The Final Knight

Chapter 343: Realm

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For Lindilot, everything here makes her very curious. She has never even seen anything here that she has ever seen, even the earth and the sky, in Lindilot’s memory Among them, she has never seen such a "cruel" earth anywhere. The wilderness of the North is already harsh enough, but compared to the sight of it, it makes people feel that the throat is dry, and the dark red is full of cracks everywhere. And the stone ground is enough to become a rich land, not to mention the fertile plain where the Sith Empire is located. At this moment, it looks like heaven.

And Lin Tilott was more than curious. After that, she followed Yulian and found a quirky black box parked behind the hill. This thing looked flat and flat, and the front was still A triangle, weird and weird, is it still suspended in the air? But before Lintilot could guess what this was for, Yulian held out his hand, and then only heard two slight sliding sounds. The side of the eccentric black box rose straight up, revealing the inside. Empty-this can actually sit people?

When Lindilot asked Yulian curiously what it was, Yulian just shrugged his shoulders and then gave an answer.

"You just treat this as a carriage."

He said he reached out and pointed to a hollow disc in front of the left seat inside.

"That's the reins."

"But...I didn't see the horse..."

"Of course."

Youlian raised her eyebrows, but his expression was blocked by the dark helmet, so Lindilot didn't see it.

"There is no such thing as a horse in this world, well, get in the car."


I have to say that Her Royal Highness is still very reasonable. Although there are still many problems in her mind so far, from the tone of Yulian, Lin Tilott heard that he did not want to talk more, so Lindy Lott nodded, then walked to the other side of the black box according to Yulian's gesture and then lowered her head. After carefully looking at it, she stooped down and sat in. On the other side, Yulian was After confirming that Lindilot got in the car, he entered the car and closed the door.

Yulian, who was seated in the car, did not start immediately. He just stretched out his hand and gently stroked the dashboard in front of him and the buttons on it.

After so many years, the progress has been so small.

Thinking of this, You Lian's mouth was slightly raised, and then there was a helpless smile.

But also, it was like that at that time, now it should be able to maintain instead of returning to the Stone Age, it should be thankful. Thinking of this, Yulian calmed his thoughts, and then he reached out a card from his clothes and inserted it into the gap next to the steering wheel. Soon the dark car radiated bright light, and then, accompanied by a slight shaking Start moving quickly.

Lindi Lott didn't speak anymore, she just stared at the front quietly, because she was blocked by the helmet, and Yulian didn't even know what she was looking at, but it would be very confusing to want to come to the Queen Mother, after all, she came to such a In a world he doesn't understand, everything here is far away from what she knew.........Thinking of this, Yulian suddenly felt a little weird. Frankly speaking, he really didn't really understand the thoughts of His Royal Highness. Just now, they were still enemies killed and killed, but now the atmosphere has become strange and weird, but Yulian said he doesn’t mind. Anyway, Yulian’s enemies and friends have been gone for many years. He has become accustomed to the exchange of various identities. It seems that the Blue Feather Mercenary Corps, which was established to cover the final knighthood, has now become their enemy. If you put it on others, I am afraid. You will also feel emotions, but Yulian quickly changed her mind, no matter how it used to be, since it is now an enemy, then just kill it...

But what exactly did the Queen Mother think?

While driving, Yulian carefully recalled in his mind what happened when he woke up. At the beginning, it was obvious that Lindilot was also frightened by this place, but treated her own attitude. But it is very relaxed and casual. Not only is there no tension, but there is nothing particularly weird-but this is the biggest weirdness in itself, isn't it? But he was the head of the final knights, led the final knights to drive away the army of the Sith Empire, let them go to the fat of the mouth, and cut them a talented knight. Even if you don’t wear Daitian, you should be well-watered and not guilty of river water. Seeing how she feels like she’s going to stick to herself now?

"Mr. Youlian?"

"Hmm? Is there anything? Her Royal Highness?"

"I just want to ask... your injury..."

This is indeed a trouble.

Hearing Lintilot’s uneasy doubts, Yulian frowned, leaving a hand to the twin sisters to protect them from being punished, then he was in trouble. If there were two hands, there was Many things can be done, but now one hand is less trouble...but fortunately, now I am here.........Thinking of this, You Lian shook his head with a wry smile, maybe this is also considered The only benefit.

"Relax, Your Highness, Queen, I have my own way."

"I see, Mr. Youlian, there is one more thing..."


"Can you not call my Highness the Queeness, at least for now, this name really makes no sense."

"Okay, Miss Lindilot."

Along with Yulian's answer, the dialogue between the two came to an end. Lindilot was still looking at the scenery passing by the window of the car, silently, and Yulian didn't say anything more, he compared the map. While driving the vehicle in this barren, tattered Gobi, he drove quickly, and after more than ten minutes, Yulian stopped the car and then opened the door.

"Okay, let's go, Miss Lindilot."

Hearing Yulian’s words, Lindilot didn’t hesitate, and soon got out of the car and looked up, when she realized that she was waiting for someone standing at the foot of a barren mountain, in front of them, a dark The cave is waiting quietly, there is no light inside. Yulian patted Lindi Lot's shoulder, motioned her to turn her head, then reached out and pressed a button on the left side of the helmet. Soon, a bright light came out from there and shone forward.

"use this."

Youlian pointed.

"Don't consume the power of the soul, I think you feel it too. There is no Mana here, we only consume without supplement."


Without Julian’s reminder, Lindy Lot also understood what he meant. In fact, the knights also consume Mana, but they do not consume as much as the mages. Although so, in the current situation, they can It is better not to consume or not to consume as much as possible. After all, the situation in front of you seems to be that two people only took a bag of water and walked into the desert without knowing when to go out. Naturally, be careful.

But what about the battle?

Just when Lindilot was thinking about this problem, she saw that Yulian had handed a quirky black pipe. She had seen this thing just now, and it was the two people who aimed at themselves—from their behavior Look, this should be some kind of weapon?

"Hold it."

Seeing that Lindilot took it, Yulian quickly made a move, and he reached for the grip of the gun and pointed forward.

"Aim ahead, remember, look at the protrusion above this tube, use it to aim at the target you want to attack, and then buckle the thing that your right index finger presses-that's it."

Along with Yulian's words, a dark red light suddenly blasted from the muzzle of the black hole, and then hit the ground, leaving only a black scorching shadow. This quickly ignited Lin Tilott's interest. She raised her hand curiously what Yulian called a "gun" and began to practice. I have to say that Her Royal Highness is indeed very talented, but just a few times, she can already use this weapon very familiarly. Moreover, Her Royal Highness had her own understanding of this weapon called "gun".

"It turned out to be a tiny magic cannon."

In fact, this understanding is not too wrong-probably.

Then, under the leadership of Yulian, the two went into the cave.

There is stillness in the dark cave. Under the light of the light, you can even clearly see a thick layer of thick dust without any traces on the ground under your feet. There is no sound even when you step on it, which is enough to prove How desolate here, not to mention human beings, not even other lives.

The dark cave of the silent cave did not reach the end, and even made people feel a little depressed. The two had walked for almost an hour, but they still could not find anything other than the cave, no beasts, no currents, no plants, not even People — nothing.

"Mr. Yulian.........Although I know I am rude, I still want to know, what is this place?"

Finally, Lindilot couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked. Upon hearing her inquiry, Yulian was silent for a moment, and then he slowly answered.

"This is also our world."


"How? Is it strange?"

"Yes... It can be said that although you said this is our world, in my memory, I have never seen such a landscape on the mainland, and have never heard of similar rumors. And, this kind of weirdness Clothes, weapons, and even language, I have never heard of..."

"This is a matter of course."

However, in the face of Lindy Lot's inquiry, Yulian just shrugged his shoulders and gave an answer lightly.

"Because the world is far away from you."

"This... I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Imagine, Lindilot."

Yulian reached out and waved in the air, making a big circle.

"Imagine this continent as a gold coin. The place on which the pattern is printed is where we live. There are birds and flowers, mountains and water and beautiful women. You can breathe freely and do whatever you want. The place with the words printed below , It is dry, there is nothing, and you can only wrap yourself tightly when you go out, otherwise there will be a disaster of life-this is where we are now."

After listening to Yulian, Lindilot was silent for a moment, as if digesting the news, and then she immediately became surprised.

"You, do you mean that there is a continent under our continent?"

"It's the back, not the bottom."

Yulian turned a corner and "corrected" Lindilot's mistake.

"Yes, but..."

Even if she is as clever as Her Royal Highness, she still doesn't know what to say.

"But... how can this be like this? I mean... such a place, it seems completely impossible for life to survive."

Indeed, as Lindilot thought, following Yulian’s path, I looked around and saw the dry earth and the red sky forever, no water, no trees, no grass, and the whole world was extremely quiet , There is almost no wind, can anyone survive in such a place? Lindy Lott couldn’t imagine that although she was in the Sith Empire, she had negotiated with the barbarian people who lived in the deserted North, but there were snow, snow, and animals in the mountains at least all the year round. Used to eat, so the barbarians can continue to live there. If you change this ghost place in front of you, Lindilot believes that even those barbarians who are known for their strong vitality may be dead. However, she soon got Yulian's answer.

"It wasn't the ghost here. It's like the place you live in. It has mountains, water, and life - of course I mean life other than human beings. However, the people here are too much in pursuit of strength, they The fanatical desire became stronger and lived better, so they consumed Mana unscrupulously. Finally, the Mana of this world was consumed by them. Then, the world became the ghost you see now. "

Hearing this, Lindilot was silent.

It is not that she has not learned about the exhaustion of Mana. In fact, any noble on the continent will learn this knowledge to avoid the exhaustion of Mana and prevent damage to the environment. But she still didn't expect that the exhaustion of Mana would bring such terrible changes.

"It's really unimaginable, but don't people here do anything to prevent it? We didn't just..."

"When you hear people say to you one day that drinking water will cause the mainland to lack water, other creatures will die of thirst. Only by not drinking water will you be able to save the world. Will you do the same?"

Yulian interrupted Lindi Lot's doubts with impoliteness.

"The idiots in this world have fallen too deep, and there is simply no way to look back, so it is their responsibility to take it for themselves, you don't have to worry about it at all."

Hearing this, Lindilot was silent for a moment.

"I see, Master Yulian, I have one last question."

"You can mention it, anyway, I am not a lawyer and don't charge by the minute."

"You say this is the opposite of our continent...and you still know the knowledge of this continent, and you are proficient in using these weird things. Do you ever say that you were a resident of this continent?"

Yulian stopped.

Lindilot also stopped, she looked at the back of the man in silence, not knowing why, under the cold light, Lindilot suddenly felt that Yulian's figure was a bit silent.

"I'm not a resident of this continent, Miss Lindilot, to be precise, I'm just one of the travelers who strayed into it."

With that said, Yulian raised his hand and pointed to the front.

"We have arrived."

After coming to this world, Lindilot thought she would not be surprised by anything again, but now, when she saw the scene in front of her, the Queen of Silver still breathed out in surprise.

Under the huge hole in the ground, a deserted, dark and huge ruin stood so quietly under the light, like a long-dead corpse, exuding a rotten atmosphere. Obviously, this is a city that has long since died. Although Lindilot has seen many cities, she has never seen such a city. A strange rectangular building stands in it, without walls, and there are many twists and turns on the road. Things that are very similar to the car outside, the only difference is that these things have a certain trait that makes Lindilot more familiar-they have four round wheels under the body.

Moreover, unlike the decaying outside world, everything here is not just going away. On the contrary, Lindilot is keenly and instinctively aware that time seems to have stalled here. Take the huge canvas not far away in front of her. Under the light, Lin Tilott can clearly see a huge beautiful woman painted on her, holding something in her hand towards non-existence Someone showed, and judging by Lindi Lott’s experience, this canvas is not well maintained. I am afraid that it will be completely ruined in thirty or forty years. I am afraid that even a complete form can not be seen in more than a hundred years. But now, it still maintains its original appearance, just torn apart by some external force. The ground here is also the same. Lindi Lot can't see the dust accumulating, she can even see a white line in the middle of the road, which makes Lin Tilot more of this mysterious city. curious.

"This used to be my home, a long time ago."

Youlian pointed to the huge dark shadow under the cliff. If there is no searchlight lighting, I am afraid that no one would think that there is a city hidden there.

"And if we want to go back, here is the only place where we can find a way." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for the recommendation, monthly pass, your Support is my biggest motivation.)

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