The Fake-Faced Prince and the Heartbreaker Princess

Chapter 110

Elder Xu ignored Liu Zhiyuan's angry yelling and smiled triumphantly while drinking tea. It looks like I am the most innocent in the world and it doesn't matter to me.

Liu Zhiyuan was completely annoyed. When he was about to yell, he suddenly turned his eyes and sat down quietly with a bright light in his head. He took a sip from the teacup on the table. Then Xiaoxiaorou deliberately said indifferently: "Okay! If that's the case, when the young master comes to the door, I will tell him directly that you made me do this, the old man. Well... I want to have a genius. The little minded young master will surely know what you are doing and will firmly believe in my words!"

As soon as he said this, he saw the proud smile of Old Man Xu stiffen on his face. Seeing this, Liu Zhiyuan deliberately said: "Oh? What's the matter with the old man? Is it muscle atrophy? Would you like me to take you to the neurosurgery downstairs?"

"you dare!"

Elder Xu ignored his ridicule, and put his teacup on the table violently, his face twitching in a cold voice warning.

Liu Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Don't be angry, old man! Isn't this my next move? I always say that the dog was forced to jump over the wall when he was forced to be in a hurry. "

"Fuck you!" Old man Xu picked up his cane and was about to knock him. Liu Zhiyuan hurried away and raised his hand to surrender: "Don't fight! Old man calm down! Let's sit down and discuss the countermeasures. This is the most important thing. ?"

Hearing this, the old man also calmed down his anger a little, put down his stick and said sternly: "Then you don't give me a seat!"

"Yes! The little one obeyed!" Liu Zhiyuan sat back in his seat with a smile on his face, and the expressions of the two had exchanged. A certain doctor who was still full of distress just now is completely relaxed and leisurely. And the old man who was just now leisurely frowned, his face full of sadness.

"Huh!" Old man Xu hummed dissatisfiedly. Liu Zhiyuan put down his teacup and said: "My old man! You can't really blame me for this! At first, you saw the young master driving to chase girl Ji without worrying about his life. That's why you called I said it was Plan B! Of course I did it! Who knew that our young master was so arrogant and even chased the little girl back! But you didn't notify me the first time, master! So I thought you were If you want to continue to adopt plan B, you just called the young master to make an appointment!"

"Yo? You have reason!?" The old man cursed in dissatisfaction. "The day when the stinky boy came back from chasing Ji girl, the entire Yinghua media followed the trend and ran downstairs to me. The rumor spread outside, are you blind or deaf? Didn't you hear anything? I didn't notify you in time. It’s not because I saw the brat coming back with Ji girl, so happy to forget you... Who knows that you are a usually lazy quack, so hard at this time! The brat just brought Ji girl here When you came to my office, you called him over as soon as you called!"

Liu Zhiyuan heard the word quack and immediately became unhappy. "I'm a quack doctor! I'm an internationally renowned doctor! You have to speak with your conscience! Ahem! As for the question of industriousness, it can only be said to be a coincidence! Yes! It must be a coincidence! Hey? By the way! Since the young master will be there. In your office, the old man, did you ever think about stopping him? Then you would stop him, and then tell me a letter, wouldn't it be all right?"

When these words came out, Mr. Xu was stunned, he coughed lightly, and decided to ignore the problem. cough! I can't let him admit that he had forgotten that he had issued Plan B... He didn't want to be ridiculed as having symptoms of Alzheimer's!

"Okay! Who is responsible for this question? Don't hold accountable for now! The key now is how to tell the stinky boy! His heart disease is fake! He is not sick at all! Living healthier than anyone else !"

Liu Zhiyuan touched his nose and shrugged: "I think the best way is for you to surrender yourself and admit your mistakes!"

"I'm pooh!" Old man Xu rolled his eyes sharply, "You said it easily, so why didn't you surrender yourself!"

"It's okay!" Liu Zhiyuan said indifferently: "I'll visit the young master, tell him the truth, and then say that the old man made me come..."

"Well!" Old man Xu waved to interrupt him, and said helplessly: "I'll go! I'll go personally! But first let me think about how to say it! I don't know if this Hui Ji girl has settled the stinky boy? If the stinky kid gets a convulsion and ran away girl Ji again, am I just going to die..."

Liu Zhiyuan tilted Erlang's legs and said leisurely: "Hmm! According to the temper of the young master, even if you are his grandfather, he will definitely not spare you! Now, you have to bet! I have to live with the young master! I bet whether the young master cares too much about the little girl, so after learning the truth, he will only be grateful and won't care about you."

Hearing the words, Mr. Xu looked at Liu Zhiyuan with an expression of "Standing and talking can't hurt your back". He sneered and said, "It's easy for you to say! I raised a stinky boy so big, and I know his stinky temper best. I'm going to go and tell him, oh! Boy, in fact, your illness is a fake, it's grandpa and me. I was joking with you. What do you think will happen?"

Liu Zhiyuan's expression froze, "Uh...this..."

"Stop this and that! Let me tell you! Good luck, the brat will fight with me for a while, and bad luck, the brat will definitely ignore me in the future!"

When the old man said that he would not care about him in the future, he was suddenly depressed! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu finally caught the handle of the brat, how can he not make a good teasing and let him go.

Liu Zhiyuan slapped the table fiercely, stood up and said solemnly: "Master! What are you afraid of? Anyway, you are his grandfather! Even if the young master loses his temper, can he still eat you? Take out your courage to smash the mall! Tell the young master directly, your illness is fake! Grandpa and I deliberately teased you! What's the matter? You can bite me if you have the ability! I don't believe the young master really dares to bite you!"

Hearing this, Mr. Xu also patted the table and stood up. "That's right! I'm an elder, what does he do to me? Besides, isn't I doing all this for his good! Seeing that he likes Ji girl so much, he also gave him an idea to let Ji girl return to him. Who knows I haven't come up with this idea yet, the little girl is back..."

"Yeah" Liu Zhiyuan nodded in agreement, "That's right! The old man just kill it so confidently! I will give you spiritual support and will silently bless you!"

"I'm!" Old man Xu pointed his finger at him, "Boy! Did you forget who I am? I have been in shopping malls for so many years. Can I be agitated by your little stimulus? You! Come with me to the brat If you really dare to bite me, I'll use you as a backing!"