The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 419: Rongguo Mansion in the night [middle]

In the Grand View Garden, beside the peach blossom forest. ?With {Dream} Small◢.1a

A dozen red candles with thin arms reflected the pavilion like daylight. Sun Shaozong and Jia Baoyu sat opposite each other in the pavilion. On the stone table in front of them, there were more than a dozen different kinds of dips.

On the edge of the stone table, in two oval-shaped dinner plates half a meter long, dozens of all-bearded and all-tailed prawns were quietly lying on their stomachs, but peeled off their armor.

Steamed, fried, salt and pepper, spicy...

Almost all the cooking methods imaginable have been tried on these Pipi shrimps, and they are listed on the plate in groups of six.

Whenever the two of them pick up one, the maidservant will immediately come forward to refill it. In order to do this, there are more than a dozen little maidservants in the peach forest. They are fighting with the hideous hard shell. Desperate struggle.

Coupled with the maid who takes care of He Deng, this seems to be a simple banquet with only one main course. It actually used more than 20 people to serve, and they were all young and beautiful girls—because according to Jia Baoyu, The things peeled off by the dead fish's eyeballs are really hard to swallow.

Although he sneered at Jia Baoyu's remarks, Sun Shaozong's service to the maids was as sweet as hell, without the guilt of being an exploiter at all.

Sure enough, it is getting more and more degenerate.

But when he said that he had drunk five-flavored dishes and had three rounds, Sun Shaozong began to beat him and listened to Jia Zheng's matchmaking for himself. Seeing Jia Baoyu's ignorant appearance, there seemed to be no rumors about this matter.

Could it be that after Jia Zheng came back, he just died down?

Sun Shaozong was actually quite contradictory in his heart, and he was quite embarrassed about this marriage, but now the quietness is silent, but it makes him feel lost.

He slandered that Jia Zheng's belly a few words, he suddenly remembered Jiang Yuhan's entrustment, and hurriedly said: "By the way, I met Brother Jiang in the palace a few days ago, he..."

"How is Guan Qi now?!"

Jia Baoyu quickly gathered up and looked at Sun Shaozong excitedly.

"I was punished by the prince, but I was still fine."

Sun Shaozong considered it for a moment, and used a slightly mellow and elegant rhetoric: "Listening to what he meant, I want to forget you and you."

"Since then forgotten in the world?"

Jia Baoyu chewed these words several times in a daze, and then sat back sullenly, bowed his head in frustration, like a pupil about to be expelled from school, muttering to himself: "That's true, I am now How can there be any face to meet him?"

As he said, his eyes blushed, and he thumped his chest and said: "It's all because of my lack of spine, but after being forced to ask a few words, I sold my friend! I...I really am..."

Seeing him getting more and more excited as he spoke, he raised his hand to greet his face.

Sun Shaozong said hurriedly: "In fact, he didn't mean to blame you. He only said this unfeeling remark because of the pressure of the prince."


Who knows that Baoyu still slapped himself, crying with a sad face: "Qiguan is so generous, doesn't it show how mean and insignificant I was that day?"

As he spoke, the big tears fell ticking.

When he was almost beaten to death by his father, I never saw him cry like this. Now I heard that my friend was going to cut his robe and cut his righteousness, so...

As a pure man, Sun Shaozong felt awkward, and didn't know whether he should continue to comfort him. Suddenly, he heard the assailant report outside the pavilion: "Master Sun, our mistress sent someone to deliver something and said I ask you to forward it to grandma [Jia Yingchun]."

Wang Xifeng sent someone to bring things here?

Sun Shaozong's heart moved, and he immediately thought of Ping'er, and hurriedly asked: "Where is the person? Is there any other letter I want to take back?"

"This servant doesn't know."

Xiren shook his head, as expected by Sun Shaozong, and said, "Either I will ask Sister Ping'er to come over, and you can ask the last one personally."

"Then it will work."

But he said that Baoyu next to him heard that Ping'er was coming, so he wiped his tears, posing as if he was sitting upright, obviously unwilling to lose his face to Jia Lian.

Not long afterwards, I saw Ping'er arrived outside the pavilion, stopped not too far away, and bowed and said: "In reply to Master Sun, there is no letter to entrust to you, but I heard from my aunt the other day in the letter that your mansion Someone should be sent to the south to buy Taihu rocks so that they can rebuild a rockery."

"The mistress asks the slave and maidservant to see if she has already set off to the south. If we haven't moved south, there are some preparations in our house. If grandma has some free time, you might as well go home and see."

Yesterday, Sun Shaozong just stayed in Jia Yingchun's house and stayed clean all night. Naturally, she knew that she hadn't had a single word recently and delivered it to Wang Xifeng, let alone buy Taihu stone.

Therefore, I immediately guessed that what Wang Xifeng wanted to inquire was actually the progress of the ‘timber business’.


Why didn't Ping'er find other excuses, but said why he wanted to build a rockery?

Suspiciously, Sun Shaozong replied casually: "Actually, the subordinates in our mansion arrived in Jiangnan half a month ago. Yesterday, a letter came back saying that they had ordered a lot of good stones, and the price was still good. Appropriate-so I'm afraid I can only disappoint the mistress."

Hearing this, Ping'er was blessed again: "In that I only ask Erye Sun to transfer things to my grandma."

With that said, he turned around and said hello, and someone immediately held the scorpion yarn in front of Sun Shaozong.

When Sun Shaozong picked up the things, Ping'er led the maid to retire again.

It was just that she hadn't walked far, and she didn't know what she had said to the little maid, and the two went their separate ways.

Sun Shaozong peeped at the pavilion, and there was a rockery made of Taihu Lake in the direction Ping'er was going! ..

He suddenly felt like a mirror, and after a few words with Jia Baoyu patiently, he said that he wanted to show respect, and hurriedly left.

It was only after he had circled in a small circle and got near the rockery, only to find that the entrance was in the opposite direction, and there was a dense bamboo forest in the middle. If he wanted to go around, he had to waste his legs and feet. .

But how can there be a lot of time to waste now?

Seeing that although the rock was steep, it was only seven or eight meters high, Sun Shaozong rolled up his sleeves without hesitation, using both hands and feet to climb up.

When I got to the top, I saw a small pavilion in the middle of the rock. In the pavilion stood a woman, stretched her neck and couldn't help looking down the mountain.

Sun Shaozong's heart was hot, he quietly covered her, and suddenly he held her in his arms, held her earlobe and said, "I'm waiting..."

Sun Shaozong had already noticed something wrong before the word ‘ba’ was spoken.

The waist of the woman in her arms was surprisingly slender, even better than Ping'er's pretty waist, but the touch on her chest was a full circle!

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