The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 438: Broken roots

The old fox is indeed an old fox!

Sun Shaozong couldn't help but sighed secretly when he came out of the Five City Soldiers. He just took advantage of the opportunity to negotiate official business. He tried several times and tried to figure out what caused Qiu Taiwei to lose his head overnight.

But no matter how Sun Shaozong teased, Qiu Taiwei was not silent, or when he looked at him, he didn't even leak a word in the end.


His cautious attitude proves that the things hidden behind his back are no trivial matter.

What the **** is it?

Holding the paperwork and official papers issued by the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si, Sun Shaozong stepped down the steps without guarding the house, and was about to ride the carriage to the palace, handing over the hand and tail of the soldiers clearly.

Unexpectedly, the coachman Zhang Cheng greeted him in a panic, and said in a trembled voice: "Second Lord, it's incredible! I heard that the prince's dragon roots were bitten off last night!"

The prince’s dragon root was bitten off?

Sun Shaozong shocked Lingling, and hurriedly pulled Zhang Cheng aside to ask what happened.

But it turned out that Zhang Cheng was too thirsty, so he went to a nearby tea stall and ordered a large bowl of herbal tea.

When I was drinking the cow, I heard someone next to me talk about it, and the vivid words were about noses and eyes.

According to legend, when Prince Yizhong was imprisoned three years ago, his favorite concubine, Li Shi, clearly said that she died unexpectedly, but secretly she was sent to the prince’s mansion by the trick of Li Daitao stiff.

It turned out that the prince had long heard of her fame and wanted to take care of her uncle by his side.

Unexpectedly, although this woman was born in the dust, she is a fortitude and temperament, no matter how threatening and temptation she would not follow, she wanted to die for several times.

In the end, the prince lost his patience, and he simply came to an overlord to stubbornly bow, and this has been more than two years, because Li always refused to obey, and during this period he had to use some tools to help.

After the tengu swallowing sun happened yesterday, the prince was in a state of anxiety and couldn't help looking for her for pastime again.

Unexpectedly, when he was happy, he held up the artifact that Li's mouth could not close his jaws, but went on a business trip for no apparent reason. As a result, Li's two rows of silver teeth cruelly cut off the dragon roots of the prince!

"Second Lord."

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng said again: "After hearing these words, the villain originally wanted to whisper to the people of the Five City Soldiers and Mars, first detain the guy before talking. Who knows he took a few steps back. Seeing that many people on the street were discussing this matter, they did not dare to do anything indiscriminately."


Unexpectedly, the shocking secret of Qiu Taiwei kept silent, but the people have already spread it!

After listening to these words, Sun Shaozong believed in 80% of his heart. No matter how you hear the news, it doesn't seem to be concocted in the market.

And if this news is true, the panic of King Zhongshun and Taiwei Qiu can be explained!

Unlike the Taishang, who gave birth to a lot of children, Emperor Guangde had difficult heirs. It was not until the age of thirty-four that the Empress Zhao gave birth to a son, which is now the prince.

This prince is only nineteen years old now, and there is no son and a half under his knees. If he really has broken the dragon root, wouldn't the line of Emperor Guangde be extinct?

And if no one knew about this, it would be fine. Now that the news has been leaked, is there any reason for a **** to inherit the imperial line?

Therefore, the crisis of extinction is imminent!

Although the emperor’s extinction is not uncommon in the past dynasties, it is usually a nephew from a close relative to inherit the throne.

Don't forget, Emperor Guangde is still pressing a Taishang on his head, and now it coincides with a natural vision. Who should choose to be his heir, I am afraid that Emperor Guangde can decide on his own!

If it is the Supreme Emperor and Emperor Guangde, there has been a discord in the selection of this heir...

In addition, just after the solar eclipse occurred, the Kung Fu prince was bitten off the dragon root in a blink of an eye. Now the news is even more widely known. To say that there is nothing tricky in this, Sun Shaozong is determined not to believe it!

But who is the master behind this scene?

For what purpose did you want to sever Emperor Guangde's heirs?

Along the way, Sun Shaozong only thought of his head as big as a fight.

After arriving at the government office, he held the official documents and the official certificate, and walked to the court of the criminal name in a dazed manner, only to remember that these things were to be handed over to Han Anbang.

I was preparing to turn back on the original road, and first hand over the official duties, but I heard someone in the hall cried out with joy: "Sir, Thousands of households, you can be regarded as coming!"

When Sun Shaozong heard the sound, he saw Yang Licai, a hundred households in Beizhen Fusi, ran out of the hall like flying, and bowed forward and said: "Humble duty, please go to Beizhen Fusi to discuss matters!"

Go to the Fusi of Beizhen to discuss matters?

Looking around, Sun Shaozong immediately lowered his voice and asked: "This time I called me to discuss the matter, but because of the assassination of the prince?"

If the news of the crown prince's root breaking was only spread at the level of King Zhongshun and Taiwei Qiu, a fifth-rank official in Sun Shaozong's district would naturally not be eligible to participate.

But now that this news has been spread to passers-by, if you want to find out the clues as soon as possible, is there a more suitable candidate than Sun Shaozong?

Sure enough, Yang Licai also lowered his voice and said: "Whether it was for the prince's case, I am not sure about the humble position, but the lord of the town magistrate did indeed ask the humble position to invite you back to discuss matters after receiving the order."

I'm not sure, but when I heard this, I almost didn't run away.

So Sun Shaozong instructed Yang Licai to wait outside the government office first, and wait for him to complete the handover of official duties first, and report it to Hanfu Yin, and then return to Beizhen Fusi with him to discuss matters.

Separated from Yang Licai, Sun Shaozong headed to Fu Yin's courtyard, while thinking about how to investigate this "Long Gen case".

On the surface, the biggest suspect in this case is naturally Prince Yizhong's remaining party. After all, the perpetrator is Prince Yizhong's favorite concubine Ji.

But Sun Shaozong always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Since the person imprisoned by the prince is the concubine of Prince Yizhong, and he knows that Prince Yizhong's remaining party has been lurking in the capital waiting for an opportunity to cause How can there be no warning?

Is the ‘political trial’ of the Prince’s Mansion false? !

I was thinking about the tricky things, and suddenly someone in front of me said loudly: "Master Thousands, please stay!"

Sun Shaozong looked up, but there were two dragon guard flags again, humming like two generals, guarding outside the gate of the Fu Yin courtyard.

"You are..."

"The humble ranks and others are accompanied by the nobles in the palace to deliver the decree."

When one of the small banners said this, he turned his head and glanced sneakily, then lowered his voice and said, "This yard, I'm afraid it will change the owner."


Only last night did the imperial court order Shuntian Mansion to control public sentiment. In a blink of an eye, rumors arose, and it was indeed necessary for someone to come out to tell the truth.

It seems that from now on, Han Anbang's era is completely over.