The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 790: Sun Family Daily

Sun Mansion, study room.

The paper ball that was compressed to the extreme slammed it on the paper basket with a slap. The two-foot-square paper basket swayed from side to side, and finally fell to the ground, hula la la and rolled out more than a dozen **** of straw paper.

Sun Shaozong glanced back, his heart became more and more bored.

In the past, he was at most writing case reports or something, but this is the first time that this esoteric memorial of the Eight Classics offers suggestions.

Even if I found some templates in advance, it would still be useless to start writing.

After all, the performances of this year are much more colorful than the official articles of later generations.

At Sun Shaozong's current level, it would be good to be able to explain things clearly in classical Chinese, and it would be really difficult for him to meet those transitions and changes.

In the past, he was barely able to get it.

Anyway, he was born in martial arts, and he was not a serious literati, Guangde Emperor would not care too much.

But after the memorial is posted, it must be circulated in certain areas, and it may even be posted out for discussion by relevant departments.

Even if Sun Shaozong is not afraid of other people's jokes, the face of this Dali Temple should always be taken into consideration.

That's it.

Consider it first, and then continue to write.

Sun Shaozong threw Zihao on the table and took a bucket of well water from the yard to wash it. The cold touch immediately cleared the irritability in his heart.

Maybe someone should help polish it up?

For example, Yu Qian is quite appropriate.

It just so happens that he can barely be regarded as a close minister by the emperor's side. By the way, I can also inquire about how Emperor Guangde would react after reading this memorial.

But it won't be done today. Seeing that the sky is about to fall into the night, we should wait until tomorrow to find him at the Hubuyamen-then we will go up and down for Dali Temple in the name of asking for a salary.

Having said that, I really don’t know what the Ministry of Households thinks. This section is still holding the money and not sending it down. Isn’t it afraid that the people in and out of the country think that they are avenging private revenge?

Thinking about the disputes in the court, Sun Shaozong left the courtyard with a letter. He just drove a few steps to his home, and saw his son Sun Chengyi from a distance, who was flying in front of Saya.

A woman and two maids beside him supported his arms like an old hen, guarding him in front of and behind him, for fear that he would accidentally knock.

But the more so, Sun Chengyi leaned toward that dangerous place, either climbing railings or jumping rocks, carrying a bamboo pole that he didn't know where to pick it up, and going up to split two sticks when he saw everything.


This little **** is really too much to clean up!

Sun Shaozong, with his face on his back and his hands behind his back, was blocked on his son's only way.


The little guy did not see the eyebrows high and low. When he saw his father in front, he ran over with joy and took out a sesame ball that had been bitten twice in his pocket. The treasure was also sent to Sun Shaozong. : "Daddy eats candy."

Sun Shaozong suddenly couldn't stretch himself. Cat waist encircled the kid in his arms, took a bite on the sesame ball, and smiled: "Daddy has eaten it, you can eat it yourself-dear son, what did you just play with? What?"


Sun Chengyi waved the bamboo stick in his hand vigorously, and added sternly: "Daddy learns how to play a sword!"

This one……

"Remember to talk about sword dancing in the future."

Corrected his son's slightly ambiguous statement, Sun Shaozong really moved a little bit.

A few days ago, he said he wanted to practice martial arts diligently, but by no means coincidentally, now he just hits two birds with one stone.

"Let's go! Dad is playing...ahhh, Wujian will show you!"

The man holding his son strode to his own courtyard, and in order to avoid favoring one another, he also called out his daughter.

I originally wanted the wife and maid to help restrain the two children. How could I ever want to take out the Frostmourne from the inner library, but found that the three-bedroom wives and concubines were already in the yard.

Seeing the crowds supporting him like this, Sun Shaozong was also intrigued. He threw the great cloak to Ruan Rong, and swayed the huge sword in his hand without any tricks. In short, he was full of vigor and power.

In fact, in terms of martial arts proficiency, he is currently far behind the cheap brother and still quite big.

But the people present are all female generations, how can one see the height of the eyebrows?

Seeing these hundred catties of murder weapon, being flew up and down by my master, everyone was intently and cheered.

While the second sister You saw her heart trembling, she looked forward to the spirit of the dragon horse at night more and more.

After thinking about it again, after Sun Shaozong practiced martial arts, he would definitely have to take a bath, but he could use what he had prepared a few days ago.

So she hurriedly called Caixia to come over, with a few words of warning.

After Caixia listened to her aunt's instructions, the melon face flushed for the most part, and she evaded her intentions, but she was nudged by the second sister You again, urging her to get nervous, so she didn't miss the second master's interest.

Reluctantly, Caixia had to go to the small kitchen quietly.

Although the yard is really lively, but now it’s time for dinner. How can some women and maids on the stove dare to leave without permission?

Can only glance through the door, then chattering.

Suddenly I saw Caixia coming in. The middle-aged cook who was in the lead hurriedly got up from the bench, often wiping her hands from her apron, and smiled and said, "Lady Caixia, come here at this time. Could it be that Auntie You has any instructions?"

Although she was welcoming people with a smile, Caixia didn't mean to reciprocate her love at all—Caixia was in this small kitchen for a while, and she was often made things difficult for by this cook.

Therefore, Caixia just replied with a sullen face: "My auntie ordered, let the kitchen prepare hot water and bath tubs, and carry them to our house after dinner."

"Should the tub be big or small?"

"The most...the biggest one."

When talking about the word ‘biggest’, Caixia couldn’t help but fly two red **** on her face.

The cook was boring just now, and she was a little unhappy in her heart. Seeing her look like this, she didn't know what the drama was tonight?

At the moment he couldn't help but ridiculed: "The girl is lucky. Then I saw the second master's sword, and in a blink of an eye, I want to learn about the second master's marksmanship..."


Before she could finish her words, Caixia was annoyed. She slapped her head on her face and cursed: "What are you, you dare to talk about our second master?"

As soon as the chef said something, she actually regretted it.

If you offend the uncle in this mansion, you can still find the second master to intercede, but if you offend the second master, then there is really no one to save.

At the moment, she didn’t care about wiping her face, and hurriedly said with a chuckle: “How can I say this, how dare I talk about the second master? Don’t get me wrong, girl, I’m just used to jokes with people. Anything else!"

As he said, he gave himself a big mouth, neither light nor heavy.

Caixia just snorted without looking back, and left the sentence: "Don't forget to send the bath tub to the West Wing after the meal."

"Know, know, we won't be able to delay business! Girl go slowly!"

The kitchen lady yelled a few words, turned her head back and yelled one after another: "Shameless shameless hoof! Right now I don't even have a status, so I dare to ride on our heads and make a fortune-let's look at her. There is a short stirrup someday, how can my old lady clean her up!"

The kitchen is surprisingly quiet, no one refutes, no one agrees...

It was said that after Caixia left the small kitchen, she went back to the West Wing and found two objects by rummaging through the cabinets.

At first glance, these two objects are similar to the **** corsets of later generations: two oval pieces of fabric connected together, but both have an egg-sized hole in the middle.

However, these two bras are decorated with a lot of fine fleece, which is soft to the touch, but slightly rough when rubbed.

Putting these two objects together with a few pieces of fragrant pancreas, Caixia blushed and looked around for a few times, and couldn't help but sip again: This Auntie You is really a horrible fairy, so she makes all these tricks. He even folded in with himself.

No, I will definitely not be able to follow her wishes anymore!

After making up her mind, Caixia gritted her teeth and picked up the curtain to go out, and went to find Sister You and said.


The next day was approaching noon.

Caixia got up late, blushing and swept half a bucket of stagnant water from the west wing, somehow she couldn't help rubbing her chest again.


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