The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1294: Well, it's rare for a girl to have such

Empress Changsun nodded helplessly, and she was right. Her daughter was holding the doll every day. The first time she saw this moving iron-eater, she was a little excited and understandable.

"Mother, you think they are so cute, they are really silly, so funny."

Empress Changsun took their awkward posture, and one of the giant pandas rolled forward two times because of stomping on the air.

Sitting on the ground, looking around with a dazed face, that look is really unbearable.

"Really, it's really stupid enough, hey, what's the matter with those people, why are they throwing so many bamboos in them?"

Li Mingda raised his eyes and saw the imperial army who sent the pandas into the palace. At this moment, they were throwing bamboos from unknown sources into the pit.

With little effort, dozens of them were thrown in, and the two pandas, who had just appeared lazily, immediately became energetic.

He rushed over there one after another, and then sat down in front of the bamboo pile.

Just like that with its front paws, he picked up the bamboo and gnawed at it.

"Mother, how do they eat bamboo?" Li Mingda said curiously, pulling the hem of Empress Longsun.

Empress Changsun also shook her head somewhat unclearly, and simply went and summoned a ban army who threw bamboo.

Only then did they know that the food for these clumsy-looking pandas is bamboo.

"Moreover, their appetite is not small, they have to eat almost 30 or 40 catties of bamboo every day."

"..." Empress Changsun's face turned dark, looking at the two chubby, naive foodies.

"One gets thirty or forty catties a day, don't the two eat eighty catties of bamboo each day?"

"Yes, Niangniang, but the hunter said that in addition to bamboo, he will eat wild fruits, but the staple food is bamboo."

Empress Changsun carefully inquired for a long time, then raised her hand and waved back the imperial army.

Looking at the girl with a headache and excitedly greeted the pandas there, but the two pandas were sitting there blankly.

I kept grabbing the bamboo and gnawing at it, as if eating the most delicious thing in the world.


"Mother, look at the way they eat, as if they were eating something delicious."

"Yeah yeah…"

"Mother, I like them so much..."

"Hehe, I don't think your father would like them too much."

"??" Hearing what the mother said, Li Mingda turned her head curiously and looked at her.

Empress Changsun smiled and patted Li Mingda on the shoulder quietly.

"Think about it, your father's favorite is bamboo, but you have two iron-eaters who like to eat bamboo. Do you think your father can be happy?"

Hearing this, Li Mingda's pretty face couldn't help showing a trace of melancholy, and her lovely face was supported by her white and tender little hands.

"But they are so cute, but I don't want my father to be unhappy, mother..."

"Well, don't worry, mother is teasing you. There are a lot of bamboo forests outside of Chang'an City, as long as you don't let them eat your father's favorite square bamboo."

"Thank you, mother, yes, I will definitely take good care of them and don't let them go crazy."

Li Mingda smiled sweetly, and they looked exactly like the third brother Cheng in his dream.

It’s a pity that they don’t know how to cook, they just eat...

But the same naive manner, chubby, so cute...

Li Mingda looked at the two giant pandas who were trying to eat bamboo, the brilliance in the star's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was making.

Empress Changsun couldn't help feeling suspicious when she saw the girl's appearance.

"I said Xiao Sizi, what are you thinking about?"

"Mother, you see that they are so cute. If you can paint them all in a painting, how good would it be."

"Paint them?" Empress Changsun almost uttered aloud, drawing such a silly stuff into the painting. What does the girl mean?

"Yes, yes, just draw our family and the iron beast eating bamboo together, mother, how about you?"

"..." Empress Changsun looked suspiciously at Li Mingda, who was blinking a pair of watery eyes, always feeling that this girl seemed to be hiding something cautious.

"There are also daddy and mother, you and me, our family of three draw together, and wait until my daughter grows up."

"So I know what I looked like when I was a kid, mother, don't you think it is okay..."

"You girl, mother doesn't want to eat yours."

"Mother, I am your girl, so good, so obedient to you, okay mother..."

"Stop, okay, really, my mother's eyes are dazzling, and my mother promised you, but ah, your father is willing to do this."

Seeing that his coquettish Dafa really worked, UU Reading Li Mingda couldn't help but smile triumphantly, and began to pull his mother toward the Temple of Ganlu again.

"Father loves me the most, and he will definitely promise me, mother, let's see if Daddy is busy, I'm going to beat him to his leg."

Facing this obedient girl, the Queen of Longsun was really helpless, and she couldn't laugh or cry and let her lead herself to the Temple of Ganlu.


Li Shimin returned to the Ganlu Temple with a look of discontent, picked up a cup of green tea handed over by the eunuch, and smelled the delicate and elegant tea fragrance.

After taking a sip, the whole person gradually became calmer.

Forget it, it's not just two idiots, as long as you don't pound your own square bamboo, let them eat it.

As long as the girl is happy, she just thought of her lover, and saw the door of the Ganlu Temple, and came in with a cute pretty face.

Li Shimin couldn't help having fun. "Girlfriend is here..."

Li Mingda ran over at such a quick pace, and immediately fell into Li Shimin's arms.

"Daddy, Daddy...I saw the Iron Eater, it's so cute, thank you Daddy for loving me so much..."

Li Shimin couldn't help but feel great, and raised his hand to lightly shave the girl's slippery face.

"It's fine if you like it, it's just two ends, um, what an iron eater is nothing."

Li Mingda glanced at the eldest grandson empress who was coming here, and murmured softly in his father's ear.

"Thank you Daddy for being sympathetic to your daughter, Daddy... One thing, mother asked me to discuss it with you."

Li Shimin was very cooperative and lowered his voice and leaned down to ask.

"Oh? I don't know what's the matter, come on, let the father listen to it."

"Daddy, I want to ask Daddy to find a painter, and draw me, Daddy, and my mother on one picture."

"When my daughter grows up, I will also know what she looked like when she was a child.