The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 500: Let my name ring through the audience! (

The two points adjacent to the Blue Team Base Camp are the Stables in the north section of West Road and the Foundry in the north section of East Road.

The two points adjacent to the Red Team Base Camp are the mill on the north section of the west road and the research institute on the north section of the east road.

The middle point of the middle road is the gold mine.

The straight line distance between every two adjacent buildings is one kilometer.

Of course, the straight distance does not mean the distance, because the terrain in the battlefield is very dangerous. Many places are blocked by mountains and rivers, so the road is very tortuous, some are s-type, some are b-type.

If you don't want to take a detour, you must jump and climb between the steep cliffs.

As the awakener, the extreme sports ability to climb the cliff is still very strong. However, no matter how good the climbing ability is, if it is not able to fly, it will be much slower than driving on flat ground in the end. Often it is short of speed. It is better to run along a roundabout road, saving time and energy.

There are also some special skills or props that can come in handy on this terrain, such as Bai Xiaowen's Tribal Feather Cloak

In the practice of resource predatory mode and discussion, Xiang Hui also gave everyone a surprise. He has a prop that is very suitable for rock climbing, called "Thunderforge Claw Hook".

Thunderforged Claw Hook Gun: C-level silver prop, after use, can shoot a rope with claw hook, which can quickly retract, the maximum distance is 100 meters. The number of available times is 55, and the number of available times is restored every 30 minutes.

In all fairness, this is an up-and-coming prop. The reason it is rated for silver props is largely due to its recoverable number of times and the short 30-minute recharge time. The recharging time of recyclable props is generally very long. Hours or even a day, compared to 30 minutes is really short.

On the battlefield in resource plunder mode, this silver prop is quite practical. Xiang Hui was originally an agile awakener. With this prop, he can rush from one resource building to another resource building in a short period of time, and has great mobility.

But still pay attention to the issue of recovery time.

For items, recharging once every 30 minutes is rare and fast. However, in a resource plundering battle, the longest is about 100 minutes, the outcome will be divided, and many matches will not be delayed for 100 minutes.

In other words, Xianghui can use the Thunderforged Claw Hook Gun up to seven or eight times in a game (including the first 5 times). When to use it, and when to save it, you need to think carefully.

The two teams waited patiently before the entrance to the large psionic training ground under the auditorium.

"Hi." Duanmucheng came over and greeted Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly. He had a general impression of Duanmucheng. At the time of the dead lake, Duanmucheng wanted to come and blame it. Of course, compared to Qi Ruifeng, Duanmucheng is not bad.

"Bai Xiaowen, are you only a freshman this year? It hasn't been easy to become a captain. Although I was a heroic profession, I only took the captain's armband in my third year." Duanmucheng laughed.

"Good to say." Bai Xiaowen's attitude was flat.

Duanmucheng's fluttering words seem to compliment, but they are actually impure.

The subtext is that there is no one at Jinghai University, and a freshman is the captain.

Also, those juniors and seniors, after hearing these words, will they have different ideas?

Bai Xiaowen felt that if Liu Fei was still in the school team, he would probably be dissatisfied.

However, Duanmucheng's small flower trick is destined to be useless. At this time, the school team, Bai Xiaowen's captain authority has been completely erected. I don't care about this, Feng Ziang even held Bai Xiaowen's thigh all the way into the school team. Who would despise Bai Xiaowen because of his low grade?

Of course, as a rookie captain, to have this authority, in addition to Bai Xiaowen's personal abilities and wrists, thanks to the trust and delegation of power of the leading teacher Yan Xiaoxin.

"I don't think you chose the blue side with much hesitation. Is there any special tactics?" Duanmucheng saw a few people from Jinghai University reacted very little, then switched the topic and planned to spy something.

"Of course there is. Unfortunately, I can't tell you." Bai Xiaowen nodded, and by the way blocked Duanmucheng's next sentence.

"" Duanmucheng was stunned.

Standing behind Duanmucheng, the other four at Wannan University saw Bai Xiaowen's indifferent attitude, which was somewhat unhappy. There was a handsome boy who said a little bit embarrassedly, "What's so proud, it's not the life of a round trip every year."

"Shifeng, you can say a few words," Duanmucheng is very polite. Seeing Bai Xiaowen's oil and salt side, he ended the topic with interest. "Then I will be watching the special tactics of Jinghai University in the game. "

Shi Feng snorted: "What tactics make you mysterious."

"Wait when you call Shi Feng?" Bai Xiaowen suddenly called each other.

Shi Feng turned around and looked at Bai Xiaowen with his nostril: "What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Just tell you in advance the next game, don't appear in my sight." Bai Xiaowen said.

"What do you mean? Threatening me?" Shi Feng snorted. "When I was scared."

"No, this is a kind reminder." Bai Xiaowen said with a smile.

Shi Feng didn't think Bai Xiaowen was a kind reminder. How big is the entire battlefield? The base camps of the red and blue sides are only two kilometers apart. Bai Xiaowen divided the line of sight into the restricted area, which is simply to let Shi Feng shrink back in the base camp.

Finally, inside the psionic training ground, the battlefield map took shape.

The light gate at the entrance flashed blue. Five people, including Bai Xiaowen, entered first, then the light gate turned red, and five people including Duanmucheng entered.

After the familiar feeling of weightlessness, Bai Xiaowen and five others appeared in the blue base camp at the northern end of the battlefield.

The base camp is a 100-meter-wide paddock, and the surrounding high walls are insurmountable. As for the main gate, it is a faint layer of light film, which can only come out and cannot enter.

To the north is an altar with a tall statue of gilt gold on it, full of strong energy of life.

Search the altar for hints.

Altar of Life: It takes a minute to resurrect our dead warrior.

As the number of resurrection increases, the energy of the altar of life will become weaker and weaker, resulting in longer and longer periods of resurrection. At the foot of the Altar of Life statue, you can see that the current number of resurrection is zero.

The grand prompt sounded:

"The battle is about to begin, countdown."




Xiaowen Bai looked at the four members of the school team with a slight nervousness and said with a smile: "Calm, just follow our previous plan. This battle, I really can't find a reason to lose."

In fact, Bai Xiaowen thought the same way. After looking at the attribute data of the other five with insight, what Bai Xiaowen considered was how to win the competition under the premise of hiding some strength and prepare for the subsequent knockout.

The countdown ends.

The grand prompt sounded: "Warriors, assault! For survival!"

Xiang Hui went directly to the West Road, he hurriedly rushed, and rushed towards the first resource building animal pen on the West Road.

In front of a cliff, Xiang Hui did not detour, and directly used a Thunderforged Claw Hook. A claw hook shot out and grabbed the top of the cliff. Then the rope suddenly closed! Xianghui ejected to the top of the cliff like a wing, and several vertical jumps disappeared into the sight of everyone.

The four people, including Bai Xiaowen, went to the middle road with the goal of gold mine.

Different from Xianghui's straight line, the four are moving along the road, with some twists and turns.

After half the journey, a loud voice suddenly sounded:

"Lan Fang has taken over the corral! Captive Warrior: Xianghui!"

With this prompt, Bai Xiaowen and others suddenly felt light, and their movement speed increased by 40%!

"Just 47 seconds have passed. Counting 15 seconds to capture the flag, it took Xiang Hui only 32 seconds to cross the one-kilometer straight line to reach the target location," Bai Xiaowen's voice clearly sounded in the Lanfang public channel. " With the blessing of the speed of the beast pen, we will be able to reach the gold mine first! "

I want to say here that the public channel communicates by virtue of spiritual power, and you don't need to open your mouth to speak. Otherwise, Bai Xiaowen is running at a high speed at this time, and his speech will be disturbed.

The warning tone of Xiang Hui's occupation of the corral on the west road sounded throughout the battlefield, and both sides at war could hear it.

In the south section of the West Road, Duanmucheng and another member of the Red Team Chu Li are advancing towards the first target mill. They were just halfway away, and when they heard the prompt, they looked at each other for a moment and were a little surprised.

"How long has it been, half a minute?" Chu Ran, with his two crossbows on his waist and a crossbow quiver on his leg, said in surprise, "How could this be so fast?"

"Maybe some special climbing props were used. Huh, I really can afford it," Duanmucheng said coldly in the Red Square public channel. The gentle image in front of Bai Xiaowen has long ceased to exist. "However, they It is too short-sighted to choose the corral as the first occupation stronghold. "

"The five resource buildings all have special functions. In addition to the additional growth resources of the gold mine, there is only a beast pen, and there is no gain in battle!" Duanmucheng continued, "We are a 212 formation. The tactical thinking is first. Capture the functional building mills and research institutes on both sides. Shi Feng, you are investigating the Central Gold Mine and see the number and movement of the other party! "

"If the opposite is also a formation of 122, we can try to adjust our strength and take the gold mine! If the other party's 131 formation protects the gold mine, the foundry will be empty, we can seize it! When the time comes, we will have three major buildings , Playing a head-to-head battle with the other party in the gold mine is also a steady win! "

"As long as we win the first wave of teamfights, the opponent's resurrection time will be extended to more than 6 minutes! We will take the lead."

As for why you don't guess that there are two or more people in the corral in the north section of West Road? The reason is simple. Xiang Hui arrived with a special climbing prop, and must be acting alone.

Duanmucheng's tactical ideas are still very good.

However, what he didn't expect was that Bai Xiaowen did not have a 131 or 122 route, but adopted the crazy 140 route, that is, Xiang Hui was on the west road, and the other four were pushed in a group. No one was on the east road.

At this point, Duanmucheng never imagined that, in the eyes of anyone, the foundry in the north section of the East Road and the mill in the south section of the West Road are the battle areas of the military.

Because the foundry's physical attack power increased by 20%, armor increased by 20%, and 30% of the instant blood food given by the mill are all first-rate positive magic skills!

Therefore, the foundry and the mill are only one in the northern section and one in the southern section, which are close to the Blue Square base camp and the Red Square base camp, respectively. The original intention of the map design was to balance.

The reason why Bai Xiaowen was disheartened by four people, and let Xiang Hui occupy the animal pen in advance to accelerate, the reason is actually very simple, only the word "yin".

"Finally arrived at the gold mine, the other person has not arrived yet." Li Shuyi exhaled and said.

"Do you want to raise the flag?" Feng Ziang asked.

"No, ambush near the gold mine," Bai Xiaowen said. "Wait for 45 seconds, someone on the other side should appear. If it is occupied now, it will scare the snake."

"How many people will the other party come?" Li Shuyi asked.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "I don't quite understand the opponent's tactical division. The least case is 212, come to investigate alone. The most words should be 131, there are three people holding a group, directly forcing the gold mine. I hope people come a little more, four of us holding a group To deal with the most extreme situations. "

"If the other party comes with three people, hit them in a small group first, the other party's resurrection time will be delayed to more than 4 minutes! We will take the lead." Bai Xiaowen concluded in this way.

At this point, Xiang Hui had already started from the beast pen on the north section of the west road to the central gold mine on the middle road.

This time he did not use the Thunder Claw Hook Gun for extreme rock climbing, but also to save time.

In the blue public channel, Xiang Hui couldn't help but say: "In fact, you alone can be worth four of us. Even if you go to a gold mine by one person, as long as the number of opponents is less than three, you They can go through them without injury. There is no need to gather four teammates. "

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "First, I don't want to develop the habit of relying on fists to solve problems. Although this is the easiest and most effective way, when the wall comes in the end, it is good to exercise my tactical ability. The second is just us It's not the first round of the knockout round, and it's not appropriate to play all the cards. "

Xianghui was silent for a while: "I really don't want to be an opponent with a pervert guy like you"

In the 25th second after Bai Xiaowen and the other four ambush.

In the middle of the middle of the road, Shifeng has approached his destination ~ ~ he can already see the banner of the gold mine.

The flag is now gray, representing no one to occupy.

"Hum, I'm the fastest!"

Shi Feng was so proud that the unoccupied gold mine was as seductive as a beautiful undressed beauty.

Shi Feng deliberately didn't report the situation to other teammates. He planned to pretend to be the first to occupy the gold mine. Anyway, when the alert sounds, the teammates will know what happened.

"Next, let my name ring through the audience!"

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