The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3661: I am determined to be this demon girl (1

  Chapter 3661 This Demon Cult Demon Girl I'm Set (15)

   "Now I'm going to decocting medicine, you stay here, don't go out, you know?"

  From the words of the second child, I’m afraid there are very few people in this city who don’t know Tang Ye. If the Xuan family knew that Tang Ye had changed his name privately and didn’t go back, I’m afraid he would come to trouble again.

  The most important thing in front of you is Tang Ye’s physical problems, and it is not too late for the Xuan family to clean up slowly.

  Tang Ye was reluctant.

  He didn't know why he would go with a stranger, and why he would trust someone about his age, but he chose his own heart.

  "What you need now is rest. If you let me know that you are moving..."

   Ruan Tang didn't want to scare Tang Ye like this, but obviously this is the most effective way.

   Tang Ye was already lying down on the bed.

  She smiled slightly and walked out satisfied.

   Ruan Tang found a guy to help boil the medicine, watched by himself, and then started to flicker again.

  She said that she wanted to learn martial arts since she was a child, and the most admired is Lingyunjian Ruan Changtian, hoping to become the best swordsman like Lingyunjian.

  The buddy listened to her while cooking medicine, and then showed a look of admiration and nostalgia.


   Ruan Tang noted the reaction of the man in his heart, and found that the man was the same as the Xiao Er in the opposite restaurant. When they heard the name Ling Yunjian, they both admired.

  Although the little Er's mouth said that Lingyunzhuang's infamous Demon Cult was terrifying, but when she spoke, she did not dare to look into her eyes and lowered her head. It was obvious that the words were not right.

  She can basically be sure that whether it is Liuyun Pavilion or Liuyun Tower, it has something to do with Lingyun Village.

   A little bolder guess, maybe they are all Lingyunzhuang's industry.

  The plot does not say that Lingyunzhuang has those industries, but from the description of Lingyunjian, when he goes out, he lives in the best restaurant, drinks the best wine, eats the most expensive dishes, and wears the best clothes...

  All signs indicate that Ling Yunjian is very rich.

  That is, Lingyunzhuang is very rich.

  Where does this money come from?

  If her guess is correct, the answer is clear.

  She thought about going to the Demon Sect after dealing with Tang Ye's affairs, but she didn't expect to find someone from Lingyun Village first.

  It's really easy to come by.

  Ruan Tang and the guy chatted together, seemingly speaking some very common words, but they have already collected a lot of important information in a calm manner.

  The medicine was cooked, Ruan Tang left, but the man's complexion changed and he showed an expression of wanting to cry.

   "Get up, drink medicine."

  Ruan Tang put the medicine away, and sat up with Tang Ye in the past. Thinking of the news he had found out, he said happily: "After drinking the medicine, go out with me."

   Tang Ye looked at her puzzledly. Didn’t he just stop him from showing up?

   Ruan Tang: "Before it was before, now it is now. I am someone with a big background. Those animals in the Xuan family dare not do anything to me."

  "And I’m here for the first time. I only heard that Night City is actually called Night City, because at night it is always bright and dazzling. I haven’t seen it yet. You, the host, always open my eyes."

  Tang Ye, who was afraid that he would get into trouble, nodded after hearing this.

   "It's good, I'll drink the medicine soon." Ruan Tang touched Tang Ye's head, his hair was a bit hard, and he felt comfortable with his soft buttocks.

  Tang Ye picked up the medicine bowl and drank it all in one breath without frowning.

   Ruan Tang asked him to rinse his mouth and sleep for a while, and there was a knock on the door outside.

  Come pretty fast.

  (End of this chapter)