The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 285: Cannon fodder mom 48

Lin Dan held a writing brush and slowly wrote down the names of several medicines. The handwriting was very steady, but her attitude was more calm. She pushed the wet paper raft in front of Mr. Nie Haicheng, Xu Xu said, "Mr. Nie Xiao heard it right. I did say it for 20 years, but only if you have to find these medicines."

Lin Dan is really well maintained, a picture of Yan Yingying like a jade, so that people can not see the age at all. After her old-fashioned cry of "Mr. Xiao", Nie Rong's face was red. He settled, then looked at the paper raft, then frowned deeply.

Nie Haichengjiu became a doctor and knew more or less about the traditional Chinese medicine for treating diabetes and kidney disease, but looking at the names of these medicines in front of him, he couldn't figure out the way of Lin Dan at all. He knows some medicines and takes them often, but he has never heard of some medicines.

When Lin Dan was talking, her voice was very soft and her lips were hardly opened and closed, so even if the cameraman was taking pictures, some inscrutable people could not analyze her words based on her mouth shape. She took a sip of hot tea and explained: "The first medicine, Ziheche, should the old man know?"

Nie Haicheng nodded, but Nie Rong was curious: "What is a purple river car?" He had just returned from abroad and did not understand these so-called "feudal dregs".

Lin Dan further explained: "The purple river car is the human placenta, but the purple river car I want is different from the ordinary purple river car, and it must be delivered with an umbilical cord. The fresher the better."

Nie Rong's face changed suddenly, and he subconsciously covered his stomach for fear of vomiting. He gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it equivalent to eating human flesh to use medicine from the human placenta?" He thought that acupuncture and cupping were already amazing, but unexpectedly there were even more amazing. If he had known that the Chinese medical law was so weird, he said that he would not bring his grandfather to this trip.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help going to see Nie Haicheng, but was pressed by Mr. Nie Lao's shoulders to signal his anger.

"What's the difference between a purple river car and a purple river car connected to an umbilical cord? I also hope that the younger friends will confuse old age." Mr. Nie asked sincerely. He eats more salt than his grandson eats, so naturally he won't be frightened by the blind medicine.

"Fetuses who have not yet given birth to their mothers naturally have a breath that can encourage their bodies to develop slowly and intact. In Chinese medicine, we call this breath inborn. But when the baby is born, this inborn The atmosphere was slowly polluted by the mundane pollution. The ancient name of the umbilical cord attached to the placenta was 'Kanqi'. The old man should have guessed the reason? "

Nie Haicheng said suddenly, "This umbilical cord still contains the last trace of innate qi, so it is called qi qi?"

"That's right. After this medicine is delivered, I have to lock the gas with a special treatment method, so it needs to be fresh and preferably just peeled from the mother."

"I see." Nie Haicheng cautiously nodded, and his fingertips could not help but nodded on the three words Ziheche.

Nie Rong shook his throat up and down, as if he couldn't stand it, but he didn't dare to interrupt the conversation between the two. He had already seen that there had been some changes in the grandfather's mentality. The "dead horse as a living horse doctor" when he first came was replaced by hope and trust. However, these medicines were so unreliable that he could not convince himself to accept them.

"A thousand years of amber must be thousands of years of amber? One year is not enough?" Nie Haicheng continued to ask.

"Yes, the year must not be less than a thousand years." Lin Dan nodded.

"Did you write one word less or write a wrong word for this Lingzhi?"

"Yes, what I want is Lingzhi, not Wulingzhi, nor Lingzhi, or Lingzhi."

Nie Rong was dizzy and could not help asking: "I know Ganoderma, what is Wulingzhi?"

Lin Dan chuckled: "Wu Lingzhi is the feces of the cold bug."

Nie Haicheng added: "The cold bug is a mole."

Nie Rong covered his stomach that was constantly acidic, and said unbelievably, "So this Wulingzhi is actually rat feces? Can the feces be used as medicine?" The wonderfulness of the traditional Chinese medicine method has completely exceeded his tolerance. He now I regret coming here.

Lin Dan's tone was very calm: "You can drink cat feces coffee as a top-level drink, but why can't you accept mouse feces as medicine? Strange, is it that foreign things are higher than our own?"

Nie Rong was dumbfounded, and Nie Haicheng quickly waved his hand: "Of course it is not. He has little knowledge and is easy to make a fuss. He also hopes that his friends will not care about him."

Lin Dan didn't mean to compare with Nie Rong, and continued: "Shenlongjia area has a kind of worm called cryptic worm, which looks like a cochineal. It feeds on traditional Chinese medicine such as ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, and Nine Dead Soul Grass. Beans, just touch the back of the grass with the grass stem, and it will spit out all the herbs in the stomach. It is named Lingzhi because of its appearance. It is compatible with the medicinal properties of various precious herbs And the effect is stronger, but without toxic side effects, it is a life-saving medicine. "

Nie Rong no longer knows what expression to use to face Lin Dan, but can only numb a face. He felt that this person was not talking about Chinese medicinal herbs, but was telling mythological stories.

Nie Haicheng asked worryingly: "I've seen a lot in these years, but I've never heard of Cryptococcus. It should be difficult to find, right? The doctor said that I only have two months at most, if it is two months I couldn't find them all within ... "

Lin Dan waved his hand: "The old man doesn't need to worry, I naturally have a way to support you for a longer period of time. My name here is a pill called Butian Pill, which can strengthen your own immune system and help you make up for the constantly lost essence. Taking three pills daily, I will keep you okay within half a year. But I have to tell you the truth, your body has completely decayed, and it will not help to remedy it. You have to rebuild it. "

Lin Dan held up the tea cup and took a sip of the teacup, and continued: "If the sky breaks a hole, you can fill it with colorful **** stones. If the sky collapses, you need the big gods like Pangu to support it. The medicine you are prescribed is called Dazhao Pill. As the name suggests, it is to help you rebuild a body by using medicine. For twenty years, I still say that as long as the medicine is continuous, you want to live in the same generation of the fifth and the sixth generation. not a problem."

Nie Rong looked at Lin Dan with a pair of dead fish eyes, obviously he didn't believe a word. What big pill, should be called Huyou Maru!

Nie Haicheng was surging for a long time. If you can, who doesn't want to live a long life and be healthy? Having been tortured for so many years, he even dreamed of a brand new body.

"Okay," he said as he coughed. "I'll send someone to look for these medicines right away." He took out his cell phone and called the most trusted subordinates. His dull eyes radiated a bright light at this moment. The pale cheeks turned red, as if they had chicken blood.

Fortunately, the cameraman filmed with his back facing him, and did not record his expression of excitement.

Nie Rong didn't say a word, just stared straight at Lin Dan. This is probably the so-called **** stick? In three or two words, his wise and wise grandfather was flickered.

"The two wait a moment, I'll get the buten pills." Lin Dan got up and went to the pharmacy. He returned a few minutes later, holding a square wooden box in his hand.

"Three capsules a day, one to get up early in the morning to eat, one to eat half an hour before lunch, and one to eat half an hour before going to bed. If the main medicine of DaZao Pill has not been found after serving, you will come to me to refill the medicine, but at most only Continued for six months. As I said before, the old gentleman's body is useless and has to be made. "Lin Dan explained carefully.

"Okay, thank you, Xiaoyou! I don't know how to settle the medical expenses?" Nie Haicheng took the box cautiously.

Lin Dan pondered for a while and chuckled: "If there is any resources in the old gentleman's hands, you might as well take care of the little girl. The medical treatment fee is waived, and how much money can not be exchanged for the old gentleman's life, do you say?"

Nie Haicheng immediately laughed and slaped and said, "Little friend is really a wonderful person. Well, as long as my Nie family wealth manager has not closed down, our Nie family will spare no effort to support Xiaoyou's daughter. This is what Nie Haicheng said, who Don't dare to change, you can rest assured. "

"Thank you old Mr. then." Lin Dan nodded with a smile.

Nie Haicheng blinked and said, "Since Lao Shi can't die for a while, then Lao Shi has a merciless invitation. Please also ask my friend to accompany me to play a show for people outside?"

Lin Dan immediately understood the intention of the old gentleman. He came to visit him suddenly after he lived in seclusion for many years. Couldn't anyone know what the hidden feelings were? No, they can certainly guess, but they never imagined that the old man could really find a way to continue his life here. It's better to be quiet than to be quiet, and it's better to be dark in the bright. Now she has to accompany the old gentleman to perform the trick to confuse his enemies.

Thinking of this, she showed a regretful expression, saying clearly, "I can do nothing, Mr. Old, please come back."

Nie Haicheng stood up tremblingly, his voice was a little louder than before, but his face turned out abnormal blue. At first glance, he looked like he was about to die, but he tried to hide it: "I want to see the little friend's flower room, is it okay?"

"Of course you can." Lin Dan reached out and invited: "The flower room is at the back, please."

Nie Rong helped his grandfather to move forward, his expression was very solemn. In fact, he didn't believe in Lin Dan at all, so the sad expression didn't need to be disguised, it was true at first glance. It was intriguing that the old man was fighting hard. Even if the cameraman wasn't close to the shot, through the enlarged lens, some people can find that his gray face is full of lifelessness.

How can a person sentenced to death by a doctor be so easy to survive? It was terminally ill. Even the most sophisticated western medicine could not cure it. Can Chinese medicine cure it? impossible! Think of it this way, people hiding in the dark increasingly believe in their own judgment.

When Lin Dan brought the two guests into the flower room, the garden worker hired by Shen Cong also arrived in Xiaotian Village. They were driving a truck, and naturally they could not keep up with Shen Cong's off-road.

"It's these flowers. Move slowly and be careful." Shen Cong told him tirelessly.

Lin Dan let the two guests visit casually, but he put on his gloves and sprayed a special medicine on the crystal orchid, so as to prevent it from being affected by outside humidity and temperature during transportation and causing decay. After spraying the potion, she packed the crystal orchid in a box made of tempered glass and gave it to the worker. The ghost orchid was also packed in a glass box to avoid injury.

Nie Haicheng followed her step by step, her face full of wonder and lameness. He pointed to the last pot of orchids and said, "What's the name of this orchid? Professor Wu said that it is a degenerate species. I can't see it. It should be a mutant species that combines the genes of ghost orchid and crystal orchid."

Lin Dan introduced: "It's called the Snow Emperor." As for the specific breed, she chose to avoid it.

"Snow of snowflakes?"


"Good name! The color is like ice crystals, and the fragrance is like cold snow. This bluegrass is definitely a holy product! Little friend, can you sell it to me?

"No, its character is not stable enough, I have to plant it and see it again." Lin Dan flatly refused.

"Can these two pots be sold to me?" Nie Haicheng pointed at Crystal Orchid and Gui Lan.

"No, I still need to use them for research." Lin Dan continued to refuse.

The two talked one after the other, and Mr. Nie Haicheng was rejected five or six times, but was not angry at all, and looked silly at the audience in the live broadcast room.

[I feel that the two of them meet at the same level, and there is no difference in status. Lian An always bowed his head when he reached Nie Lao, but Bai Ma was not at all a bit, Bai Ma was not mortal! Someone sighed like this.