The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 857: Lions Difficult to Contend

[First more]

After noon, Houyahua Hall.

When Sun Shaozong arrived, Wei Yizheng and Li Wenshan were sitting opposite each other. Most of the sandalwood on the small round table had been burned. Obviously, the two had been alone for a long time.

Considering that Sun Shaozong rushed over immediately after receiving the communication, it can basically be inferred that Li Wenshan was invited here by Wei Yi at least a quarter of an hour ago.

Is this demonstrating to yourself?

Still have the mind to instigate discord?

It doesn't matter. Even if the two are really connected, as long as Li Wenshan is not a gangster, the policy of ‘Selling the Law to the Countryside’ that he concocted will definitely make him change his mind.

"Sun Shaoqing."

Seeing Sun Shaozong coming in from outside, Li Wenshan hurriedly got up to greet him.

Wei Yi sat on the chair and didn't move at all, but raised his chin slightly to the empty chair on the left: "Sit down."

After the initial tricks, when the old guy gets along in private, he doesn't bother to pretend to be close.

Sun Shaozong smiled and returned a salute to Li Wenshan. While sitting in a chair, he put the two memorials on the table and pushed them in front of the two respectively: "This is the specific regulations, please let the two adults be correct."

The memorial must be prepared in duplicate. This is a common practice in the central government-otherwise a few months after the performance, the court suddenly asked about it, but you forgot the content. Isn’t it embarrassing? ?

Li Wenshan caught it subconsciously, straightened it in front of him, and waited to open it to take a closer look.

Wei Yi stretched out his hand to press the memorial chapter on the table, in a posture of courtesy first and then soldiers: "This is the first proposal since Sun Shaoqing transferred to Dali Temple. I will take it seriously. But the case of the Tianshifu is parallel to this. There is nothing to do, but I hope Master Sun will not confuse it."

Sun Shaozong smiled slightly, and he never responded with a single word, but just made a gesture of "please look over."

Wei Yi was quite dissatisfied, but helplessly, Li Wenshan had already started the thick memorial and turned his attention attentively.

He could hardly support it alone, and was unwilling to destroy the illusion of teaming with Li Wenshan, so he had to curse secretly, and pulled the memorial on the table in front of him, and solemnly opened it for a closer look.

Because of his disharmony with Sun Shaozong, the seriousness of his treatment of this memorial is actually higher than that of Li Wenshan.

However, his energy is more on finding loopholes.

I originally thought that Sun Shaozong was a talented person, but after all, he was born as a martial artist, so there are inevitably some omissions in the writing.

I never wanted to review half of it word by word, but the memorial is clearly organized, and the words and sentences are actually very literary.


This rough blank must be a ghostwriter!


The specific policy proposed by this Zou Shuli can be said to be tangible. If it can be done, it seems that it can indeed solve the dilemma of Dali Temple.

After giving birth to these thoughts, Wei Yi simply started from the beginning, but this time he didn't mean to criticize or criticize. Instead, he settled down and carefully comprehended the dry goods.

Excluding the conventional praise of virtue, this memorial first uses detailed data to list the increasingly serious style of private fighting in various parts of the country, especially in the northwest and southwest rural areas.

Then it was extended to believe that local governments have invested far less energy in enlightenment, especially the enlightenment in the rule of law.

The villagers did not know the court's laws and did not fear the court's laws. The victims were even ashamed to resort to the government, but instead believed in clan power.

In the face of this phenomenon, some local officials are not ashamed, but proud, and even happy to be at ease.

After the situation has expanded under their connivance, and eventually led to a bad group incident, the local officials will rush to take action.

In this way, not only is it too late, but it is more likely to arouse public grievances and even provoke civil upheavals.

In the long run, the authority of the imperial court will inevitably be replaced by powerful local powers or even certain religions.

Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty is strong [obviously flattering], it may not be so.

But once the country is in trouble, or when it suffers from successive disasters, it will inevitably lead to great chaos.

[Although there is no explicit statement here, the old things about the rebellion of the Shaanxi-Gansu White Lotus Sect can just fit into it. 】

In view of this, Sun Shaozong suggested in the memorial that the imperial court should establish another enlightenment system, and strive to penetrate the imperial law into the fields, so that every citizen can know and fear the law, understand the fate of the violation of the imperial law, and how to use it. The laws of the imperial court protect their legitimate rights and interests.

In addition, this system can also be used to exercise a considerable degree of supervision over the civilizing duties of local officials and the fairness and justice of the criminal justice system.

In fact, when he first saw this place, Wei Yi was a little dismissive, thinking that Sun Shaozong was purely whimsical.

After all, the court nowadays is already annoyed by redundant officials and staff. How can it be possible to create a bureaucratic system that promotes laws in addition to the current system?

However, Sun Shaozong's next idea was not to establish another bureaucratic system, but to use the existing imperial examination system to borrow chickens and lay eggs.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, a group of scholars with relatively good grades will enter the prefecture, state, and county schools as young students and receive a certain amount of subsidies.

The most outstanding among them will be selected as Gongsheng and enter the Imperial College.

Sun Shaozong’s idea is that every year in spring, summer, and winter, a certain number of talents will be randomly selected from the poor students of the county to conduct a month-long publicity campaign within the county.

Because if you want to select people in the test, the law of criminal names must be familiar, and the young students are the best among the talents, so the basic quality of their law popularization is unquestionable.

The reason why the fall is skipped is to avoid the busy farming season, and secondly, it is also afraid of delaying the talents to participate in the autumn season.

In the process of popularizing law to the countryside, the local post is responsible for the food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and personal safety of the Linsheng.

During this period, the young students can only answer questions and solve their doubts. They are not allowed to participate in and arbitrate civil lawsuits without authorization, but they can record what they see and hear.

After each quarter of the popularization of law to the countryside, all the young students must make a summary and try to make suggestions for improvement.

Then Gu Ben went to the province to refer the punishment to the prosecutor's office, and then the punishment to the prosecutor's office was forwarded to Dali Temple for review.

Every autumn, Dali Temple will evaluate the merits and inferiorities based on the general law summaries submitted by the young students of the previous year, and distribute them to each county as an important reference for the county school year-end evaluation.

Among them, those who perform well can be recommended by Dali Temple and directly promoted to the prefectural school, or enter the Imperial College.

And if there is no reasonable reason, if you haven't participated in the crippling of the popularization of law in the countryside within a year, you will face punishments such as punishment and demobilization.

This concept, on the one hand, avoided the establishment of officials and increased the burden on the court; on the other hand, it also allowed the scholars to learn and use and appreciate the sentiments of the people, so that once they become officials in the future, they will not be easily deceived by traitors.

Furthermore, the imperial court had additional channels for understanding the major issues in the local area, which reduced the possibility of local officials deceiving the top and the bottom.

Of course, the biggest benefit is Dali Temple.

If this proposal can be realized, it would be tantamount to directly penetrating the eyes, eyes, and tentacles into the local government at the county level or even below.

What is even more exciting is that Dali Temple can also use this to expand its influence among the majority of scholars and even influence their future.

what does that mean?

It means that Dali Temple can grasp a considerable degree of public opinion orientation, and it is a national public opinion orientation!

Wei Yi couldn't help feeling a little enthusiastic when he thought that he, the Dali Siqing who had always been salted fish, had the opportunity to become the leader of the Shilin.

However, after all, he is an old oilman who has been in the officialdom for decades, and no matter how frightened he is, he still manages to suppress his emotions, carefully thinking about whether all this is good or bad for him.

Then the blood in his heart quickly cooled down.

It is true that if this proposal can be passed and then implemented smoothly, for Dali Temple, it can be said to be an earth-shaking change. The person in charge will naturally gain both fame and fortune, and even leave a name in history.


Can such a major policy involving the whole country be implemented in a hurry?

Three years!

It will take at least three years before it can be implemented and achieve initial results.

However, Master Wei has been in power in Dali Temple for seven years, can the court allow him to stay for another three years?

Especially in the previous seven years, he had hardly any political achievements that he could come up with-and such national policies inevitably require a strong enforcer.

On the other hand, Sun Shaozong, when he was in Wuxi Prefecture, he served as the fourth-grade tour envoy for one and a half years.

As the proponent of this national policy, even according to the three-year promotion routine, taking over the position of Dali Temple Secretary two years later, it can be said to be a smooth success.

Sun Shaozong will be the one who will gain both fame and fortune and stay in history!

Even if Sun Shaozong fails to take over because of his age, he will probably be replaced by others...

In short, no matter how good the proposal is, it doesn't seem to benefit me much.

Although Wei Yi has been a salted fish with peace of mind over the years, the opportunity for this name to go down in history is right in front of him, but he has no destiny with him. How can ordinary people care about the loss and unwillingness in his heart?

Suddenly, even the five senses are distorted.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

At this moment, a lively voice suddenly filled the entire flower hall, and Li Wenshan was holding the melodrama, his eyes flushed red with excitement, and he repeatedly praised: "Sun Shaoqing's proposal is really exciting! Good and great!"

It is no wonder that he is so excited. Sun Shaozong's "Pulse the Law to the Countryside", although ultimately benefited the entire Dali Temple, but the powers of publicizing the rule of law and interpreting laws and orders have always been the chief of You Shaoqing.

In other words, no matter Sun Shaozong and Wei Yi, whoever gets the master control of the "Pulse the Law to the Countryside" in the end, Li Wenshan will certainly have a share of it.

As one of the few experts in law in the central government, he only took up his duties a year and a half ago. You Shaoqing's position can be said to be solid, and he has no worries like Wei Yi's.

The big thing is going!

Seeing Li Wenshan's excitement, he could hardly urge Sun Shaozong to write to the court, and Wei Yi's various plans suddenly disappeared.

Originally because of Sun Shaozong's status as Wufu and his recent aggressive attitude, Li Wenshan had actually agreed to form an alliance with Wei Yi.

However, Sun Shaozong's proposal of ‘Fa Popularization to the Countryside’ changed all this in an instant.

Li Wenshan doesn't really value promotion and wealth, but he can never refuse the temptation to stay in history.

If Wei Yi dared to obstruct it, without Sun Shaozong coming forward, Li Wenshan could fight him to death first!

These two Shaoqings are at the same time. It is how Wei Yi wants to suppress Sun Shaozong and suppress this proposal. How can he do it?

Stop it~

It is difficult for Lions to fight against each other. Now that they are getting older and not far from being an official, why bother to feud with others and harm their children and grandchildren?

Thinking of this, Wei Yi put down the memorial sullenly, and echoed: "Li Shaoqing said that it is such a good governance, my Dali Temple must wholeheartedly support it!"

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