The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 508: Rush to the field, recklessly 1 wave

Hearing what he said, ‘Rafting on the lake, in love with the mountains and rivers’, but he bowed his head and blew out the lantern for lighting. Ping'er didn’t know what he was thinking about? &1t;/

Immediately blushed and screamed: "A good view, let the grown-ups say this, makes life and life become obsolete."&1t;/

While she was talking, she lifted the skirt and Ren Sun Shaozong led it onto the bow. &1t;/

When Ping'er sat firmly in the cabin, Sun Shaozong first unfastened the rope tied to the bushes, then picked up the toes and grabbed the pole in his hand, then tapped on the shore, and the little awning boat swayed. Layers of waves drove towards the center of the lake quietly. &1t;/

When I reached the center of Qinfang Pond, I saw a rockery uprooted in the water, with many holes in the middle, which caused the lake to gurg by. The patter was crisp and sweet, and it was like birds whispering in the treetops. &1t;/

This is also a good place for Sun Shaozong to go boating at noon. &1t;/

He leaned forward and tied the cable to a rock protruding from the water. He tried to pull it a few times. After confirming that there would be nothing wrong, he turned around and laughed and said, "There are mountains and waters here. This is it."&1t;/

Ping'er screamed again in the cabin, and then leaned to the side in silence, emptying most of the cabin. &1t;/

How could Sun Shaozong refuse this silent invitation? &1t;/

I immediately got into the cabin with a cat's waist. After a while, I saw a few clothes thrown on the bow of the ship, and then the awning boat swayed ripples...&1t;/

There is a poem saying: &1t;/

Lonely pity on the edge of Youcaojian, there is a deep tree screaming yellow oriole. &1t;/

The spring tide brings rain late and rushes, and the unmanned boat on the wild ferry is free. &1t;/

Clouds scattered and rained. &1t;/

Ping'er was neatly dressed in the cabin, and saw Sun Shaozong squatting naked on the raised rock, scooping the gurgling water with his hands, and washing and washing the things that had been fought, and she couldn't help but said with concern: "It's the same if you go back and wash again. Yes, don’t catch the cold."&1t;/

Sun Shaozong turned his head and smiled and said: "You know what your body is like, you know best. What can I do with the night wind?"&1t;/

Ping'er thought about the madness just now, and couldn't help her cheeks being hot, and she quietly got out of the cabin, and said softly: "Then I will serve the Lord..."&1t;/

"No, no, I have already washed it."&1t;/

Sun Shaozong will open up a second battlefield later, how dare he continue to provoke her? &1t;/

Busily shook his body, wiped it with a handkerchief a few times, jumped to the bow of the boat three times five times two, put on his clothes, and touched the ten thousand tael banknote from his sleeve, sighing: " Although I want to keep you overnight, if your mistress can't see this thing, 80% of them won't even sleep well."&1t;/

Seeing his face full of regret, Ping'er didn't know it, but on the contrary, he relieved him a few words. &1t;/

Only then did Sun Shaozong untied the rope, and drove a small boat straight to the lotus root pavilion just south of the rockery with the gurgling stream. &1t;/

When he reached the tortuous bamboo bridge, Sun Shaozong carefully lifted Ping'er to the bridge, and said goodbye to Ping'er across the railing, until he could no longer see Ping'er's back, then he hurriedly propped up the boat and flew. Also rushed back to Zilingzhou. &1t;/

Tie the boat back to the bushes, and wiped the battlefield in the dark. Sun Shaozong got on and off the boat and walked around to the main entrance of Zhujin Tower. &1t;/

Carefully pushed on the door to confirm that the door was still locked from the inside. Sun Shaozong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and called out, "I'm back, let me open the door soon."&1t; /

After shouting so many times, I heard a rush of going downstairs. &1t;/

Sun Shaozong took a deep breath immediately and waited for a minute to the left and right of the door, as if a tiger pounced on food, he rubbed Li Wan into his arms when he opened the door, involuntarily said to be a passionate wet kiss. &1t;/

It wasn't until the brain that Li Wan kissed was hypoxia, he took the time to lock the door, and then involuntarily picked Li Wan up to the second floor, threw a pretty widow on the bed, and threw it up regardless. ! &1t;/

Li Wan was overwhelmed by his fiery passion. Seeing that he was stripped into an Aries, he couldn't help being ashamed and said: "You enemy, how can you be so impatient today..."&1t; /

"Didn't you say I'm anxious? I'll show you anxiously!"&1t;/

Sun Shaozong grinned, but what he thought was that no matter how he cleaned up his body, it would inevitably leave some traces. If he didn't open the door and just waved, how could he hide his past? &1t;/

Fortunately, he has a body made of cast iron. If someone else rushes to the field in such a hurry, he really may not be able to come over...&1t;/

The words are divided into two ends. &1t;/

However, it was said that when Sun Shaozong braved his courage to fight on the indescribable battlefield, the Niu Family of the Zhenguo Mansion was full of sad clouds. &1t;/

Cang! &1t;/

First, there was a Tang Sancai horse stepping on Feiyan, breaking the dead silence in the backyard study at the cost of crushing bones, and then listening to the gnashing of Qi Heling's teeth, "I can't swallow this breath, I can't swallow it!"&1t; /

Although Qi Heling is surnamed Qi, he is the younger brother of the brave Bo Niu Jizong, but he passed on to the Qi family when he was young. &1t;/

Although he is a civil servant, he has a majestic and rugged body, but Niu Jizong, who is known as a courageous man, is born with a delicate and elegant demeanor. &1t;/

Of course, at this time, Niu Jizong is full of filial piety, and there is only a vicious face on his face, but where is there still a half of elegant demeanor? &1t;/

I saw him squinting his eyes and sneered: "What can you do if you can't swallow it? Do you still want to enter the imperial city and chop off the head of the fainted king as a sacrifice?"&1t;/


Qi Heling was immediately at a loss, and angrily sat back on the straw mat, clenched his fists and thumped the ground three times, shaking his mouth numbly, and then mumbled: "Brother don't run on me. , I just fight to die, and I have to go to the imperial city to drag a few people back!"&1t;/

"Confused!" &1t;/

Niu Jizong leaned forward abruptly, half-kneeled grabbing his collar, and gritted his teeth and asked: "Ama's hatred and your life are only worth a few Qiu Ba's heads?!"&1t;/

Qi Heling shrank and shrank by his roar, but couldn't help but tell the difference: "What else can we do? Right now, our Niu family can be said to be rebellious, even Shui Rong’s partner is trying to clear the relationship. Don’t hesitate to fall into trouble..."&1t;/


Niu Jizong shouted and asked: "Are you scared?!"&1t;/

"I'm afraid?!"&1t;/

The more counseled I was, the more I couldn’t bear to be broken by others. Qi Heling immediately jumped more than three feet high, blushing and shouting, "I hate! I hate the cunning father and I hate that Taishang is so old and dizzy that he sits next to the emperor and ruins our great situation!"&1t;/

Niu Jizong snorted, and said: "Don't forget, we dared to take risks at the beginning, just to deceive his old age and softheartedness, to live up to the decisiveness of killing and cutting-this weakness can be used by you and I, and you can also use it if you are afraid of people."&1t ;/

After being demolished several times by his elder brother, Qi Heling lost his temper completely and collapsed on the straw mat. He smiled bitterly, "So, don't our brothers have to wait for death?"&1t;/

"Waiting to die?"&1t;/

The corner of Niu Jizong's mouth turned up, revealing a vicious look: "As long as the aunt is still there, we are not considered a lose! You can wait with peace of mind. It is estimated that it will not be long before this Great Zhou Dynasty will change!"&1t;/


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