The Female Partner Gets Rich In the Chronology

Chapter 424: Are you having fun?

"You should have heard of the situation here, and that's probably the case. Alas, Brother Ye, I really envy you now.

When you came to buy a car from me, you said you wanted to make a lo-mei. Although I didn't say anything on my lips, I actually didn't think highly of you in my heart, and felt that this was unreliable.

Unexpectedly, a few years have passed, and your lo-mei factory has become better and bigger. On the contrary, it is me, not necessarily when there is no work to do. "

When Captain Li said this, his mood was a little down.

At this time, he never thought that he would be fired by the transportation factory. After all, in the eyes of people of this era, workers are iron rice bowls and can work for a lifetime.

What he is most afraid of now is that there is no work to do in the future. You must know that although the wages of their transportation factories are not low, the bulk of them are various subsidies. The subsidy earned by traveling far away is not much less than a month's salary.

Hearing Captain Li's words, Ye Jiangong also felt that some world events were impermanent.

At the beginning, the dry luwei factory was only because he did not want to go to the ground to farm. I just got the benefit of doing a small business, and I just want to improve the family environment.

Who would have thought that he was in the business of selling lo-mei with baskets. After several years of development, can it form such a large scale?

Just when both of them had some emotions in their hearts, Ye Xiuqing asked Captain Li.

"Uncle Li, your transportation factory is also a big factory in our provincial capital. How could there be no work to do!"

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, I remembered that she had been studying in the capital a few years ago. After graduation, most of the time he stayed in Shenzhen. It's normal that they don't know the situation on their side.

Therefore, Captain Li explained to her very patiently.

"Although it is a big factory, the benefits of each factory are not very good now. Our factory is still relatively good, at least we can insist on paying us wages. There are also some small factories that can't even pay wages."

Ye Xiuqing was not surprised at all by Captain Li's words.

"I still can't pay wages? Uncle Li, don't the workers in these factories make trouble?"

"What's the fuss? They are still expecting to go back to work after the factory has recovered. How could it be so noisy?"

Ye Xiuqing nodded and continued to ask.

"Then can these factories recover? There should be no problem, after all, they are all Guo Jia's factories."

Captain Li shook his head.

"I don't think it's enough! These small factories themselves don't have much assets. Now it's hard to sell orders, and some factories still have a backlog of goods, and they can't sell them at all. As a result, they don't have the money to pay wages.

And it's not that I'm dejected, some of our domestic production machine tools are really incomparable with foreign ones. Especially those small factories, the machine tools in the factories are about to be scrapped.

I used to use it all the time and it was better. Now it has been stopped for such a long time and restarted. It is hard to say whether it can be used or not.

I would say, unless Guo Jia allocated a lot of money to help with the construction. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for these small factories to turn around on their own. "

When Ye Xiuqing was young, she was more mature and stable than her peers. In the past few years, he has studied abroad and achieved junior high school. After graduation, he has led the entire village to become rich together.

Because of these previous matters, Captain Li did not look down on Ye Xiuqing. On the contrary, when communicating with her, she is regarded as a mature adult. That's why I told her so much about it.

The more he listened to Captain Li's introduction, the brighter Ye Xiuqing's eyes became. After listening to his words, the eagerness in his eyes could hardly be blocked.

However, she did not continue to talk about this topic. On the contrary, he quietly inquired about some small businesses in the provincial capital that were no longer able to pay their workers and almost closed down.

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's question, in order to "relieve his sorrows with alcohol", he ended up drinking a little drunk Captain Li, like pouring beans, and talking to Ye Xiuqing what he knew.

After listening to Captain Li's words, Ye Xiuqing probably had something in her heart. When you're ready to go home, make a plan and see which one is more appropriate to start with.

After thinking for a while, Ye Xiuqing looked at Captain Li again.

"Uncle Li, in the current situation of your transportation plant, your work should not be as busy as before, right? Although the subsidy may be one less, but the time is much more free.

My father said that you used to tell him that you were busy with work and couldn't make time for your wife and children. Now that you are free, you should be able to spend more time with your aunt and brother and sister, right? "

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Captain Li's expression was a little helpless.

"Although I have a lot of leisure time, my salary is also a little less. Brother Ye, tell me, there are old people and young people here. Can I make more money?"

Hearing that Captain Li's tongue was a little knotted, Ye Xiuqing felt very sad for him.

Just when the meal was about to finish, Ye Xiuqing, who had been very quiet except for having just said a few words to Captain Li, raised her head to look at Captain Li.

"Uncle Li, how are you doing in this factory? Or, are you happy? Although the current factory's benefits are not very good, you are still the captain of the transportation team. Even in the later stage, the factory will not be able to open. The Your factory manager should not let you go easily. Your treatment should not change too much."

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Captain Li glanced at her and didn't say anything against it.

Indeed, although he is earning a little less now. But at least the other drivers in their fleet were invited by the leader to talk, saying that when they might be allowed to stay at home for a while, he could still go to work safely.

But in the same way, he is not happy with what he is doing in the factory now.

Thinking back to when their factory was doing well, the drivers under him lived happily every day. It's good now, everyone is downcast all day long.

One of his drivers was asked by the leader for an interview, and after returning

But in the same way, he is not happy with what he is doing in the factory now.

Thinking back to when their factory was doing well, the drivers under him lived happily every day. It's good now, everyone is downcast all day long.

One of his drivers was asked by the leader for an interview, and after returning

But in the same way, he is not happy with what he is doing in the factory.

The female supporting role gets rich in the chronology https://