The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 641: Take office【中】

[Old rules, the third is a little bit more, don’t wait if you don’t stay up late. 】

Dali Temple.

It is located between Shichahai and the Imperial City, with the downtown area in the south and the water in the northwest. Therefore, for the convenience of the temple, people usually go to the corner gate on the east side.

However, Sun Shaozong is now in charge and the second in command, so he can't enter and exit through the corner door.

So early in the morning, a dozen officials stood at the east side of the street, bracing their necks and staring. Whenever they saw the chariots and horses of wealthy people, they would salivate and greet them.

In this way, in line with the principle of killing wrong and not letting go, and I don't know how many misunderstandings have been caused by this, the first few subordinates have grinned faces, but they still dare not relax.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree of man, "Three Eyes Divine Judgment" is no weaker than the scholars in the past. If you really neglect him, I am afraid that you will die without knowing how to die.

Seeing another oolong trouble, Zuo Sizheng Tang Weishan flashed to the side with a bitter face, letting the subordinates underneath go forward and say.

This was already a common practice, and the previous two dozen carriages were handled in this way.

Who would have thought that Tang Weishan hadn't gone far before he heard the noise behind him.

But she was a maid wearing gold and silver. She yelled at the car with her arms akimbo, saying what kind of sweet-scented Osmanthus Xia family was in the car. Now she was disturbed for no reason. She had to give a reasonable explanation, otherwise the matter would not be over.

Tang Weishan had never heard of this "Osmanthus Xia Family", but since he dared to be famous in the street, he obviously had some identity background.

So he put on a smiling face again, intending to settle down for the first time, so as not to delay serious errands.

Just at this moment, I heard someone on the other side yelling and asking: "What's going on ahead, how can the road be blocked?"

Tang Weishan followed the prestige, and saw a stunning woman dressed up in men's clothes urging him immediately, her face without cosmetic powder was so heroic, how could a woman not let her beards and eyebrows be exhausted?

Tang Weishan and the few subordinates around him were dazzled for a while, how could they still be able to respond to her question?

The'woman' urged the horse to the front, seeing everyone staring at her intently, her cheeks were red at the moment, she shook her horse whip in her hand, and shouted in a rough voice: "The Lord is here for the new Dali Temple Shaoqing. Question, how do you dare to pretend to be deaf?!"

The new Shaoqing of Dali Temple? !

This grandson is very romantic, and the others are three new officials who took office. He is so good, and he brought a beautiful woman who spurs the flames to take office.

and many more!

Could the object on this person's neck be a Adam's apple?

Actually a man? !

This can...

This will make it easier to purge the fire!

Tang Weishan was envious in his heart, but he didn't dare to neglect it. He hurriedly recounted the incident that he and others were waiting here, but accidentally blocked others by mistake.

At this time, Sun Shaozong’s frame also came to the front and opened the curtain to question: "Since you ran into someone's female family, how can you afford the dispute if you don't have to wait to apologize?"

Tang Weishan was promoted by Liu Fang, and he had a guilty conscience himself, so he took the job of Yuanying and planned to make a good impression on Sun Shaozong.

Now that Sun Shaozong's complexion was not good, his spine was immediately weakened by ninety-nine percent, and the prawn that folded his body seemed to be bent to the ground.

However, before Tang Weishan could tremble and say, a voice that resembled Huang Ying suddenly came out from behind: "It turns out that the little girl actually blocked Master Sun's driving, sin, sin! Bao Chan, don't let people go to the side of the road. !"

Following this command, the two carriages in front of and behind the Xia family slowly leaned to the side of the road.

Sun Shaozong followed the prestige, and saw half of the car at the head of the car showing beauty, and a pair of watery eyes, scanning Liu Xianglian's body intently.


This looks good is to take advantage.

Sun Shaozong smacked his lips boringly, lowered the curtain of the car and gave a command, and Zhang Cheng drove the car to Dali Temple.

"Quickly, quickly, open the road ahead!"

Seeing this, Tang Weishan hurriedly urged, so he waited around the frame.

It's just that he just got close, but he listened to Sun Shaozong's instructions in it: "You stay, do you stay with others, don't let people say that we don't understand the etiquette of Dali Temple."

Tang Weishan stopped steadfastly, and his ruined intestines were green. If he knew that there was still this, he had let this Yuanying errand to Zuosi deputy Chen Jingde at the beginning.

After a long sigh, he arrived in front of the carriage of the "Osmanthus Xia Family" and said good things.

This is what he did, but it was duly glared at the blind man.

The woman in the car didn't even hear a word at all, but Xizi wondered with her heart: How good would it be if the jade-faced Xiao Langjun was Master Sun? I am bankrupt and I have to marry his family as a wife!


Not to mention the wishful thinking of Miss Xia Jia, but she said that Sun Shaozong's frame, surrounded by a group of government officials, was as good as the door, and several officials were already under the steps.

As soon as Sun Shaozong picked up the curtain of the car, before he got off the car, all the officials bowed to salute.

The headed one with a long face and a small beard said respectfully: "Cheng Yang Zhiming from the Zuo Temple in the lower post, and welcome the adults to the office at the rate of the Zuo Temple."


The previous one is ‘make death right’, and here comes another ‘make death Cheng’. Why does it sound so bad?

With slander in his heart, Sun Shaozong got out of the carriage neatly, first helped Yang Zhiming up, and then smiled at the others: "Everyone please hurry up. This official has always been informal. As long as it is from a public heart, there is no taboo in the future. Ya has been an official for a long time, and you will know my temperament."

Although he talked about the gentle wind and drizzle, no one really dared to be'indiscriminate' and obeyed his orders honestly. Only then was the stars holding the moon and welcoming Sun Shaozong into the Dali Temple.

When they arrived at Zuo Shaoqing's exclusive courtyard, everyone paid homage to them one by one.

The number of officials under Zuo Shaoqing's name may not be able to exceed the number of officials in Shuntian Palace, but those with official ranks far exceed them.

Naturally headed by Cheng Yang Zhiming is the Wupin Zuosi Temple.

Further down there are Zheng Liupin Zuo Temple Zheng, Liu Pin Zuo Temple Vice, and two Zheng Qi Pin Criticians, and four Cong Ji Pin Directors.

After the introduction of this long list of official titles and names, and each of them reported the errands they were originally responsible for, it already took half an hour.

Sun Shaozong said some kind of mandarin again, and was about to ask clearly where is the experience department specializing in document printing, so that he could go to formally verify the official status himself.

Suddenly I saw a small official in a green robe coming in from outside, and said respectfully: "Si Fang Shunyi has seen an adult in his humble position, and your seal is ready. When do you think it will be convenient for you to check it out?"

This is where the world always loves to pursue power and fame!

I thought that when Sun Shaozong went to Kaifeng Mansion to take office, he had to suffer from the experience of Chen, but now this Dali Temple is all sincere and fearful, for fear of leaving a bad impression in front of him.

Of course, Sun Shaozong didn't stop at this point, really thinking that he would be able to follow the rules when he arrived for the first time.

After passing through the field to verify his body, he stood up and confessed to everyone: "If you have any official duties, you might as well go busy first. The officer Rong has paid a visit to Lord Tingwei, and then come to ask you for advice."

Tingwei is the honorary name of Dali Temple, just as the Shangshu of the Ministry of War is honored as Dasima.

However, recent official titles have also tended to depreciate. Shaoqing also commonly uses the word "Tingwei", while Da Sima is directly added to the body of the Minister of War.

In short, surrounded by the sound of ‘Don’t dare’, Sun Shaozong led by Yang Zhiming out of the Zuo Temple and headed straight to the center of the main hall.

Only halfway through, Yang Zhiming suddenly stopped, and said with a nervous smile: "My lord, according to the custom in our temple, you are afraid that you have to go first... first go to the cell and go around."

Sun Shaozong, Zuo Shaoqing of the Dali Temple, does have the responsibility of supervising the Dali Temple Heavenly Prison, but he hasn't seen his immediate boss, so why should he go to the prison?

He looked at Yang Zhiming suspiciously, wondering what he meant, but suddenly heard a roar of a wild beast from the northwest corner.

Sun Shaozong suddenly realized.

The highest official title in this yamen is not Dali Temple Qing Wei Yi, but the first-grade Dali Temple guard, that is, the white elephant whose bones were kicked out when he took a bath in Shichahai that year.