The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 172: A chance encounter with the Zijin Temple

October 25th, it's the day when Sun Shaozong takes a break. 【】

In the first half of the night, there were sporadic light snow, although it was sparse, but it didn't stop for a while, so a thin layer accumulated on the ground early in the morning.

Sun Shaozong was unwilling to let Ruan Rong go out in the original weather, but he had already agreed to her a few days ago. When he was off, he had to pray to God and worship Buddha. It was extremely difficult to change his words.

In the end, I had to compromise and chose the Zijin Temple not far from here as my destination.

As usual, Sun Shaozong led a few more wives and wrapped the carriage with cotton mattresses imperviously.

After finishing the work, I was about to go back to the backyard to help Ruan Rong go out, but halfway through the way I saw two young men pointing, talking, laughing and laughing in the corridor.

This was nothing at all, but the direction they pointed was the courtyard where the three of Yu Qian were located.

Sun Shaozong stepped forward and asked with a smile, "What's so fun to talk about? Why don't you say it so that Erye and I will also have a good time."

The two little servants were startled at first, but later saw that he was very kind, and they became bolder.

One of them spoke quickly and chuckled: "Second Lord, isn't it snowing? The housekeeper Zhao asked us to sweep the snow in the Dongkua courtyard. Who knows that several masters of the watch are watching like eyeballs, saying that they will not be allowed to sweep. I was holding up the snow and licking it, but it seemed like a few babies who had never seen the world."

"Is it?"

Sun Shaozong suddenly sank his face and suddenly raised his voice: "Where is housekeeper Zhao, call him over to me!"

The two little servants knew that it was not good, but they didn't dare not listen to his instructions, so they had to separate out one person in despair and called Zhao Zhongji to come over.

When Zhao Zhongji arrived, Sun Shaozong pointed at the young man and said, "Tell the housekeeper Zhao about what you just said, and remember that one word is not allowed to be changed."

The little servant panicked early, and stumbled to learn what he said, and saw that Zhao Zhongji didn't say anything, he came up with two big mouths anyway, and kicked him into the snow again!

"Bastard forget the eight lambs!"

Zhao Zhongji raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, pointing to the little man's nose and cursed: "This is really the opposite. When did your number come out of our mansion, and how the young master behaved, are you able to talk indiscriminately?"

As he said, he waited for his fists and kicks.

Sun Shaozong raised his hand to stop him, and said impatiently: "Okay, I'm calling you over, but I don't want to see you punch your fist-you will give an explanation later, and don't let them get infected because they are greedy for freshness. Wind chill."

"The uncle brother from the south side trusts our family for entrusting people to the capital, but the more so, the more our family has to work hard to make it happen!"

Zhao Zhongji nodded hurriedly and agreed.

Sun Shaozong returned to the backyard and carefully helped Ruan Rong onto the carriage.

Because Xiangling's mother was not used to the dry weather in Beijing in the past few days, she did not follow this time. Only pomegranate, hibiscus and a rugged woman sat in the second car. 【】

The two chatted for a few words on the road, and Ruan Rong couldn’t help but tentatively said: “The master has been restless since returning from the uncle that day. I heard that the two minions have just been taught. Could it be that the uncle has really encountered something? Difficulty?"

"This one……"

Sun Shaozong didn't know how to explain it for a while, but this thing is really absurd!

Fortunately, seeing him embarrassed, Ruan Rong said intimately again: "Forget it, since it is something that is not convenient for our women to know, the master can handle it on his own. Anyway, with the master's ability, there should be nothing rare to hold you."

It's not difficult...

No, it should be said that this is not difficult at all!

Forget it~

Anyway, I haven't written the horoscope yet, so let's think about it later.

No words all the way.

When they arrived at the Zijin Temple, there were not many people who came to worship in the snow, so Sun Shaozong used some silver to temporarily wrap up the great hall.

After entering the main hall, Ruan Rong knelt on the futon and muttered a word, and then piously twisted three incense sticks and inserted them in the incense burner with Sun Shaozong's full support.

Seeing such a moment of effort, Ruan Rong already saw some fine sweat on her forehead, and Sun Shaozong wanted to help her back to the carriage to rest.

But Ruan Rong finally came out, how could she leave like this?

I scanned the merit book on the side with a copper lotus pressed against it, and stepped forward and shook one to sign it out. It was just that the poems on it were covered with mist, but it was hard to understand what it meant.


Ruan Rong called Pomegranate before, and said: "Go outside and ask, which monk in the monastery is the most effective in resolving the visa."

Pomegranate took the order, and soon came back to report that the person who would release the visa most in the temple was the abbot Yuanzhen Zen Master.

Sun Shaozong had just heard of this real old monk’s name from the cheap brother a few days ago. It seems that he has some prestige in the capital. If he can say a few auspicious words, Ruan Rong will surely make Ruan Rong feel at ease. .

So Sun Shaozong helped Ruan Rong out of the main hall, and called a little novice to lead the way, and went straight to the monastery of Yuanzhen Abbot.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he bypassed the Daxiong Palace, he ran into a few female family members.

But it turned out to be a coincidence. Today, Aunt Xue is thinking that there will not be too many people in the Zijin Temple, so she personally came to the door to ask for the help of the real old monk, and calculated a good day for marriage. If we can take advantage of the seasons of heaven and earth, change the female romantic A slutty temper is naturally the best.

Suddenly there was a face-to-face meeting. Sun Shaozong was caught off guard, and Aunt Xue's heart was beating even more. Could this daring madman secretly put her eyeliner at home?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that he hit him here?

Aunt Xue was relieved until she saw that Ruan Rong was pregnant with Liujia.

Does Sun Shaozong know her mental activities?

Seeing that the other party was an elder, she hurriedly handed Ruan Rong to Pomegranate and Furong to take care of her. He bowed forward and said: "My nephew has seen Aunt Xue."

Last time it was just a coincidence. This time he naturally wouldn’t stare at Aunt Xue After seeing the ceremony, he briefly introduced Ruan Rong’s identity, and did not squint at all and did not overstep the ceremony. The place.

It stands to reason that Aunt Xue should have been very satisfied with Sun Shaozong's obedient behavior, but she didn't know why, and she felt a sense of loss.

He wondered to himself whether it was because he had a pregnant concubine by his side, so he suppressed the bad heart; or was it because he had been overworked recently, so that his face was a little haggard and less attractive than that day?

If it's the former, it's fine, if it's the latter...

"I have seen Aunt Xue."

Thinking of these and none, Ruan Rong also stepped forward and nodded slightly.

Aunt Xue reacted and hurriedly said with a smile: "Since it is destined to meet here, it is better that I accompany you to visit Zen Master Yuanzhen, so that we can take care of each other."

Ruan Rong naturally had no reason to disagree, so she and Aunt Xue led the maids and women into the abbot's monastery, holding hands with Aunt Xue, leaving Sun Shaozong alone to wait outside.