The Female Partner Gets Rich In the Chronology

Chapter 255: Letter from Hometown

After these girls sent Ye Xiuqing's things to her dormitory, they greeted Ye Xiuqing and left.

Ye Xiuqing silently wrote down their names, and prepared to go to their dormitory for a while to thank these girls.

Ye Xiuqing put the items that Ye Jiangong mailed over on the table, and they were sorted into different categories.

This time, Ye Jiangong sent a lot of things, including their own lo-mei, sausages, and some processed hazelnuts and chestnuts.

With so many things, it's no wonder that it is so heavy to carry.

After Ye Xiuqing sorted things up, he opened the letter that was aside and read it from the beginning.

In the letter, Ye Jiangong first talked about the recent situation at home.

The family members are in good health, when they go back. I sent back the things I bought from the capital to Ye Tiezhu and Zhao Chunhua. The old couple were very happy.

In those days, they both wore new clothes and shoes every day and wandered around the village twice. After hearing enough praise, I will go home happily.

The factory at home is now on the right track.

Railway stations and supply and marketing cooperatives now demand more goods every week.

Moreover, because some passengers on the train, after buying Ye Jiangong's lomei, they thought it tasted good. After returning home, he went to the commune in the city where he lived to inquire.

There are more people inquiring, and the communes in several cities in their province have also tried to contact their homes.

Within this month, Ye Jiangong reached another two-year cooperation with a communal agency in a city. They have added a long-term cooperation partner to their lo-mei factory.

Moreover, the stationmaster of the railway station has improved his attitude a lot after seeing that their lo-mei is selling well. When Ye Jiangong went to check out a few days ago, the webmaster actually called Ye Jiangong directly.

And Zhou Cuiyun, when she first returned, she was always thinking about Ye Xiuqing. Seeing her restless all day long, Ye Jiangong took her to Luwei Factory to help.

Now Zhou Cuiyun is very happy at the Lumei Factory, and now there is almost no time to think about Ye Xiuqing.

Among the things mailed to her, except for the lo-mei, they were made by themselves. Those sausages were specially brought to Ye Xiuqing when Ye Sangu went back to visit relatives in Yejiapu Village a few days ago.

The hazelnuts and chestnuts were picked by some folks in their village in the back mountain. In order to thank Ye Jiangong for providing them with such a good job opportunity, I specially sent it to express his gratitude to him.

Ye Jiangong thought that in previous years, Ye Xiuqing liked to eat these things, so he mailed them to her together.

At the end of the letter, Ye Jiangong once again followed Ye Xiuqing to emphasize. Although she must study hard in school, she herself is the most important. If someone bullies her, don't bear it. Ye Xiuqing carried what happened to her.

Ye Jiangong doesn't like to work or study. But the letter written to Ye Xiuqing contained seven large sheets of paper. There was a lot of talk in it, talked about a lot of family matters, and asked Ye Xiuqing a lot.

Looking at it, Ye Xiuqing felt a bit sore in her nose. After enduring and forbearing, he held back the tears.

After thinking about it, Ye Xiuqing pulled out a few pieces of paper from the drawer and wrote a reply to Ye Jiangong.

She first wrote about her current situation in school, explaining that she has a good relationship with her classmates. The professors in the school, and even some logistics staff, like her quite a lot.

The things Ye Jiangong sent to her this time were brought back by the car borrowed by the guardian's uncle.

The other roommates in the dormitory also have very good personalities, and take special care of her. They are also actively helping to answer any questions they don’t have in school.

Then, he said that he was doing pretty well in his studies, which was highly valued by the professor.

Finally, he explained Ye Jiangong that he should pay attention to his body.

At the time of writing, Ye Xiuqing didn't feel much about it. After finishing writing, I discovered that the number of words she wrote was not much different from Ye Jiangong's.

I found an envelope and stuffed the letter paper I wrote into it.

Ye Xiuqing pulled out a few discarded newspapers from the dormitory again. In each newspaper, a few handfuls of hazelnuts and chestnuts were wrapped, and two sausages and a packet of marinated pig's head were put in, and then the newspapers were wrapped, put into a big pocket, and went downstairs with things.

She came first, the dormitory's office on the first floor. It just so happens that Aunt Ju, who has the best relationship with her, knits sweaters in the office.

Seeing Ye Xiuqing come down, she beckoned to Ye Xiuqing. Seeing her movements, Ye Xiuqing knocked on the office door, pushed the door and walked in.

"Qing girl, you came just right, or else, I want to go to you. The temperature has cooled down quite drastically in the past two days. When you came to the capital, did you come with gloves?"

Ye Xiuqing was taken aback when she heard Aunt Ju's words, and shook her head.

Ye Xiuqing's hometown is in the north, and the temperature in winter is not much different from that of the capital. Ye Xiuqing is quite used to it. When the weather was cold at home, Ye Xiuqing basically didn't go out. The kang at home was burning warm again, and she really didn't have the habit of wearing gloves.

Seeing Ye Xiuqing shook his head, Aunt Ju had such an expression.

"I guess so! It will get colder in the next two days. You usually have to read and write in the classroom or in the dormitory. You can't stand it without gloves. After a long time, you can get frostbite. You suffer."

While talking, Aunt Ju took out a new pair of gloves from the drawer and handed them to Ye Xiuqing.

"My daughter-in-law, the gloves produced by their factory are not worth any money, you take them with you."

Aunt Ju said it was worthless, but Ye Xiuqing knew it in her heart. If you want to buy gloves in the capital, it is absolutely impossible without a ticket.

Ye Xiuqing refused, but was forced into her hand by Aunt Ju.

"Okay, what are you polite with Auntie. It's a big deal when you buy the gloves in the future, and then you can return them to me."

After hearing Aunt Ju's words, Ye Xiuqing thought for a while and accepted it.

"Auntie Then I will accept it, thank you so much! There is a classmate in our class who wants to buy gloves, but he has no tickets in his hand, so he can only do it in a hurry. Thanks to the aunt for loving me, otherwise, I I can't buy gloves either."

Aunt Ju smiled when she saw Ye Xiuqing put her hands up.

"That's right! It's not easy for you to be a kid outside. Protect yourself and don't let your parents worry about it."

Ye Xiuqing nodded, took out from the backpack, wrapped the stuff in newspaper, and handed it to Aunt Ju.

"Auntie Ju, this is my father sent me from home today. I will bring you some special products from my house."

Seeing that Aunt Ju seemed to want to refuse, Ye Xiuqing hurriedly put the things on the table, and then said.

"Auntie, I didn't refuse your gloves, and you can't be too polite with me."

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Aunt Ju nodded with a smile, and accepted the bag.