The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 499: Resource plunder!

Bai Yanni smiled sweetly: "Captain Duanmu of South Anhui University has disabled the guarding mode. As everyone knows, the personal combat power of guarding mode will be maximized. Captain Duanmu's disabling of guarding can be said to be extremely powerful for the captain of Jinghai University Bai Xiaowen Great respect. "

There was a lot of laughter on the stage, and many of Bai Xiaowen's fans and sisters danced up and down the banner and shouted another slogan.

Don't doubt, Bai Xiaowen also has a group of enthusiastic fans at Jinghai University, and most of them are girls. Who makes him handsome and foul.

Bai Yanni also said: "Two modes of the solo game have been disabled. Next, one of the four modes of the team game will be randomly selected as the mode of the first game."

"Different from the points system for a qualifying match. In the knockout round of the national competition, each round will take three innings and two wins. The two teams will have a maximum of three contests. The first team to win two wins will Advance to the next round. "

"If there is a situation of one win, one loss and one draw, an overtime match will be arranged according to the rules. In overtime, each player chooses one player to compete 1vs1, and the winner will win the final victory of the round."

Qualifying is a points system. After all the universities in a region have played against each other, the first two points are promoted, which is fair. So specific to each round of competition between the two universities, a way to determine the outcome.

The national competition is a knockout system. After the two teams draw lots, if only one match is played to decide who will advance and who will be eliminated, the luck component is relatively large, which is difficult to convince. In addition, the visiting team came all the way and couldn't just make a fight ...

Therefore, the knockout match takes three wins and two wins, and there are overtime arrangements, which is to try to minimize the luck factor.

Bai Yanni pressed the button.

On the big screen, the four match modes flash alternately.


On the final freeze screen, these are the six characters of resource plunder mode!

"In the first game, the resource predatory mode will be used. Please ask the captains of both sides to choose their own camp. According to the order after guessing, Jinghai University captain Bai Xiaowen will first select his own camp birth point. You can choose: Color camp, or the red camp at the southern end of the map. "Bai Yanni said.

"I choose the blue camp." Bai Xiaowen said with a smile.

Opposite, Duanmucheng frowned slightly. From Bai Xiaowen's smile, he seemed to have some kind of bad feeling.

"The white team chose blue, so the Wannan University team automatically won the red camp."

"Please prepare for the entrance of the psionic training ground for the players from both sides. Please wait for a while, the psionic training ground needs a certain time to generate a resource plunder map."

"In the meantime, I will briefly introduce the conditions for the victory of the resource predatory mode for everyone ..."

Bai Xiaowen actually looked at Bai Yanni with some surprises. As a temporary player, she even carried down each of the game modes.

Perhaps this opportunity is an opportunity for Bai Yanni's fate to change-originally she could only find a job after graduation, enter a certain guild, and work as a little assistant. But this time in front of the public as a host of the competition, if approved, the future will be much brighter ...

However, Bai Xiaowen was just a little unexpected. He didn't care about Bai Yanni's future. His thoughts were simply turned back and returned to the game.

Resource predatory mode, Bai Xiaowen and his teammates have also trained several times, the rules of which are still very familiar.

Both teams will enter a battlefield with an area of ​​less than 10 square kilometers.

In the battlefield, there are five resource buildings that will generate "resource points" over time. A team has occupied one of the resource buildings, so before the ownership is taken away, the resource points generated by the building will accumulate under this team's name.

The team that first plunders 300 points of resources will win.

It can be resurrected in resource plunder mode. Therefore, killing the enemy is not the first goal. Occupying resources and protecting the banner is the top priority.

Of course, killing the enemy is the most effective way of occupation, because it takes 15 seconds to raise the flag to occupy a building. If you enter the combat state during this period, the flag raising process will be interrupted.

At this time, it is necessary to kill the opponent first, and then raise the flag out of combat.

Moreover, resurrection is not without cost, the price is time! The time required for each team's resurrection is prolonged as the number of deaths increases, each time increasing by 1 minute.

Specifically, the death of the first person in a team will be resurrected at the birth point of the team one minute later.

Later death will occur, and the resurrection time will take two minutes. Then there are three minutes, four minutes, and so on.

The five resource buildings are:

Mills, research institutes, animal pens, foundries and gold mines.

Each of the five resource buildings has its own special features.

The mill produces 1 resource per minute. After the occupation, the surviving members of the team get a delicious snack, which can restore 30% of their maximum health immediately after consumption. After death, they will automatically lose their dim sum, and when resurrected, if the team is still occupying the mill, they will automatically get delicious dim sum.

In other words, as long as the mill is occupied, each "fate" of the team members will have a chance to eat snacks and return blood.

The Institute produces 1 resource per minute. After the occupation lasts 10 minutes, the Institute will randomly generate a precious magic item and automatically place it in the captain's storage space. If you continue to occupy the institute, a second magic item will appear in 10 minutes, which is more effective than the first one ~ ~ and so on.

Of course, the magic props produced by the research institute are all virtual props, which cannot be taken out of the battlefield, and can only be used in this battlefield.

The animal pen produces 1 resource per minute. After the occupation, the movement speed of the entire team in non-combat state is increased by 40%.

The foundry produces 1 resource per minute. After the occupation, the team's physical attack power + 20% and armor + 20%.

Gold mines produce 2 resources per minute without other special effects.

Here is the location of each building on the battlefield.

The five resource buildings, plus the base camps of both sides, are a total of seven buildings.

The gold mine is located right in the middle of the battlefield. The other six buildings, which surround the gold mine, form a regular hexagon. The six vertices of this regular hexagon are the locations of the six buildings.

The two northern and southernmost vertices are the base camps of the two teams. The northern end is the blue team, using the blue flag; the southern end is the red team, using the red flag.