The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 363: Midsummer visitor

On the tenth day of May, the announcement day. ◢Following*Dream*Small◢.1a

"Listen to the announcement!"

Sun Shaozong slapped the gavel to the table, and said solemnly: "Tangni Hutong Wu Dayou, sued his brother Wu Lao Er for having an affair with his father's concubine during his filial piety. No evidence is found..."

"Master Qingtian!"

Then Wu Dayi immediately became anxious when he heard this, and argued with his voice: "The villain has clearly submitted a lot of evidence, how can it be found that there is no evidence?!"

Sun Shaozong glanced at him, and continued to circumvent his words: "Separate investigation, Wu Dayou has forged some evidence. He is trying to monopolize the family property and deliberately framed the second child of Wu!"

"I'm wrong, my lord, the evidence has been checked by the magistrate of Daxing County Xu, how could it be false?!"


After checking that Wu Dayou was still denying, Sun Shaozong slammed the gavel on the table and sneered: "You guys really don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin! Let me ask you again. You said in your complaint that you would take someone to catch the rape. At that time, even though he didn't take Lao Er Wu in the bed, he got a shoe that he dropped in a panic as evidence. What happened?!"


Then Wu Dayou hurriedly said: "The shoes were made by my younger sister-in-law, and there are specially embroidered marks on them! The adults have just seen them, so how can they be faked by the villain?!"


Sun Shaozong snorted and leaned forward slightly: "You and him are the same compatriots, but you don't even know whether he is sweaty feet?"

"Khan... sweaty feet?"


Sun Shaozong continued to sneer: "Now the weather is hot and humid, with sweaty feet like Wu Lao Er's. As long as you wear it for a moment and a half, the shoes will get wet and get a lot of weird smells!"

"But why are the shoes you presented as evidence so dry and tidy?"

"grown ups!"

Wu Dayou was obviously panicked, but still insisted: "Maybe he just changed his shoes..."


When the gavel rang, Sun Shaozong yelled: "What a sharp-mouthed person! Master Sun, show him the confession!"

Sun Chengye immediately got up from the secretary table, put the confession in front of Wu Dayou, pointed to two of the passages and said: "You have a closer look! Your lord asked twice before, and you all insisted and said that Wu The second child was wandering for half a day, and when he got home, he rushed to have an affair with his concubine!"

Sun Shaozong sneered in the hall again: "Since he has never returned to his house, he changed his new shoes there?!"

"It's clear that you stole his shoes and took the opportunity to slander him!"

"This...this this..."

Seeing that the evidence was conclusive, Wu Dayou's mood suddenly collapsed. After a few ‘this’ sounds, he suddenly grabbed his head and said: "My lord is forgiving, the villain is also a ghost for a while, this is..."


"Listen to the announcement!"

How could Sun Shaozong be patient to listen to him crying?

He slammed the gavel on the table and said loudly: "As the eldest brother, Wu Dayou didn't want to protect his brothers. On the contrary, taking advantage of his father's new death, he accused his younger brother Wu Lao Er for violating the morals and intending to monopolize the property! "

"Originally speaking, he should be sentenced to thousands of miles in the army and not repaid if he is pardoned."

"But in order to frame his brother Wu Lao Er, he ignored his deceased father's reputation, so he added one more crime and was sentenced to be held in prison!"

"My lord, my lord is forgiving! I dare not stop it, my lord...I..."

Sun Shaozong ignored two tokens, lost one first, and ordered: "Come on, take Wu Dayou into custody for the time being, and wait for the autumn decision!"

Then he left another one and continued: "The second family of Wu was imprisoned for injustice and ordered Daxing County to release him immediately, without error!"


"Mighty ~ Wu~!"

Stepping on the prestigious voice, Sun Shaozong walked back to the back hall, but he immediately tore off his official uniform, flicked it on the screen, and then grabbed the white jade bone folding fan from the coffee table and opened his clothes. Shake desperately.

His mouth even greeted loudly: "Quickly, quickly, get the watermelon that is iced in the well for the officer-God thief, is it going to kill people?!"

When I went to host the Dragon Boat Festival a few days ago, it was already hot enough.

Who would have imagined that within a few days of work, the temperature has soared a lot, and it is estimated to be 36 or 7 degrees-this weather is wearing a large-sleeved official gown, and it is simply to be tortured!

Sun Chengye came in with the dossier, and saw that the uncle thirteen was unconventional, and it was also speechless for a while. In the courtroom, if the judges are so prestigious, few can compare with them; but in private, this uncle It is rather informal.

He shook his head helplessly, compiled the dossiers on his own, turned out two more complaints, and asked: "Uncle, the remaining two cases..."

"Snooze, postpone!"

Sun Shaozong said without hesitation: "The left and right sides are nothing more than neighborhood disputes. If you push back, maybe they will reconcile by themselves!"

At this time, the iced watermelon was finally delivered. Sun Shaozong didn't bother to move the knife when he held it in his hand. He slashed the watermelon with his fingers, and the watermelon split into several pieces.

He randomly picked two pieces and handed them to Sun Chengye, and while sucking the flesh, he said slurredly: "Furthermore, in the evening, Old Uncle Wei’s son Xisan, I will naturally go there earlier-Ting Yi and Cheng From Tao, you can find out for me first to see if there is any drama in this custard."

On the eighth day of the eighth day, Wei Licai, the old housekeeper, finally came and got his son. He was only happy. Of course, the cheap brother met, unavoidably urging Sun Shaozong to add two nights of class.

Sun Chengye nodded and said with some emotion: "I thought that Ting Yi would be able to make a big splash this How could I have thought... alas, I hope he can get a smoother custody test this time."

This is purely worrying.

Emperor Guangde demoted Yu Qian to the last place in the top three in order to protect the emperor's face. After this, he will have to make some compensation. What's more, Wang Shangshu's affection is still there. This Shujishi doesn't say that he is tenable, at least he is invariable ten.

It is Sun Chengtao. Although this kid is very lucky to have a second-class crane tail, he still lacks some talents, and I am afraid that he may not be able to pass the exam.

However, Sun Shaozong looked at his usual words and deeds, and seemed more willing to go to the place to be a "Bai Lihou" than to be a Wei Mo Jing official. Therefore, it may not be a bad thing for him to fail to pass the exam. .


Suddenly, Sun Shaozong thought of something again, and hurriedly ordered: "Don’t forget to send an official document to Daxing County later, order them to do things sincerely, and don’t be negligent anymore-Xu Huaizhi didn’t know what to do, only the nearest one. In the past few months, they have had several wrong convictions!"

Sun Chengye hurriedly responded and asked about the tone and scale of the official document. Without touching the watermelon, he hurried to write the official document in the criminal justice department.

This nephew has become more and more proficient in handling official duties.

However, he said that after eating most of the watermelon and pouring some herbal tea, Sun Shaozong was reluctant to put on his official robes reluctantly, and walked back to the criminal justice department.

I was going to change into regular clothes in the hall, and took the presents and went directly to Old Man Wei's house.

Unexpectedly, before he took off the official robes, he heard someone come in and report that he was a relative of Ning Guofu, and he came to see him for important matters.

Relatives of Ningguo Mansion come to see you?

When Sun Shaozong heard this, he was a little baffled. His relationship with Ning Guo Mansion was only general. How could there be relatives of Ning Guo Mansion who came to the door?