The Female Partner Gets Rich In the Chronology

Chapter 409: For you

After Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun returned home, they went directly to Ye Xiuqing's room.

As soon as they opened the door with Ye Xiuqing's consent, they saw several boxes containing walkmans and tapes that she had placed on the ground.

"Yeah, why did you buy so many things this time? What are they all?"

Seeing these boxes, Ye Jiangong felt a little curious in his heart.

Unlike other villagers in Yejiapu Village, Ye Xiuqing had been to Shenzhen City several times before. Every time I come back, I will bring some special products from Shenzhen. Because I bring more times, I don’t bring many things back each time.

Suddenly buying so many things this time is absolutely abnormal.

Hearing what Ye Jiangong said, Ye Xiuqing opened some of the boxes closest to her easily. While tearing it apart, he said to Ye Jiangong.

"There are a lot of people coming back this time, so I don’t want to be afraid of being caught as a bad guy by buying more things. Just before, I met a person in the electronics business when I was in Shenzhen. I took advantage of this opportunity to buy some Walkman and The tape is back. During this time, I'm idle at home and make some pocket money."

Since Ye Xiuqing went to college, Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun have asked more about her safety issues. As long as the policy permits, Ye Jiangong will not raise any objections to what business or investment she wants.

It was the same this time, after listening to Ye Xiuqing's explanation. Ye Jiangong didn't say much other than saying, "Be careful when you go out and sell things."

Ye Xiuqing took out four Walkmans from the box and handed them to Ye Jiangong.

"Father, this one is for you. You usually find it boring when you are in the Luwei factory or when you go out. You can listen to the tapes. I have brought back a lot of tapes. You will see if you like it later.

The other is for my grandma. Although there is a radio in the house, it is not as convenient as a walkman. I also specially selected some drama tapes for them this time, which can be played in a loop with the body. In the future, they won't have to dislike the drama on the radio, and just listen to it and stop playing it. "

Then Ye Xiuqing handed another one to Zhou Cuiyun.

"Mother, this is for you. So do you, pick a few tapes by yourself later, and pass the time when you are okay. By the way, I also brought you and Damin a few sets of introductory English listening materials on the motherboard of Teacher Zhang Lunmin. Although only three editions have been published, the sales are very good and everyone's response is very good."

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Zhou Cuiyun suddenly laughed.

Although she is now working with Ye Jiangong in the Luwei Factory, what she is most interested in is the knowledge of foreign languages. After receiving such a gift, Zhou Cuiyun was naturally very happy.

Of course, what made her happier was that the girl kept thinking of her in her heart. The gift that I brought to her when I went out and came back just happened to be delivered to her heart, which shows that the girl has always taken her to heart.

"Hey, thank you my old girl, your Walkman, I always like it."

As for the last Walkman, of course it was for his younger brother Ye Yimin. Because he was not at home at this time, his walkman was kept by Zhou Cuiyun.

After Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun had both picked up the tapes, Ye Xiuqing repacked the rest of the Walkman and the tapes.

Early the next morning, Ye Xiuqing took ten walkmans and eighty tapes on the bus to the city.

Their county is too small, and valuable electronic products like Walkmans are not easy to sell. Some of the provincial capitals are too big, and this kind of profitable business has already been done. Ye Xiuqing didn't point to this business to make a lot of money, just make some pocket money, and was not prepared to compete or conflict with the other party.

If you count it this way, it's best to sell things in the city.

Ye Xiuqing has been here many times, and he is quite familiar with it. In addition, they have started to encourage the big guys to do some small business in the past few years. Therefore, the city has opened up a special market for everyone to trade.

Ye Xiuqing came to this market directly by car, and she first found a place with fewer people. I happened to see someone selling hair ropes and scarves at the stall next to him, so he walked over and stood there to choose.

The owner of this stall is a woman in her thirties. He has a round face and white skin. Although the complexion on the face is not particularly good, it looks very gentle. When speaking, the tone is gentle and gentle, which is very easy to make people feel good.

Seeing Ye Xiuqing picking hair ropes there, he didn't urge him, but from the pocket behind him, he dug out a few styles that were not available in the booth and handed them to Ye Xiuqing.

"Girl, how about you look at this? You look good, and your hair is black and shiny. Wearing this color headband will definitely look good."

Hearing her recommendation, Ye Xiuqing took a look and found that this headband is really and she reached out and took it, and put it together with several other promising headbands.

The styles of these hair ropes on her booth are not novel. But Shengzai's workmanship is good, and there are some polished small stones, small buttons, etc., which look very interesting.

After Ye Xiuqing picked five headbands here for a while, he chose a scarf for Zhou Cuiyun and Zhao Chunhua, which cost a total of nine yuan.

After Ye Xiuqing paid the money, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she stood there and chatted with the stall owner.

This time is still morning, plus today is not Sunday. Therefore, besides Ye Xiuqing, there are no other people who want to buy things at this stall.

Because the stall owner didn't mind, chatting with Ye Xiuqing for a while.

"Eldest sister, how long have you been selling headbands with this person? How's the business?"

If you change someone with a bad temper, you might think that Ye Xiuqing is here to inquire about the news, and will not tell her much. But the stall owner said very honestly after listening to her.

“I’ve been setting up a stall here for half a year. It’s a bit biased here. When most people go here, they can buy almost everything they need to buy. The business is not very good. However, I sell hair ropes and yarns. The towel is pretty good, and the price is cheaper than other places. There is always some business."

"Then why don't you go to a better place to sell things?"

"The rent for a good location is also expensive. I only need 20 yuan a month for rent here, and forty yuan there. I know someone who rents a good place and only sells it for more than a dozen a month. I lost a lot of goods."