The Fierce Taoist of Online Games

Chapter 762: See also Porto

"What about the neutral zone? Did they participate?" Zhou Xing asked again.

"They, it’s not enough. At the beginning, it was really neutral. However, when Hister killed Havina and Lasvila, he took the initiative to surrender. Players in the neutral zone also participated in the fight against Camilo. The last battle."

"I am definitely going to stick to it. What is your attitude towards reincarnation for the tenth world?"

"Boss, I am no longer a person of the tenth reincarnation!"

"Really?" Zhou Xing looked straight into Guiya's eyes.

Guiya sighed and said: "The hearts of the people are gone, I don't want to go back anyway... Besides, Treading is now the number one guild in the mainland. When I was in District 1, the tenth reincarnation was also the number one guild in the mainland. You see, I didn’t. Change!"

"Your kid is clever!" Zhou Xing laughed.

"Boss, don't worry, no one wants to be a subjugated slave. Just like you, I will stand by!"

Zhou Xing murmured: "If everyone thinks that way, if we are united, we will have a greater chance of defending. If we are afraid, we are afraid of traitors."

As the first guild of the Dawn King City, Treading Walk is the first to bear the brunt. It is naturally obliged to stand up and lead everyone. Zhou Xing has been brewing for a long time and posted a long article on the forum, calling on players to put aside their conflicts, unite and fight the enemy together.

At the end of the article, he emphasized the different treatment of players from the victorious and defeated countries, as well as the benefits of actively participating in the war, which greatly stimulated everyone's fighting spirit (it really is not profitable and early).

In the evening, Gene summoned Zhou Xing again, and the two discussed how to deal with the war. The discussion reached more than three in the morning.

Returning to the studio, Zhou Xing continued to engage in manufacturing. There are still three days before the war begins. He needs to create more powerful scrolls.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed. On this day, Zhou Xing was still busy. A small and thin old man walked into his studio. This man had green skin, a long nose, pointed ears, and small eyes. Zhou Xing When I looked up, I was overjoyed. The visitor was Porto the goblin merchant!

"Old friend, long time no see, how are you?" Porto greeted with a smile on his face.

"Old friend! I want to kill you!" Zhou Xing was so excited that he embraced each other enthusiastically.

"Be lighter, lighter, I can't stand this old bone..."

"Old friend, why are you here? Your business is really getting bigger and bigger, and I receive more and more dividends!" Zhou Xing smiled.

Porto smiled and said: "Do you still have to ask, my old friend, as we all know, there is a big war here, where there is a war, there will be demand, of course I cannot be absent as a businessman."

"Ah, that's right! So what good stuff did you bring? Is there a gale bomb?" Zhou Xing remembered the extremely useful gale bomb and asked immediately.

"Sturdy wind bomb, it’s something for children to play with, it’s no longer suitable for you, how about this?" Porto smiled and took out an apple-sized black ball with a face painted on it, which looked like a demon.

Zhou Xing took it and weighed it up, with a little weight. After checking the attributes, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Demon bomb: It can cause 50,000 fixed damage to all targets within a radius of 100 meters, all attributes are reduced by 6%, and fighting spirit is reduced by 15%.

Big killer!

"By the way, do you still have an upgrade scroll? The one that can be upgraded to five levels at a time!" Zhou Xing suddenly asked.

"Hey, that kind of thing is too scarce, and very popular, it was sold out long ago!"

Zhou Xing felt a pity, so he looked at the demon bomb in his hand and asked: "How much do you have and how do you sell it?"

Porto smiled and said: "The inventory is running out, only 300 pieces, 150 gold coins."

"Old friend, although this thing is good, the price is too expensive! Don't forget, we are a partnership, you can't give me this price!"

"Then how much do you want?"

"All you want!"

Porto thought for a while, and said: "Well, you can count on 100 gold coins, you can't go lower!"

"70! I'll introduce you to big business! You don't know yet, we have changed the king, I am now the Minister of State, the most important person of your Majesty! I am the commander-in-chief of the Patriotic War!" Zhou In order to keep the price down, Xing brags shamelessly.

Porto frowned, hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, saying: "Well, for the face of an old friend, 70 is 70!"

Zhou Xing was overjoyed and immediately paid 21,000 gold coins, which was more than half the original price, and then carefully collected the 300 demon bombs.

"Old friend, what good stuff?"

"Hey, look at this!" Porto took out a piece of parchment.

Zhou Xing unfolded a look and his eyes widened. This was actually a design drawing of an enhanced guard cannon. Its range, rate of fire and power were much stronger than the current guard cannon!

"How to sell this?" Zhou Xing asked excitedly.

"Less than 50,000 gold coins will not be sold." Porto stretched out his five fingers and smiled.

Zhou Xing took a deep breath, knowing that this picture was indeed worth the price, but it was still too expensive for him, so he said: "Okay, I will persuade His Majesty the King to buy it. What good things are there?"

"Are you interested in this?" Porto was a juggler, with a few black spots on his palm, which looked like black sesame seeds.

Zhou Xing smiled bitterly: "Old friend, I don't like to eat sesame paste."

Porto chuckled and said: "My old friend, I really like to eat sesame paste because it is cheap, but these are not sesame paste. If used well, their value will even exceed the design drawing."

"Oh?" Zhou Xing was shocked, and hurriedly picked up a pill and placed it in front of him.

Sensorworm: born twins, can fly, after acquired training, can be manipulated by humans, can hear and transmit sound.

It was a bug! In an instant, Zhou Xing understood the purpose of this bug. It could be used to eavesdrop and collect military intelligence!

Porto smiled and picked up two small worms, and gave one of the larger ones to Zhou Xing, saying: "This kind of sensory worm is a male and a female. This is a male. You put it in your ears. Go out first, say a few words to this mother, and see if you can hear it."

Zhou Xing nodded and carefully held it to his ear. Soon after Porto walked out of the studio, the other party's words were heard clearly in his ear, as if he was speaking in front of him.

Not long after, Porto returned and repeated the previous words, exactly the same as Zhou Xing heard.

"Are there any distance restrictions?" Zhou Xing asked.

Porto smiled and shook his head: "Within a country, there is no impact!"

"Great! I bought all of them!"

"There are only five pairs, all of which were caught by me. There is no cost. In total, even if you have 1 gold coin."

"Old friend!" Zhou Xing excitedly gave him a hug again, "Fortunately you are on our side, otherwise this battle will be more difficult."