The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 523: Steal

It was just after [three in the afternoon], and it stands to reason that it was when the business was on sale, but Wang Ergou, the shop assistant of Ruyifang Wuya Pharmacy, was lying on the counter, in a posture of ‘falling high and sleeping well.’

The shopkeeper Wu, who was always mean, didn't even mean to blame him for it.

This is because the people in the capital like to make a lot of money, so the first day of every month is when the pharmacy of the medical hall is the most deserted, even the regular customers who can't stop the medicine will buy a few days in advance, and they will definitely not be at the beginning of the month. Come to touch the mold.

Only those who have an emergency, or those who don't care about their lives, will choose to buy medicine at the pharmacy on the first day of the new year.

Over time, the first day of the new year has also become a good day for apprentices in the pharmacy.


Wang Ergou was taking a nap, and suddenly there was a loud noise in his ears. He jumped up to more than three feet high, holding the medicine jar to look intently, but he saw that there was already an extra eyebrow standing in the store for some unknown time. Purpose middle-aged strong man.

And just now, it was the middle-aged man who slapped the counter on the counter.

Before Wang Ergou could take a closer look, the man yelled, "What? Why do you want to hit someone with a tortoise grandson?! Come on, Master Yun wants to see, you can still kill people in Beijing. What is bullying!"

This foreign accent spoke quickly and eagerly, and Wang Ergou barely listened to it, but seeing that he stared at the medicine jar in his hand and looked like a husky face on his body, he roughly guessed what was going on.

Needless to say, it must have been a newcomer from another city. He was cheated by the rascals in the capital, so he was filled with grievances.

Although he was a little gloating in his heart, Wang Ergou didn't dare to provoke him indiscriminately, so he hurriedly put down the medicine jar in his hand, and asked unsatisfactorily, "What medicine do you want to grab?"


The foreign man slapped on the counter again, shook the medicine jar and Lao Gao, and when he raised his hand, there were already more prescriptions for dragons and phoenixes on the table.

"That's it, let's see if you can!"

Damn foreign guy!

Wang Ergou cursed secretly in his heart, picked up the prescription and scanned it twice, only to find that half of the text on the prescription was blurred by sweat. No matter how hard he tried, it was difficult to distinguish it.

He couldn't help frowning and said: "Keye, your recipe is so muddy with sweat, I'm afraid that you have to go back and ask for another one."

"What? Not!"

As soon as the man heard this, the blue veins on his neck rose up from Lao Gao, spitting and shouting, "I'm waiting for the medicine to save my life and delay my brother's life. Can you afford it?!"

With that, he grabbed Wang Ergou's collar and shouted loudly to make him dispense the medicine.

Wang Ergou said that the man just didn't listen. He tore it off indiscriminately, and the noise became louder and louder, and it quickly disturbed the shopkeeper Wu and his wife in the backyard.

The proprietress grabbed Wang Ergou, and shopkeeper Wu stopped the man from outside. After babbling about the cause and effect, shopkeeper Wu asked for the prescription. After scanning carefully for a moment, he smiled and said, "Keye. Don’t worry, this prescription should be the handwriting of Doctor Liu of Huichuntang. He often asks us to get medicine from us. Even if the handwriting is illegible, I can probably see it."

After that, he took the banknotes and copied the prescription again, and asked Wang Ergou to dispense all the medicines and hand them over to the man from other places. He exhorted: "Although this medicine is a good medicine, don't dare to take the wrong amount. Heat up."

Seeing that he was so amiable, the man from other places softened his attitude at the moment.

He whispered several times, "Thank you." After asking the price, he hurriedly took out two copper coins from his belt, and the number of one to five to ten was clearly counted, and he handed it to the proprietress Xu's hand, and took care of the remaining money. After wrapping it up, I hurried out of the medicine shop and left in a slanting wind.

"I'm pooh, something that doesn't open your eyes!"

Wang Ergou chased to the door and uttered a mouthful, then turned around and smiled: "You are still good at doing business and charged twice as much as you want. I am surprised to make those two fools thank you very much."

Shopkeeper Wu's face sank, and he cursed: "Monkey boy, I can't see at a glance, so you can cause trouble for me! There are not many customers left or right. You put the soup song on your back from behind. If it's at night Don't even think about eating if you can't memorize it!"

After that, no matter how Wang Ergou begged, Tong Xu went back to the backyard.

Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

But he said that the man from outside the country who bought the medicine rushed out two streets, walked through the alley, and passed through the alley until he arrived in a dilapidated small courtyard and knocked a few times on the door panel.

The gate of the courtyard opened at the sound, and a woman in the commoner Jingchai flashed out, welcoming the man straight into the hall.

Immediately after crossing the threshold, the man knelt down on one knee, clasped his fist to see the courtesy: "Humble job Yang Licai, I have seen thousands of adults!"

This vocal character is round and round, but it is the authentic Beijing dialect.

Seeing this dim and cramped room, there were six or seven dragon guards squeezed, and a majestic man sat on a bench in the center, but who else could he be if he wasn't Sun Shaozong?

Sun Shaozong peeked forward slightly: "How about it, have you already seen everything you should see?"


Yang Licai hurriedly said: "The humble post pretended to be a wronged foreigner in accordance with the instructions of the adult, and he really attracted the shopkeeper Wu and his wife."

As he said, he couldn't help but sneered: "The shopkeeper Wu is really a knife in his smile. Seeing that Humble Job is a newcomer from outside, Te Niang actually charged me twice as much medicine money as Humble Job!"

Sun Shaozong didn't care much about these trivial matters. He waved his hand and said, "It shouldn't be too late, Yang Baihu should choose someone first."

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of a woman was heard from inside, but the content was a hammer and a stick, and there was no point at all.

After the woman had finished speaking, another woman spoke.

In this way, the five women in a row made loud or soft voices, and there was silence again.

Yang Licai immediately said firmly: "The fourth and fourth voices are most like that of the Xu family."

Before the voice was over, a woman came out from the inside with a curtain, her figure and appearance were three-pointers similar to that of the Wu family.

Then Yang Licai drew the gourd again and selected the man whose voice most resembled the treasurer Wu.

When the two of them were out there, Yang Li again pointed out a few obvious loopholes. The spies who were good at disguising and changing clothes stepped forward to make some modifications. It was not until Yang Li felt that there was a similarity between five and six, so he gave up.

"Try it."

At this time, Sun Shaozong raised his hand, and the detective in charge of the disguise escorted Yang Licai to the inside. Immediately after the guarding the door, the small school of Longjianwei led in a man with a panic face from the outside.

After the man entered the door, he saw Sun Shaozong sitting on a stool with Da Ma Jin Dao, and he fell on his knees with a thump, and just as he was about to call his grievances to Master Qingtian, someone suddenly leaned down and said anxiously: "Doctor Liu!"

The man froze for a moment and looked up to follow the prestige, only to see a pair of men and women standing in the dim corner, vaguely his acquaintances, he blurted out: "Treasurer Wu, you... why are you here?!"

Hearing his talk, the two counterfeiters moved closer, and the person who pretended to be the Xu clan screamed and said, "You didn't do all the damage! What kind of tricks did you kill three lives!"

"Three...three lives?!"

Doctor Liu was taken aback and sat down on the ground in a panic, and said anxiously: " is this possible? I have never asked for merit but never before. I have never used a tiger-wolf formula. How could it be possible to kill people? , And three died at once?!"

"How impossible!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Wu's shopkeeper" moved forward again, and said sternly, "Could it be that Master Qingtian, will you be wronged by you?!"

Doctor Liu was stunned for a moment, and got up again hurriedly, knocking his head like garlic, shouting injustices to Sun Shaozong.

Sun Shaozong slowly said in an official tone, "If you really have any grievances, you should stand up and confront the shopkeeper Wu. If it's not that your prescription is out of the pool, it's that there is a problem with the medicinal materials of Wuya Pharmacy."

When Doctor Liu heard the words, he jumped up immediately, and his neck was suffocated like a cockfight, and he pushed all the sins to the shopkeeper Wu.

The shopkeeper Wu still argued a few words at first, but later was stumped by Doctor Liu using a large set of specious medical theories.

Seeing that the shopkeeper Wu couldn't stand it, and retreats in a row under his spitting stars, Doctor Liu was complacent, and suddenly heard Sun Shaozong said: "Enough, let this doctor Liu go down first."

Doctor Liu was stunned for a moment, waiting to inquire whether he was exonerated, the two guards of the gate, Long Jianwei, pounced on him early, wiped his shoulders and folded his arms, and gagged him out.

At the same time, another brawny man appeared there, kneeling on one knee in front of Sun Shaozong, and asked: "My lord, do you think these two people can still make it?"

Hearing this voice, it was Yang Licai himself.

"It should be enough."

Sun Shaozong nodded and said, "Wait when you get out of the back door, prepare everything first, and start the action immediately when it gets darker."

After a pause, he solemnly exhorted: "This matter is of great importance. You must be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the last time."

"My lord, don't worry, you have planned so well, if there is something wrong with the humble job, you won't have the face to come back to see you again."

After Yang Licai finished speaking, seeing that Sun Shaozong had no more instructions, he called out five or six maids and little servants in Tsing Yi and Xiaomao from the inside. Together with Boss Wu and his wife Gao Fang, they quietly touched them out from the back door.

Sun Shaozong watched them file out, and not long after hearing the rumbling of horseshoes and cars, he couldn't help but sighed inwardly. It seemed that this was too burly and it was not a good thing.

Originally, this action of apprehending the shopkeeper Wu and his wife was directly directed by him to be the most stable, but Sun Shaozong's stature, he could not find a few in the capital, and the mixture in it was also a bit dazzling.

No choice but to entrust the errand to Yang Licai.

Not to mention how Sun Shaozong was nervous.

It was said that Yang Licai led the people out of the back door, and from a courtyard, he took out two horses and three or two carriages.

The valet dressed up took the waist knife and hunting bow from the leading cart; the maid dressed up from the caravan behind, took out the gorgeous clothes padded with cotton wool and put them on the fake Xu's.

When everyone is in their place, the chariot, the horse Xiaoxiao, the pedestrian bows and arrows at the waist, glance at it, it is the big family that the team returned from the autumn hunting!

This convoy went back and forth in the city for half an hour, and saw that it was almost a quarter to two [5:30 in the afternoon] before it came straight to the Wuya Medicine Shop.

"Stop, stop!"

Seeing that the front team had already crossed the Wuya Medicine Shop, a little maid in the carriage behind suddenly poked her head out and said with a sharp throat: "San Ye’s sickness is committed again. Let grandma take the medicine back and save it. Come out and run again."

After hearing this, the two maids also got down from the carriage in front, and ordered in an impulsive manner: "Go to the drugstore and see, don't you have an eye-opening collision with our grandmother!"

After an order was given, a few heroes immediately got off the cart, rushing into the drugstore like tigers, and after a while they came out to report that there were no other people in there.

The two maids then helped a fat lady from the car again, and surrounded by three or five heroes, she entered the Wuya drugstore.

In about a quarter of an hour, the lady came out of the drugstore. With just a few steps, her plump body seemed to be a bit exhausted, and it was up to the two maids to pull hard before she got into the carriage in front.

After a while, the convoy went back on the road, draped in the afterglow of the setting sun, and went all the way unhappily before returning to the back door of the small courtyard.


The carriage hadn't stopped, when he saw the back door a minute to the left, Sun Shaozong strode out to greet him from the inside, without speaking, his eyes looked straight on the carriage.

"grown ups."

Yang Licai quickly turned over and got off his horse, lowered his voice and said, "Fortunately, I am not insulting my humble job!"

As he raised his hands, the two heroes on the cart immediately took off a limp man, and the fat woman in the cart was also pulled out by the two maids.

Yang successively rolled up his sleeves and wiped the powder off the faces of the two of them, but it was not the shopkeeper Wu and his wife, who else could it be?

Sun Shaozong breathed a sigh of relief, arched his hand loosely, and said with a smile: "Treasurer Wu, this officer has been waiting for a long time!"

The shopkeeper Wu and his wife glared in anger, but they couldn't say a word.

Yang Licai said on the side: "Kong Xiao and Jiang Tao, posing as shopkeepers Wu and his wife, have successfully controlled the shopkeeper Wang Ergou. If someone who is irrelevant comes to the door, they will be received by Wang Ergo first. If it is a culprit of the White Lotus Sect. When they find the door, they will immediately release a secret signal."

After a pause, he bowed again and said, "Do you think you want to interrogate now, or..."

"Be back first."

Sun Shaozong pointed to the courtyard opposite, and said, "Let's wait for the news from Ruyifang to return."

Yang Licai replied respectfully and personally escorted shopkeeper Wu and his wife into the opposite courtyard.

Sun Shaozong turned his head back to the simple courtyard, took a seat on the stool, and picked up a thick file from the table with the dim oil lamp, and studied it carefully.

It took about two quarters of an hour to see someone opening the door. Gongsheng reported: "Return to Lord Thousand Households, Wuya Pharmacy has already closed the door, and there is nothing unusual around Ruyifang."


It seems that the people of the White Lotus Sect did not send someone to watch the shopkeeper Wu and his wife in Ruyifang.

Sun Shaozong put the file in his hand on the table, stretched his waist, and muttered: "Let's go, follow the officer to the backyard to torture and extract a confession, otherwise, how can you be worthy of the black material sent specially by the townsman?"