The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1365: enough! This matter involves royal digni

Finally, as the eunuchs opened the gate of the hall, a group of officials poured into the hall.

With little effort, Li Shimin, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, walked quickly, and the Chaohui finally entered a normal rhythm.

Li Shimin glanced over a cadre of officials and workers, and saw Cheng Yaojin, who was there, and Fang Xuanling, who looked like an ancient well.

As well as a shareholder of the Hantang Commercial Bank who seemed a little uneasy, the corners of Li Shimin's mouth slightly raised and converged.

News from the Embroidery ambassador has already come. This group of officials from a family background is afraid that they will make trouble today.

Naturally, it is still an old routine. It is up to the censors to open fire first to test the situation. After that, the old and treacherous ministers and workers will appear on the scene.

Li Shimin has become accustomed to this approach, but he has to admit that this routine is indeed very good.

But, today I won't follow their routines. Thinking about this, Li Shimin's heart became more relaxed, after sitting down.

The **** on the side brought the brewed tea over, smelling the tea fragrance, Li Shimin suddenly refreshed.

This tea naturally came from Luzhou, but Li Shimin remembered that there were tea stems inside the medicine pillow that Cheng Sanlang had contributed.

Sleeping is even refreshing. In the past, sometimes due to the toil of government affairs, it was easy to be clearly tired, but toss and turn, and it was difficult to sleep.

But after hitting the medicine pillow contributed by this kid, smelling the elegant scent, it was easy to close his eyes.

It's always dawn when I open my eyes, and I rarely get caught up in dreams.

The quality of sleep is better, and the mental head is naturally better. Anyway, Li Shimin feels more and more energetic in the past two years.

With little effort, Yu Shi naturally jumped out first, and after a salute to the emperor, he began to speak generously.

The impeachment of Han and Tang commercial firms for bullying and dominating the market has made many businessmen unsustainable in their operations and caused complaints in the commercial market.

As Yushi, it is natural to listen to the voices of the people, stand up bravely, and launch an offensive against giant commercial groups such as Han and Tang Commercial Banks.

One, two, several censors popped out in a row, and even some officials began to leave.

I had a dialogue mode with those Yushi, and took the opportunity to put some facts in front of people.

Cheng Yaojin sneered again and again, and looked at His Majesty's side frequently. However, he saw the old God of His Majesty sitting on the ground behind the imperial case, sipping tea soup, and looked like he didn't care.


This made Lao Cheng couldn't help feeling anxious. Your Majesty, what do you want to do? His Majesty has already hinted that he has a perfect solution for this matter.

Let Cheng Yaojin and Fang Xuanling who want to enter the palace again to persuade your Majesty to accept the 10% of the shares, just go back to the palace and feel at ease, there will be no problem.

However, in this situation, Cheng Yaojin was a little bit murmured. Your Majesty is making some demon moths, and there is no movement for a long time.

The family fathers of Han and Tang Xingshang shareholders on the side frequently winked at Cheng Yaojin, making Cheng Yaojin's scalp numb.

It's the special mother, who has lived for so many years, for the first time to be thrown away by so many big guys.

Just when the guys were squeaking and crooked, the old brothers frequently winked at the moment.

Some yushi has already begun to beat his chest and stomping feet, blushing and yelling roughly.

It seems that Han and Tang Commercial Banks is simply an example of the black-hearted merchants in the world. It will exist for more than a day, which is the insult to the people of the world and their officials who share their worries for the country and the people.

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin couldn't stretch it anymore, pulling his face straight off the court.

"What do I mean by you guys? My son just does a small business, why is he bullying the market?"

"Okay, Cheng Qing, you have to withdraw first." Li Shimin subconsciously reacted when he saw Cheng Yaojin roll up his sleeves and leave.

Today, we must not allow this old man to be the protagonist. After all, this matter must be made clear to the aristocratic family behind the gang of ministers and workers, who is the real messenger behind the Han and Tang Commercial Banks.

Cheng Yaojingang jumped out. Before he could use his provocative skills, he heard the voice of his majesty, and couldn't help turning his head to look at him with a dazed expression.

Seeing His Majesty's determined and serious eyes, Cheng Yaojin could only retreat to his class angrily.

All the officials and workers who were already standing in the hall with painful grievances all looked at Your Majesty with a stunned face, why there is something wrong with the routine today.

Whenever your Majesty encounters something that is unpleasant, he usually takes the time to bite the gold, and the evil one jumps out for a while.

Then his Majesty took the opportunity to get angry and slapped his butt, but today he looked a little different.

A dry mouth and frothy ministers’ eyes began to communicate quickly, UU read, but everyone was a little at a loss, after all, the routine was wrong.


Li Shimin's expression looked very complicated and tangled, and he was silent for almost ten breaths before he spoke with a face full of embarrassment.

"Everyone from the Qing family, I... oh... I will send embroidered clothes ambassadors to investigate this matter thoroughly."

As soon as he heard that your Majesty was going to send out an embroiderer, instead of following the normal process to do things, everyone was stunned instantly.

What is this going to do? Are the embroidered clothes guys going to stretch out their claws?

Whether it is the ministers and workers from the family background, or the other ministers and workers, they have changed their colors one after another.

Wei Zheng came out more and more unwillingly. "His Majesty…"

"Enough! This matter involves royal dignity, so I don't need to say more." Li Shimin said this, waving his hand at Wei Zheng helplessly.

Wei Zheng stared at His Majesty in a daze. The matter was related to the royal family. His Majesty's expression seemed so strange. Could there be any unspeakable internal information here?

Although Wei Zheng often frustrated his Majesty, it did not mean that he was aimless and unreasonable, and he was also a wise man.

Hearing that his Majesty was hesitant to speak, he looked unspeakable, and he retired very wittily, and decided to wait for the dispersal of the court before asking his Majesty what was going on.

At this moment, there are already many ministers and workers who have turned their eyes steadily, beginning to speculate about the reasons that can make His Majesty so embarrassed.

Yes, so far, except for the limited shareholders of Han and Tang Commercial Banks, everyone else only thinks that only a member of the royal family like Wu Wang Li Ke has shares in Han and Tang Commercial Banks.

However, as more and more suspicious eyes fell on him, Changsun Wuji went into trouble directly. What do you guys mean?