The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 667: deficit

[The third update, about one point]

Not to mention the absurd things in the Rongguo Mansion.

But it is said that on the morning of October 6th, at the round table meeting of Dali Temple, some serious business affairs were finally discussed.

It is said that the fire at the gate of the city has affected Chiyu. The Ministry of Households had been checking accounts recently, and suddenly died in the process of catching up with the Ministry of Households. Naturally, the corresponding property audits have been tightened.

As a result, a sum of money applied by Dali Temple was not approved in time, and there were even signs of rejection.

If this were left in Shuntian Mansion, it wouldn't be considered a major event.

But this matter was resting on the head of Dali Temple, but it caused a small disturbance.

Yesterday, when Sun Shaozong took a break, a group of businessmen also got the news somehow, and drove in groups to collect debts.

Although they didn't make a noise outside, they went to the hall to talk, but they still led to street discussions.

Inner courtyard flower hall.

Dali Temple Secretary Wei Yi walked back and forth, pacing back and forth between square inches, before stopping for a while, and said in a deep voice: "This is not going to happen. You must first put your thoughts down, and you must not let them live in Wanshou. Make a noise before the holiday!"

Although what he said was absolutely decisive, Sun Shaozong and Li Wenshan were still there, and there was no reaction at all.

Wei Yi couldn't hold on his face, so he simply named him and said, "Li Shaoqing, I heard that you are acquainted with the boss of Ming Chengzhai, can you..."

"grown ups."

You Shaoqing and Li Wenshan immediately cut off his words and said, neither salty nor indifferent: "They are all greedy people. At first, it was not easy to postpone it for a few months. Now Anken can do accommodating again?"

With this sentence, Wei Yi choked out of words.

As a last resort, he smiled again, and said to Sun Shaozong, "Master Sun, I heard that the household department is all for the adult in the matter. It is your niece and son-in-law. If you can let him say a few words..."

"My lord, this is embarrassing to dismiss the government."

Sun Shaozong didn't wait for him to finish, so he spread his hands together and said: "Not to mention that I am only a distant relative to an adult. How can I give the country's finances to others, even my nephews and uncles?"

After hitting two nails in succession, Wei Yiyu’s anger, but Sun and Li had no choice but to flick the sleeves of his robes and said angrily: “Stop! Since everyone has no idea, they just let them make trouble. On the street, even if it disturbs your Majesty’s Longevity Day, it’s not the official alone!"

Seeing his broken can, Li Wenshan couldn't help himself. Unlike Wei Yi's desirelessness, he could still expect to go further.

If this is caused before the Longevity Festival, the three officials of Dali Temple are afraid that they will be blamed, especially if they are hated by His Majesty, how can they have any future in the future?

He moved his lips and was about to say something, but he heard the opposite Sun Shaozong rush to say: "Since this deficit is owed by the Secretariat, the adults should first ask the Secretariat, I will be responsible for prison litigation and sentencing. I haven't acted as an accountant, but where do I have any ideas?"

With this, Li Wenshan immediately sang the opposite tune when he was uncomfortable, so he had to take the words to his lips, and quietly swallowed it back.

When Wei Yi saw this, he couldn't help but feel annoyed secretly. He just pretended to be a posture just to lure Li Wenshan to come forward. This seeing is about to be done, and he never thought that he would be stopped by Sun Shaozong.

Seeing that no matter what the stalemate continued, it was only in vain, so he held up his breath and ordered: "If this is the case, then let's go away first!"

Sun Shaozong and Li Wenshan were so obedient this time, they immediately got up to leave, and walked out of the flower hall side by side.

He was silent all the way. Seeing the second door near the left and right sides, Li Wenshan finally couldn't stand his temper, arched his hands sideways and said, "Master Sun, you and I really want to do nothing about this matter?"

"Otherwise, what else?"

Sun Shaozong asked in surprise: "Is it possible to use your and my family assets to offset the deficiencies of the yamen?"

"Of course it won't happen!"

Li Wenshan immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said, "If you really want to make up for the deficit with the family property, it will not be your grandson's turn."

This is natural, after all, when the deficit fell, Sun Shaozong was still in Huguangping.

To talk about the origin of this deficit, it is really speechless.

This year's Dragon Boat Race in the Dragon Boat Festival, Shichahai was surrounded by water as usual. Dali Temple is an excellent viewing spot. Although ordinary people cannot come in, the relatives and friends of the officials in the temple are old, but there is no hindrance to the exchanges.

So the area of ​​Zuosi along the lake was crowded with hundreds of people.

Youdao is ‘a hundred people, all kinds of colors’, and I don’t know that it is the one with precious brains. In order to gain a position, he even lied that water had gone through the yamen.

As a result, the incident became a big mess, causing hundreds of people to run away. Three were trampled to death on the spot and five were seriously injured.

Naturally, Dali Temple made a mess, and because one of the deceased had some background, he finally paid out a total of five thousand three hundred taels of silver.

After this lawsuit was settled, the small treasury that Dali Temple had accumulated over the years was completely clean, and almost couldn't afford even the salary.

To no avail, Wei Yi had to embezzle the payment for the goods that he was going to settle in the first half of the year, and then he barely caused any debt owed.

But the money can't be owed forever.

Therefore, Wei Yi went to great lengths to find a reason, hoping to grant some silver to fill the shortfall.

Who ever thought that at this moment, the Ministry of households suddenly tightened money and put the money on hold again.

The book is back to the main story.

But he said that Li Wenshan seriously responded to Sun Shaozong's ridicule, and said: "If Li is to come forward, Yomo can still delay the businessmen for a period of time, but if the Ministry of Households refuses to allocate funds, this matter will still cause trouble sooner or later."

As he said, he solemnly bowed his hand to Sun Shaozong: "At any rate, he is also an official with the government. Can Mrs. Sun think of ideas at the Ministry of Households? By then, we will do both ~ and we can always calm things down Go down."

To be honest, if Sun Shaozong is willing to come forward, this two thousand taels of silver will not be difficult.

But in his opinion, this matter is not only a trouble, but a rare opportunity!

When this matter broke out, and under the name of ‘knowing the shame and then being courageous’, I threw out the plan, and it was difficult for Wei Yi and Li Wenshan to argue.

Of course, in front of Li Wenshan, he certainly couldn't tell the truth.

And you have to think of a reason to let Li Wenshan give up getting involved in this matter.

After thinking about it, Sun Shaozong said solemnly: "Brother Li, why do you think your Majesty wants me to be transferred to Dali Temple?"

Li Wenshan was taken aback, feeling that this was a bit inexplicable.

The emperor arranged for Sun Shaozong to be the Shaoqing of Dali Temple. Naturally, he hoped that he could make a contribution in Dali Temple by relying on his ability to judge cases.

Besides, is there any other reason?

Li Wenshan was suspicious, and was about to ask what happened, but saw Sun Shaozong slammed his hand, turned and walked away.

How can this be left?

Li Wenshan opened his mouth. After all, he didn't ask anything, but the doubts in his heart grew bigger and bigger.


What special mission does he really shoulder?

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