The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood

Chapter 66

"It seems that I haven't seen Ye Lai Xiansheng for a long time!" It is indeed a creative genius to be able to create a model angel!

Item 0101

Haicai Academy, the highest level!

"That Yuechan, excuse me, we have something to ask!" The ancient city was pushing open the heavy door and was about to walk in!

"Bump!" A book flew out from inside, hitting the ancient city directly!

"Ah!" The skull received a heavy blow, and the ancient city immediately came to turn on his back!

"Gucheng, are you okay!" Yase quickly helped the ancient city up!

"It's okay!" Gucheng waved his hand, looked helplessly at the month sitting in the office, smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be so cruel!"

"You know, you're scared!" She leaned deeply on the seemingly expensive antique chair, spread out her black lace fan and said, "Remember to call me teacher in the future!"

"Yase, you are here too!" Nayue glanced at Yase behind him, and said, "You two are really inseparable!"

"Don't say we are like a base!" Gucheng waved his hand and said!

"Well, do you have anything to come to me?"

Upon hearing this, the ancient city said solemnly: "We are looking for a person named Galdorius. If there are any clues, I hope to tell us!"

In an instant, that moon's expression changed suddenly. The petite body who was less than one hundred and fifty centimeters tall stood up, squinted his eyes, and said, "Where did you hear that name?"

"It seems that you know this name!" Gucheng murmured. As the country’s attacker, Nayue would naturally know something about Galdorius, not to mention that Galdorius was responsible for the Black Death Emperor faction. people!

"Watra said it!" Gucheng Tantanshou said!

"That fellow Vatra!" The moon gritted his teeth, "I have to tell the kid everything!"

"You are a kid! You are only the second highest in height!" Gu Cheng said with a curl of his lips!

"What are you talking about!" Nayue suddenly snorted and said: "I do have information about Galdorius, but even if you know it, what can you do?"

"Catch him!" Gucheng said with certainty!

"Hehe, confident eyes, it seems that you who awakened the second beast gave you some confidence!" Nayue sneered, and now the ancient city said confidently!

"Of course!" Gucheng nodded!

"It's useless!" said slowly after taking a sip of black tea that month!

"What does it mean to be useless!"

"It means you don't need to do this kind of thing!"

"I heard that the tragic and solemn wish of the Black Death Emperor was to obliterate the first true ancestor. They pursued the means to realize their wish, so they came to Xianjin Island. Now they seem to have the power to kill the true ancestor, such an enemy, Have you considered it?" That month looked at the ancient city and said: "Maybe, you will be killed!"

"Kill the true ancestor, this is impossible!" Yase was taken aback when he heard this!

"Whether it is true or not, I will go!" Gucheng nodded!

"Well then!" Nayue nodded, and said: "The reason why Galdor came to Xianjin Island is to resurrect Narakville!"

"Resurrect Narakweiler, what comes from this!"

"The product of prehistoric civilization, it is said that many civilizations have been destroyed, and it is the product of the gods!"

"On our Xianjin Island resurrecting things like this, our Xianjin Island has nothing to do with Narakville, right?"

"It didn't matter originally, but the company of the Jiana Alchemy Industry seems to have illegally stolen a sample from the ruins. So the people of the Black Death Emperor are chasing here!"

"Um! How does the Black Death Emperor plan to manipulate these antiques?" Gucheng asked again!

"I don't know about this, but they can come, I believe they have a bottom! It seems that a stone stele has been discovered this time, and it is engraved with spells or spells used to control Narakweiler."

"In this case, that weapon may still be used, isn't it?"

"That incomprehensible thing has already been studied by linguists and magical institutions all over the world, but they can't even find the clue to the interpretation. Even if the terrorists rack their brains, there will be no results. "That month underestimated Qian Cong's ability. With Qian Cong's help, Galdor Xiu was able to control Narakville!

"Okay! You are all fine!" That month nodded!

"No!" Gujo and Yaze were about to leave!

"I give you a piece of advice, don't have too much contact with Vatra!" Nayue reminded!


"You can ask Yase about this, he knows better than me!"

Hearing this, the ancient city looked towards Yase!

"Ahem!" Yaze nodded and said: "Do you remember what I told you before, Vatra has the strength close to the true ancestor!"

"Yeah! I know this!"

"But his ability to be close to the true ancestor was not born innate, but was obtained by swallowing the elders of the same race! You are the fourth true ancestor, so I am worried that he will swallow you!"

"What, swallowing vampire's clan? That guy did such a thing?" Gucheng was a little dumbfounded, feeling that a person with a good temper would have such a cruel side! However, Gucheng thought of Qin Zheng again, that guy was not gentle, but he was also an evil guy in essence!

Yaze continued: "Especially the last time Qin Zheng swallowed most of Vatra's blood, which greatly reduced De Vatra's strength!"

"If that guy seriously wants to kill you, you are only a five-to-five chance, and he still has a helper." Yase sighed!

"Then why didn't he swallow me?" The ancient city was a little bit puzzled. Now it is the weakest time in the ancient city, why didn't Vatra take the opportunity to kill him!

"Where did I know!" Yaze spread his hands, "but you just work hard to increase your strength! Now there is still a problem!"

"Galdoxiu! It is indeed a trouble!" Gucheng nodded!

Item 0102

"Student Qin Zheng, I made you wait for a long time!" On this day, Qin Zheng, who came to the school, found a letter in the drawer. It was written to him by Lun Zhudao. It probably meant to tell Qin Zheng something about Scallion. Things and Raiders shallow methods!

Qin Zheng also found it strange that the monitor seemed to be overzealous!

"Yeah!" On the rooftop, Qin Zheng saw Classmate Tsukuba Run who was wearing a white suit. Compared with his usual seriousness, this dress was a little more coquettish!

"How did you get along with Asalon yesterday?" asked Run Tsukuba!

"It feels okay!" Qin Zheng remembered the day and night with Qian Cong yesterday!

"That shows that my method worked!" Tsukuba nodded and said, "It's time to implement the next step!"

"Implement the next step?" Qin Zheng was taken aback after hearing this, "Then what should I do next?"