the decline of Zhao Yannian.