The Fake-Faced Prince and the Heartbreaker Princess

Chapter 63

On the day of the courage test, many girls from other schools poured into Fenghua. If it hadn't been for the uncle of the doorman to intercept a part of it, it is estimated that the Fenghua campus would be overcrowded.

But even if it was stopped in time, a certain squad leader counted and found that it was three times more than originally expected.

Mu Yifan stood by the class window, looked at the excited girls below, wondering: "Why are girls so bold now? They should not like this kind of activity, right? The courage test is It’s not the one who tests the courage to invite them to enjoy the flowers, monitor? Are you sure your message is correct?"

Uh... a certain monitor scratched his head and murmured: "That's right... The poster says it clearly, but I just marked that Xu Moqi will participate in the back..."

After saying this, he successfully attracted two cold eyes. Xu Moqi stared at him coldly, while Mu Yifan yelled directly: "It turned out to be wonder it was such a sensation. But what is so good about this cold-faced man? Is it worth the influx of such beautiful girls? "

Ji Xiaotiao was also taken aback by this scene, and never expected to attract so many students from outside school. At this time she had already begun to feel nervous about the evening activities. It seems that she is the only one who plays a ghost, can she succeed in scaring people?

At sunset, everyone came to Fenghua’s back campus. Due to the large number of people, the monitor had to borrow a small speaker from the broadcasting room to shout. Just ask the students to stay away from each other and walk back and forth from a certain area together in groups.

Many girls didn't pay attention to what the monitor said, and kept looking around looking for someone. Little did he know that Xu Moqi would have already walked away alone, looking for his stupid girl.

Ji Xiaotiao wore a white coat that the monitor specially borrowed from the infirmary for her, so he took off the wig and put down his long black hair and draped it in front of him. Secretly hiding in a place waiting for the students to pass by. Ok! It's right to have long hair! Just used to play ghosts and scary people!

Ok! She clasped her hands to cheer for herself, thinking that she must give full play to her strength tonight, how to successfully scare a few talents!

No, just as I thought about it, a few girls walked over here timidly. They were close together along the way, walking so fast that they didn't dare to look around.

A girl cowardly whispered: "Hey, just a few of us walk in first, is it really okay? I think it's dark here, I, I'm a little scared."

Another girl cast a contemptuous look at her, "What's afraid of! What's so scary! Where is the ghost in this world! This courage test is made clear to scare us, but I am not afraid, I want to go back to you Going back, I'm going to find Xu Moqi. I saw him walk in here with my own eyes just now."

Hearing Xu Moqi's name, the girls suddenly became bold. Yes! They were the first to sneak in, just to see Xu Moqi! Normally this Fenghua Boys’ School does not allow girls to enter. Xu Moqi rarely shows up when he returns to the dormitory. They waited for a long time before Fenghua held the event.

Thinking about it this way, the few people were no longer afraid, and moved on. At this moment, a white figure flashed in front of him, Ji Xiaotiao hid behind a big tree, put all his hair in front of him, and quickly ran past the girls.

For a moment, screams resounded across the sky. Just now, a certain girl who was not afraid of ghosts ran away as the first to turn around. Several people panicked, and disappeared all at once. Ji Xiaotiao pulled out his hair and looked at secretly, huh? Is this scared away? She is still going to run a few back and forth to scare people.

Several girls ran back, crying in fear, and yelling intermittently that there was a ghost! Two boys smiled in disbelief, and volunteered to walk in to see what happened. He also threatened to say that if there was a real ghost, he would catch it and send it to the museum for exhibition.

After a while, the two boys ran out with pale faces. One fell and sat on the ground. Stuttered dumbly: "Really, there are ghosts..."

Everyone was shocked, and a certain monitor wondered, it turns out that classmate Ji Xiaonao is so good? What tricks did you use to scare these people into this? Don’t you just wear a white coat? You won't be called a ghost?

At this time, one person in the crowd raised his hand and said with a smile: "Don’t panic, don’t panic, where are the ghosts and gods in this world? Most of you have misunderstood them, right? Well, if there is a ghost, then try today. The guts meeting becomes the ghost hunting meeting. What do you think?"

Everyone heard that, you look at me and I look at you, without saying anything. Ghostbusters? It's so bad for him to think it out!

It was Mu Yifan who raised his hand to speak, and he shrugged his shoulders in a leisurely manner. Seeing that everyone didn't respond to his suggestion, his eyes suddenly turned, and he was greedy.

"If anyone can successfully catch a ghost! Let your favorite student Xu Moqi send a sweet kiss!"

boom! The people of the world are shocked!

Suddenly several girls said excitedly: "No, isn't it just a ghost! I don't believe that many of us are afraid that a ghost will not succeed!"

"Yes! Go! Let's go in and hunt ghosts!" someone echoed.

Everyone opened your mouth and said, and then walked inside one after another. Mu Yifan snapped his fingers and elbows the somewhat silly squad leader and said: "Squad leader! I am creating a chance for you. If you want to find a cute girl, you have to seize the opportunity!"

After speaking, he smiled at the corners of his mouth and walked in with the army.

When Ji Xiaotiao was proud of her success in scaring some people, suddenly someone covered her mouth from behind, and immediately scared her out of her soul. When I just wanted to scream, I heard a familiar voice in my ear.

"Don't shout! It's me!"

Xu Moqi? Ji Xiaotiao widened his eyes and turned his head to look. Sure enough, it was the young master of her family's poisonous tongue.

After making sure that Ji Xiaotiao recognized him, Xu Moqi let go of his hand and frowned, pointed at Ji Xiaotiao's face, and said weakly, "Who asked you to dress up like this ghost?" Do you dare to take off the wig? What do you do if someone finds out? "

Ji Xiaotiao smiled stupidly: "Pretend to be a ghost! Of course you have to dress up like a ghost! Look at how powerful my effect is! I scared away several girls just now!"

Xu Moqi narrowed his mouth helplessly. Correct! If it wasn't for her size and figure, he would almost be shocked! Dare to be a stupid girl with this beautiful hair just to play ghosts and scare people?

"Huh? Why did you come here, Xu Moqi? Shouldn't you come in from there?" Ji Xiao jumped back to his senses, asking puzzledly.

Xu Moqi stretched out his hand to help her trim her hair, and said softly: "I am worried that you will be scared if you are here alone, so I come to you."

Ji Xiaotiao's heart was choked, and was shocked by Xu Moqi's words. Some blushing lowered his head, his mind was blank. Did she get it wrong? Xu Moqi actually said he was worried about her?