The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 650: marriage

Just after the fifth shift, the sky was still dark.

Sun Shaozong got up quietly and called Ruier, who was on duty at night, to wait and wash.

When everything was cleaned up, he faced the bright color of the sky and went out to the front yard.

"Second Lord."

Zhao Zhongji, with a tired face, had already been outside the second door. Seeing Sun Shaozong came out, he was busy with energy, followed behind obliquely and flatteringly. He reported: "Wang Huwei came to the door just after the fifth shift to ask for a meeting, saying he was yours. Command..."

"He came early."

Sun Shaozong rushed to the living room with a stride, and ordered: "Today's breakfast will be laid out in the living room."

Zhao Zhongji replied repeatedly, followed a hundred steps further, and followed him to the left of the living room. Seeing that Sun Shaozong seemed to have no other orders, he quietly went to the kitchen to deliver food.

But he said that Sun Shaozong arrived in the living room and didn't wait for Wang Zhen to come forward to see the courtesy. He said straightforwardly: "Presumably Zhang Cheng also told you. I got some clues yesterday. After thinking about it, about Mo is two ways."

Wang Zhen hurriedly pricked his ears to listen.

Sun Shaozong settled down on the main seat first, and then continued: "Well, of course, it is a secret investigation to try to find decisive evidence, and then the culprits are captured in one go. This method is safe, but it is also possible to investigate. No evidence."

"Secondly, it is simply to startle the grass and startle the snake. If the other party is confused, we will also have an opportunity to take advantage of the shortcomings. If one can't control it, it will be easy for the culprit behind the scenes to escape."

A butcher, a team leader, and a security chief.

These three people can form a complete chain of crimes, but they can't explain the purpose and motivation, as well as the origins of Zhang Tuhu and Wei Bantou's belongings.

Therefore, it can be basically concluded that there must be someone behind the master!

Having said that, Sun Shaozong looked at Wang Zhen: "In your opinion, what should we do now?"


Although Wang Zhen was messed up a few days ago, now that he has been stunned, he has already recovered Su Ri's cleverness.

After a little consideration, he immediately said, "From the humble opinion, the most important thing for us right now is to protect Zhang An. As for the culprit, it is best to catch nature..."

Although he didn't say it clearly, he obviously agreed to use the second method to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

This cannot be said to be a wrong choice.

Even for Sun Shaozong, it can be said to be the most advantageous choice.


The culprit behind the scenes was contaminated with the lives of more than a dozen innocent teenagers!

Seeing that Sun Shaozong seemed hesitant, Wang Zhenxian reminded him again: "It's nothing else. The beggars under Wang Baochang are all over the Jixiangfang. Even if we are investigating secretly, it will be difficult to escape him."

"Sooner or later, I want to stun the snake, so it's better to take the initiative to lead the snake out of the hole..."

I really have to worry about this.

That's it.

There is no perfect strategy left or right, just do your best.

Sun Shaozong sighed secretly, and then solemnly said: "When the day breaks, you go to the Outer City Gunpowder Bureau and look for Jia Shanyao, the garrison deputy Qianhu of the Dragon Guard, and ask him to allocate some manpower to assist with the case."

"When Jia Shanyao's people are set up properly, you can ask Qiu Yunfei to come forward and have a shock!"

Having said that, the details of the plan will be explained in a way.

Wang Zhen nodded repeatedly, but finally couldn't help but hesitate and said: "My lord has just handed over the errand of Beizhen Fusi, then Jia Qianhu is stationed at the Gunpowder Bureau, I am afraid he may not be willing..."

"If he refuses to help, just come back and report to me."

Sun Shaozong cut off Wang Zhen's words, and then sneered again: "I don't want him to give charcoal in the snow. If I refuse to even add the icing on the cake, it is considered that I saw him wrong."

Only then did Wang Zhen bow down and take his orders, and then ignoring Sun Shaozong's staying food, he left in a rush.


Not to mention Wang Zhen.

But he said that Sun Shaozong had used breakfast and rested in the living room for a while before returning to the backyard to change into his official uniform, and ordered Zhang Cheng to drive the carriage straight to Dali Temple.

There was nothing on this road, seeing that it was not far from Dali Temple, but hitting a welcoming team of a hundred and ten people facing him.

These days, it is customary to go to the church in the evening, so it is usually after noon to welcome the relatives seriously, and this early morning, they will not be concubines.

It seems that the second marriage is undoubtedly a continuation.

And looking at the pomp, 80% of them are still officials.

Although it is a virtue that a stubborn wife does not go to court, there are really many people who "promote the office and make a fortune to die a wife" this year.

It's not that I dislike the old and ugly original partner.

Anyway, no one said anything about Donna's concubine.

The main considerations are contacts, arm assistance, and the like.

Marrying a concubine from a big family as a wife, you can borrow the Yue family somehow, so some people who are eager to move forward can't help but perform these trilogy upside down.

Talk less gossip.

But he said that seeing that the welcoming team was very bloated, Zhang Cheng took the reins and towed the carriage to the side of the road, intending to wait for the welcoming team to pass before continuing on the road.

Unexpectedly, the welcoming team came to the front, but suddenly stopped, and even the sedan chair in the center fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, someone called and said loudly: "Is the second cousin in the car in person?"

What the **** is the second cousin?

Mo said that Nanzong is in the capital, and there are only two juniors. Even if they really come from the same generation, they should be called Brother Thirteen.

But if I admit it was wrong...

The man kicked off his horse and walked to the front of the car, but he looked sure.

Although Monk Zhang Er is generally confused, but since people have come close, they still have to support it, especially watching the battle, knowing that this is not an ordinary portal.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong picked the curtain and got out of the carriage, looked up and down the boy a few times, and hesitated: "Forgive me for my clumsy eyes, but I don't know if I am a driver..."

The man was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, but he immediately smiled with relief: "My father is the prison of the Imperial College and Jijiu Sun Tao. Last fall, when the two families were in Lianzong, the second brother, you were not in Beijing, so it's no wonder that you didn't recognize me."

It turned out that it was the brother of the quasi-national uncle and the princess in person.

Sun Shaozong suddenly realized that, no wonder it was so ostentatious, the feeling is that the prince concubine's family is married.


Since the two families are already connected, they are theoretically relatives. There is no reason why his family married a daughter, but Sun Shaozong has not received any news.

"It turns out that it was Brother Zhaolin face to face."

Sun Shaozong uttered the young man's name, then looked suspiciously at the sedan chair not far away, and said strangely: "Whose girl is married, so why bother to show off the younger brother."

When Sun Zhaolin saw that the well-known second brother Sun had also heard of his own name, he was overjoyed when he suddenly asked him about the identity of the bride in the sedan chair, and he was embarrassed again.

After a long time Fang San smiled and said, "It's really my second uncle's sister inside."

As he said, he leaned forward and said with his throat: "Because she married King Xinyang, my father refused to speak up."

It seems that King Xinyang killed Niu's daughter after all!


Because of what happened at the time, the prince should be extremely repulsive to the king of Xinyang. How could the prince's natal family be allowed to marry the king of Xinyang?

This Sun Zhaolin, like his sister, has a clear eyebrow. Just looking at Sun Shaozong's face, he hurriedly explained: "My father also strongly opposed it, but my second uncle wanted to have a princess in the house, so..."


If Sun Shaozong remembers correctly, the second uncle of the princess is now just a small official of Taichang Division's seventh rank, and it is also common for him to be fascinated by the name of the princess of Xinyang.

It's just that, the princess's situation is even more embarrassing...8)