The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 296: Bedside fight

Xue Mansion on Zijin Street.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old maid walked along the corridor and quietly came to the left of the main room, and carefully put her ear on the edge of the window. Hearing the noise in it, she knew that the enemy inside was still tearing. And will have time to enter the lane in the future.

So she hurriedly stepped forward to pat the door and said, "Uncle, Uncle! Laifu came back from Shuntian Mansion, saying that Sun Zhizhong had some explanations, you see..."

After hearing these few shouts, instead of abating, the movement inside became more intense.

But the maid was not in a hurry, stepped back a little, and honestly waited outside the door.

Sure enough, after a long time, the door creaked left and right. Xue Pan was naked, with pants in his left hand and a whip made of cotton strips in his right hand. He came out bravely and asked: "Laifu What about people?"

After the couple got married, they fought twice in three days. At first, everyone in the mansion was a little worried. Aunt Xue had even persuaded Xue Pan several times because of this.

Later, everyone gradually discovered that these two men really deserved to be a pair of children and dogs made by the heavens. They were beaten to death and alive, and in a blink of an eye, they were like glue on the bed again. They really used their own way to explain what is meant by'bedside fighting.' The end of the bed and'!

Therefore, seeing Xue Pan look like this, the little maid was not surprised at all, as if she hadn't seen anything, and said: "Going back to the uncle, Laifu is waiting at the flower hall right now."

"Let him wait for me, I will pass!"

Xue Pan closed the door with his backhand, and listened to the couple replying inside: "Haosheng has washed his body clean, and you can't get a bed for three days when I come back!"

"Bah~ You have tied chopsticks on it, and the slave can also soften it for you!"

The book does not go into details.

But he said that Xue Pan packed up and hurried to the flower hall. Before he could go in, he saw Ying'er, the big maid of his sister, and slanted a veil at herself.

Could it be that this little Niang Pi got the hang of it and remembered the benefits of her Uncle Xue? !

Thinking about this, Xue Pan hurriedly leaned over with a smile. Who knew that as soon as he turned the corridor, he saw that not only Yinger was hiding behind the wall, but his sister Xue Baochai was also there.

Xue Pan hurriedly took away the rippling face, and said with a smile: "My sister has finally gone home and didn't talk to her mother behind, so why did she come here?"

Because of his sister-in-law's reputation and some indescribable reason, Xue Baochai has been living in the provincial court of Rongguo Mansion.

Yesterday, I heard that her brother was "motivated". She went home to congratulate him, and then went to speak with her mother again. That's why Xue Pan said this.

"What are you talking about, brother? My own yard, can't I still come?" Xue Baochai gave Xue Pan a sideways glance, and then said solemnly: "I just heard my mother say that my brother invited Sun Zhizhong to a banquet. The son abandoned it, can this matter?"

To this sister, Xue Pan has always been in awe of Qifenbaoai and three points. At this time, seeing her with upside-down eyebrows, he was obviously a little annoyed, and he lost one-third of his confidence. He said, "Sister 80% don't know, then The Wei family and the Sun family are in the same situation, and Wei Ruolan specifically ran to the Shuntian Mansion to find her second brother to compete..."

"That's also a matter for their two families, but what does it have to do with our family?" Before he could finish talking, Xue Baochai persuaded with all his heart: "My brother has finally gotten better now, but you can't just do things with your liking—then Wei Ruolan is fine by herself, but is his brother-in-law, King Beijing, easy to provoke? Why did her brother betray Wei's family for others?"

Although Xue Pan was a little in awe of this smart sister since he was a child, he was more convinced of Sun Shaozong, especially since he and Sun Shaozong climbed up to befriend, when he went out to fool around with Hupengou friends, he was extra. Kind of face.

Therefore, at this time, when my sister compared the second brother Sun to an'other person', he felt something painless in his heart. He stalked his neck and said: "What kind of other person, the second brother regards me as a friend. Am I going to hurt him? Face? How can there be such a truth in the world!"

Seeing Xue Pan drilled the tip of the horns, Xue Baochai had to soften his figure, and smiled bitterly: "What is the urgency of my brother? If Sun Zhizhong really treats his brother as a friend, he should be more considerate of the difficulties of our family. Now he is entering officialdom..."

Xue Pan was already impatient when she heard her over and over again, so she shook her arm and said, "Sister has something to say, it won’t be too late to talk about it later, let me see what my second brother has brought to Laifu. The message is back!"

Having said that, without waiting for Baochai's consent, he rushed into the flower hall.

"Brother, brother..."

Xue Baochai yelled twice. Seeing that he couldn't catch up, he had to sigh and greeted Ying'er to enter the flower hall through the back side door, ready to wait for "Laifu" to retreat, and continue to persuade Xue Pan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived behind the screen, I heard a report from Lai Fuzhen: "Master Sun said that he should not offend the Wei family indiscriminately when he first entered officialdom, so he asked you to prepare two more invitations, one for Mr. Wei and one for him. Sealed to Qiu Yanei."


Xue Pan's eyes widened in amazement, and Baochai's heart trembled—this Sun Zhizhong thought of something with her? !

She is Xue Pan's own sister, and the first thing she considers is the Xue family's interests. As the client, Sun Zhizhong actually said the same thing...

This kind of human relationship is really good, and his brother is really a world, even if compared with Jia Baoyu, who has grown slightly recently, I am afraid it is much stronger.

Thinking about Brother Bao's recent intimacy with Daiyu, but gradually estranged from himself, maybe...


When I was thinking about something, I saw Xue Pan laughed and walked around behind the screen, and said triumphantly: "It’s just now in Laifu, but my sister can hear it all? The second brother is really a good friend, so you don’t have to worry about it at all. what!"

As he spoke, he hesitated again: "It's just that Qiu Yunfei and Lao Feng Suri..."

"Since my brother said, don't how can I embarrass Master Sun again?" Baochai covered his mouth and smiled: "These things are decided by Master Sun. My brother only needs to set up a good banquet. ."

Then, he carefully exhorted: "Now that he has got a decent official position, it's just like my brother's old friends who can communicate with each other as little as possible. It is reasonable to make more friends with the leaders of people like Mr. Sun."

"This is nature, this is nature!"

Xue Pan lit his head and said triumphantly: "I said earlier that I wanted to be a family friend with my second brother, otherwise why would I first send Xiangling to him, and then ask my mother to come and meet him?"

The front was fine, but at the back, Baochai remembered what Aunt Xue had said, so he just increased his favorability, and immediately dived a lot, and the vaguely born thoughts suddenly fell into a fetal death. dvd in the air. ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ink

She originally intended to mention this matter to her brother a little bit, so that her brother would not be confused and let the grandson collide with his mother.

But remembering that my mother had said that she would never see that Sun Shaozong again, she felt that there was no need to do this again, and let her brother and Sun Shaozong have a grudge.

So when the words came to the lips, he changed his words again: "Brother don't patronize the banquet. You should also prepare for your aunt's birthday gift these few days, so as not to lose courtesy when you get it!"

Hearing her talk about her aunt’s birthday, Xue Pan fainted a lot. Uncle Prince Teng has always been majestic. This aunt is also a nosy, and she will inevitably have to say a few words when she goes there. It is really annoying. Also annoying.

But since his sister had confessed, he had to respond weakly.

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