The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 420: But i refuse

"New ability? What?" Ximen Qing remembered that Qin Yuyao mentioned this new ability when she was looking for Adjani before, but after so many things changed, Qin Yuyao never mentioned this new ability.

Qin Yuyao said: "I can manipulate the electric current, I just wondered if I could manipulate the computer."

"Damn! Are you planning to become an electronic empress?" Ximen Qing exclaimed.

The power of thunder and lightning is completely two concepts in modern and ancient times. In modern society, electricity is already in every corner of human life. If it can be controlled to that extent, then Qin Yuyao can be said to control most of the world.

"No," Qin Yuyao shook her head, "For such a complicated thing, even if I have that concept, I can't do it so easily. If you give me 100 years, I might really be able to do it."

"That's not anxious," Ximen said, "Anyway, you will live forever, and 100 years will not be too long for you. By then, you will be the'god' of the world."

Qin Yuyao didn't have much interest in this: "What do I want to be a'god' for? Let others burn incense for me? I wonder if this ability is just looking for someone. At present, I can't do such a precise thing as a computer. But if you just read the information, you can still do it."

"You mean..." Ximenqing immediately realized what she was talking about.

"Yes, as long as there is a circuit, I can now connect to any surveillance camera and get its picture, which makes it much easier to find someone."

"Niu Beer! Ru Yao!" Ximen Qing hugged her, "Come on, this is your reward."

Qin Yuyao: →_→


Qin Yuyao began to investigate the temples. But after all, it was an organization that had dealt with the mysterious alliance for many years, and suddenly there were not many valuable clues.

Before that, another thing that happened suddenly attracted all Qin Yuyao's attention.

Said it was sudden, in fact, Ximen Qing had already given her an early warning.

That was... the attack on her sister Qin Yuqi on the Internet.

Cyber ​​violence is an unavoidable problem since the birth of the Internet. The Internet is not a reality, and there is a serious lack of supervision. This has also caused countless people to completely expose their ugly face that they usually disguise in the three-dimensional.

The Internet is like a garbage dump, where all the negative emotions of people can be poured out.

The cause of the incident is simple, Qin Yuqi sings out of tune.

It wasn't a big thing at first, but it happened that she ranked very high in the show.

A large group of immature people begin to feel, why? Why can't she sing and dance, but still be successful (top ranking), it's unfair.

This type of people are either those who live in the ivory tower and have not undergone social trials and feel that fairness is supreme; or they have experienced various setbacks and injustices in the society, but they still cannot accept the reality. The show is drawn to people with negative emotions in their hearts.

In fact, with the development of the times, a person’s popularity is no longer limited to singing and dancing. Some people can be liked by a face and personality. This is an objective fact that no one can deny.

Qin Yuqi is like this. She can be hot, to put it simply, "God eats rice."

How can such a person not be jealous?

Business has earned hundreds of millions of net worth. When others see it, they will only feel that they don’t have that ability. If they win the lottery and get hundreds of millions of net worth, others will think "I can do it, why not me".

As one of the seven original sins, jealousy is terrifying.

Some people brought Qin Yuqi into a colleague who was not as good as him but promoted faster than him,

Some people substitute Qin Yuqi for classmates whose grades are not as good as their own, but because they are handsome/beautiful, they chase after classmates,

There are even people who just watched Qin Yuqi's popularity and wished her to suffer.

Such a large number of negative emotions erupted on the Internet, forming a full ridicule of Qin Yuqi.

Those who scold Qin Yuqi for singing out of tune are still normal. What's even more exaggerated is that someone has started to fabricate her rumors on the Internet.

Some say that she is in the top position under unspoken rules, some say that she often beats teammates with another face behind the camera, and some say that she is actually a very unusual debut candidate.

In short, the keyboard guys use the greatest malice to speculate, and then believe what they have imagined to be true and spread them everywhere.

Some passers-by who don't know the specific situation occasionally see some marketing articles, and naturally they have a bad impression of Qin Yuqi.

Later, the situation spread to station B. Some ghost animal videos about Qin Yuqi have been released continuously. At first it may be some malicious UP releases, but later, as the storm intensified, many UP owners who were thinking about the heat also began to produce Qin Yuqi-related ghost animal videos. .

Some UP conscience is not too bad, so they tune in and sing a song.

But some guys who didn't have a lower limit started to fill in some very nasty words, and then let Qin Yuqi sing it through the tuning, and even put her on pigs, dogs and other animals.

People who like Qin Yuqi are naturally very angry when they see this kind of thing. Especially Qin's mother, it is said that she has insomnia, and she once called to ask Qin Yuyao to take her little daughter back and stop participating in this show.

Qin Yuyao was also very uncomfortable when she received a call from her mother, but she still persuaded her mother to let her sister choose.

Ximen Qing naturally knows all of this, she sighed in her heart, and she has indeed reached this point.

Fortunately, she let Gouzi take care of the fan base in advance, and did not let Qin Yuqi's true love fan end, otherwise, this "war" would be even more terrifying.

There is also such a **** the earth, who was once mocked by the whole network, like the biggest sinner in the world. A big girl is turned into a ghost, and many of them are still insulting.

What can she do?

Cold dressing.

It's really cold, just choose to ignore it.

Those people who love to ridicule, go to ridicule, she doesn't move at all.

With the passage of time, more and more people like her, and her career is flourishing. That period of ridicule all over the Internet seemed to cease to exist.

But can things really go by like this? Does the damage once caused really disappear?

Ximen Qing knew that Qin Yuqi could also have a good future following that.

Her fire cannot burn the Internet, and it will take at least 100 years for Qin Yuyao to control the Internet. The eight evil spirits seem to be helpless with the Internet. Cold processing seems to be the best solution at present.

"But I refuse!"

Ximen Qing felt angry when she saw Qin Yuyao's uncomfortable look after hanging up her mother's phone. How could she let those keyboard guys live so comfortably?

On that day, all 36 church members of Tsing Yi Church received the highest order from the leader.

Then, within a few days, there were a lot of news about keyboard man being arrested for spreading rumors on the Internet.

For example, a well-known ID that Qin Yuqi relied on unspoken rules in the post bar was revealed to be an unemployed vagrant who does odd jobs everywhere. Because there are a large number of people calling her "big guy" on the Internet, they enjoy this feeling, so Fabricated Qin Yuqi's rumors and pretended to be a big man who could get inside information. This person was eventually fined and detained, and life became more difficult.

There is also a student who is only in the first year of junior high school. Because he has watched too many dramas and dramas, he likes to make up some plots that are not compatible with his teammates on the Internet, and then pass them out as real. Because the age of the person cannot be seen on the Internet, many people believed her lies, which made her feel the respect for the adults, and she was extremely satisfied.

Because she is a minor, she can't be punished, but her parents were both expelled from the company because of her, and they were also blacklisted by many companies. Can imagine what kind of good days will be waiting for her in the future.

In addition to these two examples, there are also many keyboard man sprays who have paid a price for their actions.

For a time the online attacks on Qin Yuqi subsided a lot. It's not that there are fewer people who hate her, but that she is afraid.

When the Internet can no longer provide them with adequate protection, these guys all shrank.

"How is it?" Ximen Qing took the tablet to Qin Yuyao to ask for credit, "My sister is great, isn't it?"

"Thank you Sister Ximen," Qin Yuyao thanked her sincerely, "but this method of pressure will cause greater backlash."

"It's okay," Ximen Qing said, "Since I've pressed it down, I have no plans to let them bounce back."

Those keyboard guys who were severely punished were subject to formal legal procedures, and they should have been punished in the first place, but the people didn’t raise officials before they didn’t.

What Tsing Yi teaches is just to find those people and provide enough evidence of the crime. To be honest, Tsing Yi Sect is the partner of justice.

The keyboard man is always annoying, no one will help them, and now many people on the Internet are celebrating the keyboard man being punished due to it.

Then the program team issued another statement, saying that it was not only Qin Yuqi, but any girl who received such unfair treatment. The program team would stand up and bring justice to her.

Attached is a routine essay that exaggerates the emotions, let the fans breathe out, but also make the fans speechless. Moreover, Gouzi's company has gained a lot of positive public opinion, and its stock price has risen day after day.

By the way, for the ghost and animal videos at station B, Tsing Yi Jiao wisely chose to pursue a single UP owner, and then gave some hints to the official station B. Naturally, station B took the initiative to help block those insulting videos.

Station B is in a period of rapid development, and many people are jealous, and they are very sensitive. It is impossible for them to help those UPs and program groups rigidly for a few illegal videos.