The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 485: Parents are short

But he said that Sun Shaozong sneered and was about to point out the identity of the real murderer and the flaws he accidentally exposed. Suddenly, he saw that the young Li Xian also had a look of enlightenment, so he changed his words: "Li Xian, you have thought of something. what?"

Li Xian bowed his body and said with a serious face: "The kid also saw that the adult kept asking about Zhou Feng's affairs, only to discover something strange. When my father asked him to go up and call the door, he only thought that Uncle Chen was at home, and he was no better than his father. , And Uncle Chen is a good friend of the family. It's the right time to call Uncle Chen's first name when calling the door, but how can you directly call the Chen family lady?"

"This is really unreasonable! Unless he knew it a long time ago, Uncle Chen couldn't be at home at that time!"

"In other words, Uncle Chen's disappearance is bound to be inseparable from Zhou Feng this time!"

Hearing what this young man said, it was exactly what he thought. Sun Shaozong's vision of appreciation became stronger. This Li Xian was courageous, knowledgeable, witty, and literary. If he could be cultivated well, he would be an extraordinary figure in the future.

Now I happen to be planning for the future...

Thinking like this, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but sniffed his nose and said, "That Xu Huaizhi is also a sixth-rank magistrate at any rate, and his knowledge is no better than a young man!"

With that said, he took the cashier's lottery from the lottery, threw it to the ground, and ordered: "Take Xu Zhixian and Zhou Feng together, and let him re-try this case at the government office!"

Said it was a retrial, but it was actually forcing Xu Huaizhi to slap himself!

It stands to reason that this kind of straight-forward and unrelenting manner is something that people in the officialdom try to avoid.

But Xu Huaizhi made mistakes repeatedly, and he was accustomed to shirk. He had already entered Sun Shaozong’s blacklist and caught up with Sun Shaozongzheng and Jia Yucun. Now that Shuntian Mansion has no constraints, Xu Huaizhi will not be dealt with at this time. when?

When the yaman took the order and left, Sun Shaozong ordered someone to hire a doctor to diagnose and treat Li Sheng's injuries in court.

Then Li Xian was naturally grateful again and knocked his head several times for his father.

However, it was said that about half an hour later, Xu Huaizhi rushed to the lobby in a cold sweat. When he saw Sun Shaozong, he fell on his knees without saying a word, and said in a sincere and fearful manner: "Humble duty is dull, lowly stupid! Also ask the adults to see that it is also lowly duty. For the sake of solving the case, let’s spare your humble duty this time!"

"Intent to solve the case?"

Sun Shaozong snorted and said: "If you are really eager to solve the case, and two criminals confessed four or five days to the sun, and you still can't find Chen Xu's trace, you should always notice something strange, right?"

"Humble job..."


Sun Shaozong didn't bother to listen to what he explained. After the public case, he got up to avoid it, and said with a cold face: "Since this case started with you, you can finish the trial from beginning to end."

When Xu Huaizhi saw him speak so coldly, how could he dare to climb up the pole and start the trial after he sat down at the table?

He hung his head down and said in a servile manner: "The humble job is terrified. Since this case is an investigation into the hidden situation of an adult, you should let it go..."

"Since you don't want to sit up for trial, it's the same for kneeling trial."

Before Xu Huaizhi finished speaking, Sun Shaozong coldly left a sentence, turned around and went back to the back office, leaving Xu Huaizhi kneeling in the hall and not daring to get up.

Not to mention whether he was kneeling or sitting for the trial.

But when he said that he returned to the back office, Sun Shaozong took off his official robe and put on a black suit, while instructing Sun Chengye, who came with him: "Brother, you will find out where the father and son Li Xian live, and wait for you to go back. Later, I will explain to Zhao Zhongji and ask him to send one hundred and fifty taels of silver tomorrow, and by the way, I will give Li Xian and his son a word that I will put a full moon wine at home on the 27th."

"Uncle Thirteen, is this the child in the picture?"

"If you are not in the same position, it depends on whether he dares to come on the 27th, and whether he will come."

Since I want to cultivate my own cronies, it is naturally the kind that has been used since childhood, and it is more worth looking forward to and trusting. However, Sun Shaozong is not good at rushing to cater to a young boy, so I can only give a little reminder. , Waiting for Li Xian to come.

No words all the way.

When he got home, it was already shining. Sun Shaozong stopped at the door of the hall, and was about to call pomegranate to bring out the lantern to get rid of the yin on his body, but suddenly he saw a person flashing out of the west wing.

At first, I thought it was Sister You's second sister who was waiting for an opportunity to come up and entangled again. Until she got close, she discovered that the person was the mother of Sister You's.

Because she made up her mind to marry San Jie You from the grandson's house, Mother You took her daughter into the Sun's house a few days ago and San Jie You got a small courtyard on her own. Mother You was living with Xiangling's mother. together.

Since the second sister You is a concubine, her mother is naturally not a serious elder, so Sun Shaozong just nodded slightly and asked: "Mom, if you don't go back to rest when it's so late, is there anything you want to discuss with me?"

The word ‘mother’ in this season can also be used for mothers, but it is mainly used to address older women.

Mother You didn’t dare to care for her, she hurriedly said a blessing, and laughed nervously: “I didn’t dare to trouble the second master, but the old lady received a message today that she is... a servant of Ning Guofu. Brought in."

Sun Shaozong suddenly realized that You's eldest sister in name after all. How could there be no reaction at all when he saw that his younger sister was about to get married?

As for You Mu's hesitation, she was jealous of the grievances between Sun Shaozong and Ning Guofu.

However, how could Sun Shaozong get angry on You's head after that night of romance?

Now he smiled and said: "Seeing that it is a good day for San Jie'er and Liu Xiandi, I am afraid that the scene is not lively, then the helpers will be pushed out? If Ningguo Mansion wants to add some clothing or something, there is no need Discuss with me, and my mother will make the decision on her own."


You mother smiled immediately and slapped her legs and said: "I said that the second master is generous, then I will let the eldest sister come over tomorrow, and help the third girl with palms and palms!"

You's going to come home?

Sun Shaozong's heart flashed through You's petite and exquisite figure, and then think about the soft and boneless spring love of Yu's second sister. These two sisters in name are really worlds apart.

On the contrary, the third sister You has both the strengths of both, and it is still worse than bold and charming...

Bah baah baah!

After tweeting a few times, he drove out the thoughts that shouldn’t be in his mind. Sun Shaozong said: “If the eldest wife of Ningguo Mansion is here, you might as well invite your sister-in-law to entertain them first. friendship."

You mother answered with a sigh of voice, and then returned to the West Chamber thankfully.

After Sun Shaozong watched her leave, he turned his head and saw Pomegranate picking up the lantern. He laughed and shone him from head to toe, and winked him to look at the inner window.

Looking up, there was a hazy shadow in the window. It was obviously Ruan Rong who was listening to the wall.


I was probably worried that I would be taken away by Sister You.

Sun Shaozong thought this way, and didn't rush to harass his son, but went to Ruan Rong's room first.

"Why, I'm afraid of my lord..."

When I entered the door, I wanted to make fun of Ruan Rong, but I saw Ruan Rong sitting in front of the dressing table in a daze, with some tears in the corners of her eyes.

Sun Shaozong suddenly panicked, hurriedly stepped forward to gather her shoulders, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with this? How come the golden beans fall off?"

Ruan Rong took the opportunity to pierce his head in his arms and said dullly: "Even the orphan and widow are married, and relatives rushed to ask, but I am alone, and I haven't even written letters for more than half a year."

Don't say that the cheap old husband, has now been imprisoned in the Tianxiang country of Qianxiang, even if he is good, with the current situation of Qianxiang country, I am afraid that he would not dare to pass on a word to Da Zhou.

However, Sun Shaozong did not dare to let Ruan Rong know about this. He even sent the guy who had returned from Qianxiang Country to the south in order to conceal the news to help Cheng Rixing run the timber business.

So he had to gag, and deliberately said with a straight face: "What you said, with me by your side, why are you alone? Besides, even if I'm an outsider, your son is always your bones and blood, right?"

"Or, you don't think he is surnamed Ruan? Then I will explain to the person below and change his name to Ruan Chengyi!"


Ruan Rong raised her head and screamed, half-truth and annoyed: "If you are serious, you are talking nonsense!"


Sun Shaozong laughed, wrapped her in his arms, and said: "Then you won't change your name for this one. When we have another son, let him follow your name."

"You still say it!"

Ruan Rong smashed Sun Shaozong’s chest with a small fist, but he took the opportunity to hug him and put him on the bed sideways. He was about to jump up and fight for the next child. Ruan Rong hurriedly raised his leg to support him. Xiong's waist, angrily said: "Let's freshen up first. You came out of Youshi's house in the morning, but you haven't washed your body yet."

Still need to wash?

You's had a good aftermath with the tongue of spring

However, it was not easy to talk to Ruan Rong about this matter, so Sun Shaozong had to get up angrily, shouted Pomegranate and Furong out of the bathtub, and brought in several buckets of well water and three pots of hot water.

Outside the barrel, there were a total of eight hands rubbing and washing. Ruan Rong suddenly remembered another business matter and hurriedly said, "By the way, the uncle sent someone to send me a ten thousand tael cash. What is it for?"

Sun Shaozong poured some water on his head with a scoop, rinsed off the jasmine scented soap foam, and randomly wiped a handful of towels on his face. Then he said: "It's nothing, our timber business is not a big profit. Huh? There’s a bit of grief over there, thinking about paying dividends in advance. I combined with my eldest brother yesterday to get some silver cushions from our house, so as not to ruin the business."

Ruan Rong naturally knew who'over there' was referring to, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Her family didn't pay any money, so she split it into half with our family based on the relationship. Right now, she is embarrassed to make early dividends!"

Sun Shaozong smiled helplessly and sighed: "How can there be any way, even if it is a few hundred years later, the masters who make the most of it will still be the ones who are related."