The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 343: Longsheng old store supernatural inciden

However, after Sun Shaozong understood the general case, he carefully read the autopsy report several times, and then decided to go to the scene to conduct a careful investigation and questioning.

Although Wei Ruolan hadn't said much, when Sun Shaozong left, he quietly followed up-obviously he was quite concerned about this case in his heart.

Longsheng Old Store is located in Mawei Hutong, West of Beijing. It was originally a prosperous area, but now...

Because of the recent rumors of "devil topping", the streets around this area are obviously deserted a lot. It is said that the restaurants and shops are even more crowded at night.

No matter how panicked people are, it is estimated that even the kiln sister in the brothel will be forced to obey!

Talk less gossip.

When the group arrived at the old Longsheng store, they saw a hunter leading five white servants in the store yelling for five drinks and six crimes, and there was a pair of Pai Gow on the table next to him. He looked at ease and relaxed. My son called for a good time together.

It's nothing more than others, but Wei Ruolan was very angry when he saw it-after all, he had assigned this errand.

So Wei Ruolan didn't even think about it, she stepped forward and kicked over the table, and said angrily: "Dog stuff! Master has been working diligently to investigate the case all day long, you are happy and happy here!"

Who knows that the hunter and the white servants knelt to the ground in a panic, but what they shouted was: "Master Zhizhong, please forgive me!"

This time Wei Ruolan was even more annoyed. Just waiting to give these unopened things a long memory, she listened to Sun Shaozongyang's voice: "Shopkeeper Zhao, have they ever paid for this table of wine and food?"

The shopkeeper Zhao said with sincerity: "If you go back to the master, the villain can't get out now. These things are bought by the officials themselves and have nothing to do with the shop."

Sun Shaozong nodded, then turned his gaze to the headed arrester, and said solemnly: "Although you didn't take the opportunity to blackmail, how can you dare to drink and gamble for fun while you are on duty?!"

The arrester hurriedly knocked his head on the ground, and said with a trembling: "The little one leads the brothers to watch here day and night. Every day, I am really worried. Therefore, during the night watch, he secretly bought some wine to be courageous. Later, I saw no one. Control, then...become more confused."

Wei Ruolan and Master Qi were a little embarrassed when they heard the four words "no control", so they couldn't do anything to attack these yamen.

So Sun Shaozong asked Lin Delu to write it down first, and waited to go back to deal with it as appropriate, and then ordered them to gather all the witnesses.

Nowadays, in this inn, except for the people involved in the case, they have all been cleaned up long ago, so it only took a moment for everyone to gather in this hall.

Among them, shopkeeper Zhao and Daoshi Li are the oldest, and they are probably in their early 50s.

Zhang Kai and his wife are about thirty or so, and they seem to have some wealth.

Zhou Bajin and Wang Ergou seem to be different from each other, they are both ten** years old.

Under Sun Shaozong's gaze, these six people all seemed a little uneasy, but they were not beyond the normal scope.

Starting from Zhou Bajin, Sun Shaozong asked them one by one, and did not ask any new questions. They were all asked by Qi Shiye and Wei Ruolan before, and the answers they got were naturally the same as those recorded in the dossier. No two.

When Wei Ruolan saw him overturning, she only repeated the questions she and Master Qi asked. She felt a little impatient and said dullly: "Master Sun, we have asked these questions before. Do you think they still What can't be concealed?"

"Ha ha……"

Sun Shaozong smiled noncommittal, and then suddenly asked Zhou Bajin, "The fat man who drove out Daochang Li in the end, but the one with a mole on the corner of his left mouth?"

Zhou Bajin scratched his head and frowned, "Is it an adult that I remembered wrong? The one with a mole on the corner of his mouth is obviously a woman."

"Is it?"

Sun Shaozong asked Zhang Kai again: "You said that you had quarreled with the horse-faced woman, then do you remember what she was dressed like at the time?"

"The villain will naturally remember."

Zhang Kai bowed and said: "The lady wore a yellow bija with a white lining and skirt..."

Sun Shaozong suddenly interjected: "What shoes is she wearing?"

Zhang Kai stagnated slightly, and then said affirmatively: "It's a pair of cyan embroidered shoes with hard soles!"

Sun Shaozong nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Wang Ergou on the side: "When you went in to prepare vegetables, was there anyone to help?"

"Yes, some!"

Wang Ergou hurriedly said, "There is a woman with a jade bracelet on her hand. She helps me prepare the dishes."

"Is the bracelet in the left or right hand?"

"Left hand!"

Brother Wang said without hesitation: "The woman is left-handed, so the bracelet is on her left hand."

Sun Shaozong asked Zhang Kai's wife, Li Daoshi, and Zhao shopkeeper several questions in turn. Two of them answered fluently. Only shopkeeper Zhao staggered and said that he didn't remember very well when he was old.

After asking one by one, Sun Shaozong let Zhou Bajin lead him to the back and carefully inspected the small courtyard under the six people.

The first thing to check was the crime scene, that is, the living room of the main room. Even after more than half a month, there was still a stench on the ground. The **** scene at that time can be imagined.

Next is the next door to the east There is a mess of bedding in it. Although it has been covered with dust, you can still see the traces of someone happy on it.


In short, the traces on the scene and the confessions of the witnesses did not differ much, and it could be said that they were quite compatible.

However, according to the autopsy report, those who were already dead in the morning, how could they ‘order food, eat, have fun, and argue’ like a living person?

After this round, seeing Sun Shaozong groaning silently, Wei Ruolan finally couldn't help himself, and then asked: "What did Sun Shaozong see?"

The words were both ironic and sarcasm, but there was also a bit of anticipation in the words-he probably didn't even know whether he hoped that Sun Shaozong could solve more cases or not.

Sun Shaozong shook his head first, then nodded, and finally said slowly: "I didn't see anything, but it was tantamount to seeing something."

This Yunshan is covered with mist!

Wei Ruolan exchanged glances with Master Qi, and Master Qi smiled bitterly: "The students are really confused right now. If you really find out anything, please don't hesitate to enlighten me."

Sun Shaozong asked, "What do you think is the most bizarre and weird thing about this case?"

Master Qi said without hesitation: "Naturally it is a corpse that has been dead for a long time, and has done so many things!"

But then he hesitated again: "But the confessions of Zhou Bajin and others bite each other to confirm, and there is nothing suspicious."

"To be honest, students never believed that there are ghosts and gods in this world before, right now..."

As he said, Master Qi shook his head blankly.


Sun Shaozong laughed and said: "Of course this is not a ghost, but a well-planned murder case-but it is precisely because the plan is too well-formed, but it is showing off its feet!"