The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 649: Continue daily

It is said to be closed in the wood house, but in order to avoid burning the camp after taking the water, the wood house is mostly built in remote and independent places, and there is usually no personal smoke.

If it is used to restrain ordinary servants, who dares to put the maid who has been used by the master?

In the middle of the night, someone will go in in the dark and do something that is not obvious. How can it be done?

Therefore, although the place where the women of the inner house are restrained is also called the firewood house, in fact, Su Ri does not stack firewood very much, and it is often not far from the inner courtyard, so that it can be placed in hand care.

So Sun Shaozong went out of his own home, and within a few steps, he was near the ‘chaifang’.

Seeing that the second master had arrived, the woman in charge of guarding hurriedly greeted her with a lantern.

Sun Shaozong ignored her, but frowned when he looked at the wood house, used his chin a little bit inward, and asked, "Why do you have to turn on the lamp?"

Although it is not a real wood room, since it is used by people for restraint, it naturally cannot be too comfortable for people to live in. Therefore, there is nothing for the bed, lamp, toilet, or anything.

But now that lanterns are lit in this ‘wood house’, it is clear that the rules have been broken.

Hearing that the second master had a bad tone, the woman hurriedly bowed her body and said, "It was the mandarin duck girl who came to see her, so she brought the lantern in. It's not that we broke the rules indiscriminately!"

The mandarin duck is here?

Sun Shaozong waved his hand and motioned the woman to step aside and stepped outside the door of the ‘chaifang’. After listening for a moment, he heard two women in the room talking.

"...I just came to wait with my wife that year. I was punished to kneel in the yard because I was ignorant and was hungry and thirsty. The third master saw me and secretly gave me some cakes and tea."

"Since then I have taken him in my heart, always looking forward to serving him."

"Who would have thought that after only a few years of effort, he has become so... so..."

The sobbing voice was undoubtedly Caixia.

Let her choke for a long time, then listened to the soft voice of the mandarin duck and said with relief: "Cry, you will feel at ease when you cry."

After that, she said a lot of persuasive words. In the end, she heard the cups and plates, and apparently she had persuaded Caixia to enter the water and rice.

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong dismissed the idea of ​​going in, turned around and walked towards the backyard again.

"Second Lord? You are..."

The gatekeeper's wife didn't know each other, and chased up to ask what was going on, but Sun Shaozong glared back.

It's just that her shouting shocked the inside after all.

The mandarin duck pushed the door out, watching Sun Shaozong's tall figure drift away, and some complicated grievances flashed between his eyebrows.

She sighed secretly, turned back to Caixia, put her finger on her forehead, and said with a smile: "You only remember the dim sum of Huan San, but why don't you know that our second master is also thinking about you? He came here specifically to look at you, and probably because of me, he stood outside for a while and then left."

Caixia was taken aback when she heard this, and she was a little bit incredulous: "This...sister, isn't it the one who blamed me?"

"Don't you believe it? Why don't we call the gatekeeper, Mrs. Xu, to come in and ask!"

As the mandarin duck said, she shouted for the woman to come in, but Caixia hurriedly covered her mouth and nose.

"I believe it, but it won't work if I believe it!"

"That's right, when I ask Xiangling to build a bridge tomorrow, you will have a donkey downhill. For a snack, ruining yourself like this is not worth it..."

After a series of countdowns of Mandarin Duck, Caixia subconsciously looked outside the door for a few times, and finally nodded half-concealed...

Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

However, Sun Shaozong said that when he returned home, he could not find any concubines and a pair of children inside and out. The little maid who was looking for the left-behind girl had a look, and realized that he had gone to Jia Yingchun's courtyard.

So he hesitated for a while, then turned around and entered the West Chamber.

After entering the door, I saw Qingwen sitting on Yuan Xiao, looking at a jade Ruyi with tears in her eyes.

When she heard someone coming in, she looked up and saw that Sun Shaozong had arrived, so she subconsciously wanted to put away the jade ruyi.

Just as soon as she moved, she stopped suddenly, put the Yu Ruyi in her hand, stirred her nose a few times, and laughed at herself: "Er Yeh don't misunderstand, this is brought by Mrs. Jia Gongzi Tuo, and said Yes... it is said to congratulate the maidservant for finding a home."

As she said, the big teardrops came out of her eyes, so she hurriedly lowered her head to cover it.

However, after she was thin recently, Qingwen has become more and more related to Lin Daiyu, and it is precisely in the sadness that she sees the color.

Sun Shaozong subconsciously stretched out his hand to support her chin, gently lifted the head of Zhenzhen, and took a closer look through the light, but only saw: two bays seem to be frowning, and a pair of eyebrows are like weeping but not weeping; The sorrow of being born with two distresses will attack the disease of the whole body; the tears will light up, and the breath will be slight, and the disease will win three points.

It's charming and enchanting, I feel pitiful!

With the presence of Qingwen, I missed Lin Daiyu's good color, and it was worthwhile to make up for it.

That's right.

After careful consideration in the past few days, Sun Shaozong has made a decision: Sister Lin should leave it to Baoyu.

It is a good thing to be able to be less crowded in the officialdom, but since we established ourselves in the officialdom, we have relied on ability and not popularity!

I didn't have to do it for this icing on the cake, which broke the friendship between the brothers and hurt my own moral character. It is really worthless!

Of course, this matter is not too busy to solve it, and it is not too late to use his name to turn down when the cheapest brother returns from the northeast.

The book is back to the main story.

But he said that Sun Shaozong put out the idea of ​​beating the mandarin ducks, and on the contrary, he was more interested in this weak and romantic appearance. At this time, when Qingwen was more than Huajiao, he couldn't help but bow his head and go to her cheek. Tears.

Qingwen took this peck, but she seemed to be bitten on the tip of her heart, crunchy and hot, and she fell half of her body immediately.

It wasn't until Sun Shaozong squeezed all the teardrops in her mouth that she eased a little bit, and barely raised her hand and swiped it, and groaned: "Master, don't want to... Don't mess around, Aunt Zhen came back when she saw it. "

Her voice couldn't help trembling when she heard it, as if scratching from her ears to her kidneys, but Sun Shaozong was willing to let go?

With his left arm, he hooked Qingwen's waist with an inch, put her big mouth on her earlobe, and laughed: "Don't worry, they were called to the lady's house and talked with the girl. At that time, there will be a few more hoops, and it is estimated that I will not be able to come back."

"That's also... that's not true..."

Raised by the heat, Qingwen panicked even more.

But this is not the first time after all, and Baoyu just sent these She felt cold in her heart, and she also had less resistance to Sun Shaozong. But there is not much power at all.

When Sun Shaozong saw this, how could he be polite?

I forcefully hugged her up, and walked into the room on his own, with a serious voice: "While Xiangling hasn't come back, I'll help you enlighten, unblock, and unblock, so as not to get frustrated and hurt your body. "

With that said, she put Qingwen on the spring bench...

There is a word cloud saying:

Lovesick deceased, chai divides hate shares, pink prints Jiao marks.

After a few return dates, the two places are in ecstasy.

Outside the building, the green hills are faint, and the red rain is in front of the flowers.

The end of the world was near, and Chu Yun turned back, and the new moon broke through the dusk.

Yuan·Zhang Kejiu

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