The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 380: gap

Financial speculation, tulip bubble, drumming to spread flowers...

With these words spinning in his head, Sun Shaozong leaned against the railing of the balcony on the third floor, his expression tangled.

Even if this matter is manipulated, it should belong to the category of'economic investigation', and it is not the same thing as the criminal case he is good at-and the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not seem to include such financial speculation. It is an illegal activity.

The only good news is that it is still in the stage where the rule of man and the rule of law are combined. If the court considers it to be a hindrance to society, even if it is not prohibited by the law, it can handle special cases.

But what Sun Shaozong worries most is that there is no behind-the-scenes man in this matter. It is purely a spontaneous speculation by the public. If this is the case, those who have left their roots and ruined their fortunes may not know who to find compensation.

Fortunately, this thing is just emerging. It shouldn't be like the Dutch "Tulip Incident" in the 17th century. Thousands of people went bankrupt and the whole country fell into crisis.

"Second brother."

I was thinking about the Forbidden City on the balcony, and I saw Feng Ziying looking for it with a wine glass, and said: "Since it was just a misunderstanding, you went to the Rongguo Mansion to explain it yourself, what else is there to worry about?"

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Besides, if the second brother Lian is reluctant, brothers will never stand idly by!"

Feeling Feng Ziying saw Sun Shaozong's ‘depressed’ look, and thought he was worried about the conflict between Ning Rong and Ning Rong, so he was relieved.

"Jia Lian can't represent the entire Rongguo Mansion. Why am I worried about him?" Sun Shaozong rolled his eyes speechlessly: "I'm actually thinking about a public case. What's the popular "Tao Zhu Jinbei" recently, it's really... forget it. , What's the use of telling you? You don’t drink downstairs, so why did you find it alone?"

Feng Ziying heard that it was a public case, so she didn't bother to ask, she just took the wine glass and said: "Jiang Yuhan just finished the half-time singing and went to the room to toast the brothers. Only then did she ask her brother specifically, and I searched it all the way.

After hearing this, Sun Shaozong realized that he was coming and going in a hurry, and almost forgot. Today, I came to listen to Jiang Yuhan singing.

So he hurriedly went downstairs with Feng Ziying, looking for Jiang Yuhan to apologize.

Jiang Yuhan is also a clear eyebrow, so naturally he won't blame anything, he just tried his best to stay, so that he must never miss the climax plot of the afternoon.

Speaking of the entire "Sun Gong case" script, only three cases solved by Sun Shaozong were intercepted.

The first half of the plot starts with the "Qiuwei Falling from a Building Case" and ends with the "Carpenter's Dismemberment Case".

The second half is about the story of Sun Shaozong wisely breaking the "Tengu Case" and being summoned by Emperor Guangde to give him a bullfighting suit.

The drama, conflict, and suspense of the entire script are well arranged. In the end, the plot of the imperial bullfighting suit is the most popular Dzogchen ending nowadays.

Sun Shaozong’s only worry is that Jiang Yuhan gave himself to the acting mother. After all, Kunqiang is already known for its ‘gorgeous and tactful, exquisite performance’, plus Jiang Yuhan’s magnetic voice that is more feminine than a woman...

However, after reading the second half of the story, Sun Shaozong knew that he was too worried. Jiang Yuhan could be famous for the pear garden in Beijing, and he really wasn't built!

He originally loved Lanhua for one person. When he arrived on the stage, he was heroic, dignified and steady, and his voice was crisp and loud. In addition to his slightly thin body, he looked a bit more heroic than Sun Shaozong himself.

Because this effect was completely beyond Sun Shaozong’s imagination, when the song ended, Sun Shaozong took Jiang Yuhan for a few cups, which was a thank you for not putting himself in a bad way.

The wine is full and the people are scattered.

Sun Shaozong left the Wangjiang Tower, stepped on the afterglow of the setting sun with a bit of wine, and returned home faithfully.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhao Zhongji leaning forward and begging to report: "Second Lord, the mother and daughter of the You family have been placed in the other courtyard of the outer city according to your instructions; as for Zhang Hua, there is indeed Ningguo Mansion. People come to the door and want to buy him and falsely accuse the second master of taking advantage of his power to take the wife!"

"Yinzi and the servants of Ningguo Mansion are already detained in our mansion. What do you think should be done?"

But it turned out that after the conflict started as early as the morning, Sun Shaozong knew that Jia Zhen and others would never stop there, so he immediately sent people home to spread the letter, and asked Zhao Zhongji to assemble the staff and move the You mother and daughter to a safe place. On the one hand, he set up an ambush in Zhang Hua's home.

Now that I heard that people from Ningguo Mansion had found Zhang Hua's house, Sun Shaozong disdainfully said: "It is true that the old dog can't make up new tricks-let the man from Ningguo Mansion leave a confession, and then strip it and send it back. Yes."

"Where is Zhang Hua?"

Zhao Zhongji looked at no one on the left and right, made a gesture of killing a chicken and wiping his neck, and said gloomily: "This person will stay, sooner or later, it will be a scourge, it is better to..."

"It's better to be a fart!"

Sun Shaozong glared at him, and said angrily: "Second Lord, I am now in charge of the criminal name of a mansion, you let me know the law and break the law?!"

After a pause, he commanded again: "Minger take my post and send Zhang Hua to the blind date meeting for a name and tell him that he must be engaged in marriage within three days, otherwise he will be at his own risk!"

As soon as Zhao Zhongji heard this, the secret path was indeed still the second master's skill!

The blind date meeting has been held for several days, and the woman with a decent appearance and character has already been picked out, and the rest are basically crooked melons-plus the engagement within three days, I am afraid it is. Only the cruel and ugly ones are available for Zhang Hua to choose.

And once a new marriage was booked, Zhang Hua wanted to find a back account, so he became obscure.

After explaining the matter, Sun Shaozong was waiting to go back to the backyard, and suddenly remembered the matter of'Tao Zhu Jinbei', and hurriedly ordered Zhao Zhongji to conduct investigations in the mansion. If there is a domestic servant who has been involved in this evil, let him take advantage of it. As the bubble has not yet been burst, we hurriedly cleared the stock and stopped the loss.

After Zhao Zhongji responded, Sun Shaozong returned to the backyard with Shi Shiran.

This time, instead of harassing his son, he went straight to the hall, sat on the bedside of Ruan Rong, and asked with concern, "How is it, how is the wind and cold better?"

It was originally said that she was going to take her to the Wangjiang Tower to watch the show with Xiangling, but Ruan Rong suddenly had a fever last night, and she asked the doctor to make medicine again, and she was tossing her body temperature until the middle of the night. When it was lowered, the scene of the theater would naturally fall into disarray.

Ruan Rong was leaning on the bed at this time, comparing the patterns of the newly sewed shoes by the needlework woman. Seeing Sun Shaozong came to inquire, he threw the patterns into the dustpan and shook his head: "I just feel the cold. Now After taking a few medications, I recovered most of it early."

He said with a smile: "I just talked to Pomegranate just now, and I will go to the Wangjiang Tower to watch the show tomorrow."

Sun Shaozong said unquestionably: "Forget it tomorrow, let's talk about it in two days, anyway, it will take five days to sing for a total of five days-saying that Jiang Yuhan's rehearsal is really good. It is said that it is very different from the general Kunming. It's a different pattern."

"Since the master didn't allow me to go, he still said it was so tempting!"

Ruan Rong gave Sun Shaozong a glance, then suddenly changed the conversation, and said with a smile: "I heard that the son of Ning Rong's second mansion is in conflict with the master today because of the second sister You, but I don't know what kind of beauty it is. There are many people who are thinking about it—the master doesn’t say to bring people back, so that the slave family will open their eyes.”


A few days ago, I kept saying that I didn't care. After hearing that You Er Sister was sought after by others, I started to panic acid in my words.

Sun Shaozong slandered speechlessly in his heart, but said with a grin on his face: "It's not easy. I will bring her in another day and let you look at the mouth of your teeth!"

"Look Yakou" refers to cattle, horses and livestock.

Although he knew in his heart that Sun Shaozong was deliberately making herself happy, Ruan Rong couldn't help but laughed out loud and covered her mouth and said, "What a beauty, how can he be like a beast when he reaches the master's mouth?"

Sun Shaozong said without hesitation: "Whether she is to be used as a human or as a beast? It's not all yours."

Seeing Ruan Rong laugh more and more happily, the thin half-covered shirt came loose a little, revealing a dazzling whiteness.

Sun Shaozong couldn't help but got excited, stretched out his hands to grab her two beautiful wrists, and said with a smile in his mouth: "It may not be a good thing to always take medicine. Why don't I use some other means to help the lady sweat? "

Ruan Rong glanced at Sun Shaozong's face, and she didn't know how he had moved with the idea of'Little Bird Healing People'.

There was some flushing on the face immediately, but he pushed Sun Shaozong's two paws away, and said, "Master, don't be foolish. If your concubine is injured by the wind and cold, how can you go back to the beautiful girl in two days? ?"

The two pushed and shoved for a while, but Sun Shaozong did not succeed in the end. Ruan Rong ordered Pomegranate to deliver the food to the library, so he had to go with his tail to but said that Sun Shaozong had arrived in the library. First filled his stomach alone, seeing that it was not too early, he locked the courtyard door and the room door, through the window and crossing the wall, touching the middle of the courtyard.

He screamed ‘Cuckoo, Cuckoo’ on the wall, and Xiuju hurriedly came out to greet him when he heard it.

After confirming that there were no outsiders inside, Sun Shaozong went over the wall and swaggered into the hall. He saw Jia Yingchun stepping forward with great concern, and said timidly: "I heard that my brother ran into the second master today. ?"

Guessing that she had heard the news, she would definitely be uneasy in her heart, so Sun Shaozong had to come at night to comfort her.

"He is him and you are you. Even if he ran into me, you don't have to be so nervous."

As Sun Shaozong said, he took a handful of it in front of her chest, and said with a smile: "Besides, you can't know the bones of my body best, and he can'crash' it?"

Although this ‘collision’ is not the other’s ‘collision’, after hearing Sun Shaozong’s words like this, Jia Yingchun was secretly relieved of the case.

But when the words came to her lips, she was afraid that she would annoy Sun Shaozong, so she turned her thousand words into one sentence: "Second master at night, do you want to... do you want to spend the night here?"

Sun Shaozong didn't answer, but stretched his arms flat.

Jia Yingchun hurriedly stepped forward with joy, took off the coat for him, and walked into the room arm in arm, lit red candles, scattered the tents, and let go of the charming and charming one with him. ()

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