The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1615: The purpose is not for everyone, but for

"San Gongzi, Your Highness, Li Xu in front is Zhengjiazhuang."

Cheng Chubi raised his eyes and looked to the front. Um, the road that was originally a wide open road suddenly became very narrow to the entrance of Zhengjiazhuang.

Because there are piles of mud and masonry at the intersection that I don’t know where it came from. As for the inside, ha ha, there must be some masters selling golden tofu and silver bean sprouts.

Cheng Chubi sucked his nose and turned his head to look at Li Ke. Next, he needed the acting contestant who had won the Datang Golden Demon Moth Performance Award.

"Brother Chubi, are there any other tricks? I always think it's inappropriate for me to do it like this, little brother."

Seeing this guy start to shrink again, Cheng Chubi suddenly became unhappy.

"Brother Xian, if you can think of other ways, we will immediately turn around and leave, and follow your ideas."

"Of course, according to your method, you will naturally be responsible for all the consequences caused, and I will not take the blame for my brother."

Li Ke rolled his eyes, sighed sullenly, turned over and jumped off his horse, and headed for the carriage ahead.

He lifted the driving curtain, thought about it, and turned back towards Cheng Chubi.

"Then according to your plan Xiongtai, something went wrong"

Cheng Chubi raised his thumb confidently and nodded towards the tip of his nose.

"Don't worry, I'm naturally responsible. Our Cheng family have always been one person doing things and one person."

"Hurry up, don't be too late, do things simply and neatly, and avoid hesitation."

Li Ke took a deep breath, got into the carriage, and went into the comfortable nest constructed with several beddings.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was not safe to wrap himself up, so that no matter which direction it caused the damage, it would be cushioned.

Cheng Chudi looked over there, thought for a while, brought in Li De and Cheng Jie, and shook them with them for a while.

They understood that they stayed in place for the time being in a tacit understanding, but just let the few seemingly weak handymen follow the carriage.

Cheng Chubi was not at ease, but he was so tall and valiant, and he would easily frighten ordinary people in Zhengjiazhuang when he stood up to others.

If the other party is directly counseled, then the plan is tantamount to a direct failure. What will happen next?

So Cheng Chubi simply jumped off the horse, threw the reins to Cheng Jie, and then followed the carriage in a low-key manner.

It's impossible not to appear on the court. After all, if the carriage wants to roll over, or the axle is out of the way, it also requires sudden force.

Of course, there is no need to tell Li Ke this little technique to avoid unnecessary associations with the suspicious prince.

The carriage shook and moved forward slowly. In front of it was an ordinary-looking coachman. Then, on both sides of the carriage were two handymen and Cheng Saburo.

Cheng Saburo is now colluding with one of the handymen, pointing to the front, giving temporary acting training to the handyman, and wanting to teach him some skills.

At this moment, there are many pedestrians on this street in Zhengjiazhuang, after all, this is the most convenient trunk road.

Only nowadays, the people of Zhengjiazhuang have tacitly placed the grass market at the west end of the village on this main road.

Pedestrians don't care, but the carts and horses are really unlucky, and they can only move forward slowly.

But there is no alternative. After all, everyone who lives and produces in Luoyang knows that this is Zhengjiazhuang.

Almost all the people here are surnamed Zheng, and they have moved from Xingyang's home, backed by Xingyang's Zheng family.

At this moment, the clan elder of Zhengjiazhuang is on the second floor of the teahouse in Zhuangkou.

Holding a cup of tea in his hand, he slowly sipped it while his eyes watched the passers-by, carriages and horses vigilantly.

He and another clan elder, one in charge of Zhuangnan and the other in charge of Zhuangbei, are responsible for monitoring the situation on both sides.

At this moment, he saw a small, dusty carriage, slowly approaching Zhengjiazhuang.

In addition to a coachman and family members on both sides, he seemed to be carrying a walking guard who was a big cow and a horse.

I don’t know at a glance that it should be the master or the son of a small family in Luoyang.

In this case, there is no need for people to remove the dirt and gravel that obstruct the road.

After all, the purpose of their Zhengjiazhuang is not for everyone, but for Han and Tang Commercial Banks.

I thought that a few days ago, it was originally only used gravel and soil to block the road during the day, but I didn't expect that the people from the Han and Tang Commercial Banks actually wanted to carry out transportation at night.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. Every night thereafter, this road will be guarded by people. As long as they dare to come to this Chengjiazhuang people to repair and run on their own, hehe, they have the ability to push the past from Zhengjiazhuang and Quanzhuang.

Just when the old Zheng clan was sipping tea soup, his thoughts were full of thoughts.

The carriage stopped several feet An entourage by the carriage ran up to the mound that almost occupied most of the main road and shouted loudly.

"Who is the special mother who blocked the way on purpose, and she didn't quickly remove the debris. My son is going to go over."

At this moment, several Zhengjiazhuang idlers not far from the mound heard this, and they were immediately unhappy.

Fortunately, I still remember the clan elder's confession, and a casual man who seemed the most arrogant and powerful strode to the front.

Walking towards this weak entourage very murderously, this entourage saw a villain with bare chest hair and fleshy face coming from the side of the road. He couldn't help feeling a little cold in his heart, and subconsciously twisted his head.

I saw Cheng Saburo throwing his thumbs up towards him, still making gestures there to signal that he was a little harder.

The handyman wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked tremblingly. "What do you want to do?!"

"Where did you come from, don't you know this is our Zhengjiazhuang site?"

"This road was built by our Zhengjiazhuang. We can pile it up as we want, what?"

The handyman looked suspiciously at this guy who looked like an idle man, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Are you from Zhengjiazhuang?"

"Hehe, I am, what's the matter?" The idle man raised his eyes and strode forward, scaring the handyman back again and again, causing the idlers by the road to laugh out loud.

Cheng Chubi wasn't happy anymore, strode forward, and pulled the handyman behind him, ignoring the idle man who was only as tall as his nose, and shouted harshly.

"You people in Zhengjiazhuang are doing what you do with these garbage here, don't move it quickly, my son will go over."

"No matter what, believe it or not, I will go to Luoyang County Yamen to sue you."
