The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 329: Resurrection


Pour a basin of wash water into the ditch on the corner of the street, Li stared at the gurgling stream for a long time, and then moved the basin step by step.

Since the accidental death of her son, a large part of her chest seems to have been dug out, and she is not satisfied with what is left. She is not interested in anything. She wears clothes every day, lights a fire and cooks, but it’s just because The inertia of life over the years is nothing.

The only thing still thinking about it is the word ‘revenge’.

But to be honest, when there was no one in the middle of the night, Li also asked himself whether the death of his son was because Wang Cobbler was more guilty, or his loneliness was more guilty.

The answer seems obvious...

But what Li wants is not the answer, but the word ‘heart peace’!

At the moment, the only way to make her feel at ease is to take Wang Cobbler together to "atonement", at least Li thinks so.

So a woman who has drilled a horn is so smashing...Ah, it's terrible!

But Li said that after walking back a few steps with the tub in his hand, he saw three middle-aged women in the corner, huddling together and talking about something, seeming to lower their voices, but in fact they wish they could fill the street. Everyone hears it.

If it was left before, Li said that he would not join it early and become a glorious "three aunts and six wives".


She did not squint, even deliberately adjusted the path, avoiding the three women as much as possible.

However, people can avoid it, but the content of the discussion was evaded, and it was clearly passed into Li's ears.

"Have you heard that the boss of Wang Pijiang's family backed away in the middle of the night last night. He woke up and was full of nonsense, and he didn't look like a person anymore!"

Li had heard about Wang Jiadalang's illness. It is said that when he came back from the Yamen that day, he developed a high fever at night, and after seeing many doctors, he didn't get better.

"It's more than just talking nonsense. It's almost like a change of person. At a young age, she was talking about the daughter Tian Da Niu who wants to beg Tian's pole as a wife. She said that she has pulled half a piece of cloth and left it at home. Please Mrs. Liu to be the matchmaker!"

Li's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Before the son died, wasn't he thinking of that big girl?

And on the second day of the second year, the son pulled half a piece of cloth to go home, saying that he wanted to ask Mrs. Liu to come to the door to speak for the match...

"Yes, yes, it's not the weirdest thing. I heard that the child has even changed his appearance. There is something inexplicable on his left butt, and there are more crescent-shaped birthmarks!"

There is a crescent-shaped birthmark on the left butt?

Li's hands trembled, and he almost dropped the tub on the ground, his son's ass, isn't there such a mark?

what on earth is it?

How could Wang Cobbler's son...

"It seems that the kid said something. He buried the eight or two-six dollars secretly saved under the old elm tree in the yard. After hearing this, the cobbler Wang almost didn't shave the elm tree at home, but he didn't even have any root hairs. See you!"

Under the old elm tree?

Li was stunned for a while, and suddenly ran to the house with her legs out of her panic. Naturally, she didn't see the relieved expressions of the women.

However, Li said that when he returned home, he immediately took the tools and shoveled under the old elm tree. As a result, he actually digged out eight hundred twenty-six dollars!

Like most ordinary women these days, Li's faith in the gods and ghosts is also true, otherwise she would not be in court, repeatedly mentioning the terms'reincarnation' and'afterlife'.

Now that she encountered all kinds of weird things, she suddenly thought more about it. Could it be that her son, ‘the soul is not gone’, did not go to reincarnation, but...

Thinking about this, she was again enchanted, and stumbling all the way to the home of King Cobbler at the end of the street.

Because there are three young children to take care of, Wang Cobbler was not detained in the palace prison, but in his own home awaiting trial. Of course, in addition to the Wang Cobbler’s family of four, there is also a servant in charge of guarding. .

When Li arrived, he saw Cobbler Wang standing at the door of the hall, tearful and slapped himself in the face, muttering over and over: "Daddy is useless, Daddy is useless!"

Li's was originally anxious, but when he saw his appearance, he was suddenly timid, and when he was at the gate, he didn't dare to get in there for a while.

"Mother, mother!"

At this time, I heard the noise of the ‘child’ in the hall: “Don’t forget the silver buried under the big elm tree. It is my hard-earned money. Don’t take advantage of others!”

Wang Cobbler's mother-in-law died more than two years earlier, but where did his son's mother come from?

Besides, the silver is clearly buried under his own elm tree.

This is clearly calling yourself!

Li suddenly became excited, and regardless of rushing into the courtyard, he wanted to run into the hall.

"It's you?!"

At this time, Cobbler Wang finally saw her. He immediately sank his red and swollen old face, and said angrily: "It's all you wicked lady, who caused my dalang to be neither human nor ghost. Now I dare to come to the door. !"

"Stop it!"

He stomped his feet as if singing, and greeted him with his teeth and claws: "Aren't you going to die with me? I will do it for you today!"

Speaking, I have to fight Li's desperately.

The yaman who was in charge of the guard next to him saw him, ‘for fear’ something happened, and ‘hurriedly’ hugged him in his waist.

But Lee took this opportunity to get into the inside with a cat waist.

I saw Wang Cobbler's eldest son sitting cross-legged on the kang. His hairstyle and eyebrows were four or five points similar to his own son!

The son of Wang Cobbler was not like this before!

Li was even more excited. She went up to take the child in her arms, stretched out her hand, and took off his pants. When she saw the familiar crescent-shaped birthmark on her butt, she suddenly screamed and cried: "Oh, son." , My hard-working son!"

At this time, Cobbler Wang and the servant also chased in. Seeing this scene suddenly became a bit "dumbfounded", and Cobbler Wang was even more angry and said: "You mother-in-law is really crazy? This is obviously my son, why..."


At this moment, Wang Cobbler's son called out, "I want to eat the pea yellow you made by yourself."

Although this tone is a bit dull, and he doesn't know what it looks like from the bottom of his heart, but Lee still cares about distinguishing this carefully?

Early crying tears burst into tears, holding the child without letting go and shouted: "My son, my hard-working son, my mother will never let you leave my mother's side again!"

Cobbler Wang was even more annoyed by his side, he leaped forward, and shouted: "Hey! You crazy woman, hurry up and take my son..."

"Etc., etc!"

It's just that he just dashed forward, he was stopped by the yakuza again, and he pulled to the corner and said in a sensual voice: "Wang Cobbler, your son clearly died last night. Jin Lai looks like this again, could it be...could it be that he was resurrected by borrowing a corpse?"


Wang Cobbler was'shocked', and then roared angrily: "That little beast will add to my obstacles when he is living, and even if he is dead, he will even harm our Dalang! I... I, I, I will go and find a mage, and receive it. His ghost!"

With that said, he was about to rush out when he twisted his body.


Li threw down the child too, rushed to hug Cobbler Wang, and cried, "He was taken by the mage, and your son won't survive. I beg you, and he will show kindness..."


Cobbler Wang gave her a full face and said angrily: "Which is arguing for revenge all day? Now you are talking coldly?! If you don't accept him, my son will die in vain?!"

Li was speechless, but he refused to let go of anything.

The two gangs were making a lot of trouble, and the yaman on the side said to the mud: "This is a trouble, or if you take a step back, this child will be born by the two of you, let him call you father Her name is mother..."


Wang Pijiang ‘annoyed’ and said: “She wanted to drag me to death together, so why should I divide my son into half of her?!”

Li's heart was agitated, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Can't I stop telling you?! As long as you don't ask a mage to accept him, I...I won't tell you!"

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