The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1981: Is there a difference between Fangshi an

Li Ke on the side lifted his **** with disgust, and came to the place shoulder to shoulder with Cheng Saburo.

I saw Brother Chu Bi raising his arm full of enthusiasm, pulling his arms out of thin air.

"That's natural, but there is a lot of people and strength. When the Palace of the World Garden is almost finished, those construction teams of ours can move here."

"According to the information passed from Luoyang Ling, the twenty-six workshops in the south have been turned into ruins, and the other six workshops have been seriously damaged, as long as a small part of the area has people."

"We can first create a model for one or two workshops and replace them with the scattered residents of each workshop.

The scattered residents of those six squares were moved into it, so we got nearly 30 squares, which is very promising. "

In the eyes of the ancients, this thing was called a fang. For Cheng Saburo, each of the fangs could be regarded as large-scale residential districts for later generations.

I have to say that the workshops of this era are really similar to the large-scale residential districts of later generations.

They are all closed and managed. There are gatekeepers and cleaning facilities. There are also greening, and there are small supermarkets. Well, this era is called the grass market.

However, in this era, no one collects parking fees, no one sends or receives express delivery, and there is no national fitness equipment for physical exercise. As for greening...

Greening...Well, there is no need for greening at all, here is just like a barren countryside, how can you use your own to actively green?

As long as the trees that have grown here for 20 to 30 years are preserved, it will be like the original ecological park.

It's just that the ground must be well leveled and cleaned, in case someone is very energetic for night or morning jogs.

Suddenly seeing the crippled bones on the side of the road, it would be strange not to scare people out of trouble.

Cheng Sanlang has also been in contact with Chang'an and Luoyang's workshops a lot over the years, and has a wealth of experience in field visits.

Combining with the model of high-quality communities he knows for later generations, Cheng Saburo is quite confident that he will build more than thirty squares in the Naluonan area into more than thirty high-quality model communities.

As for the demolition work of the six sporadic towns, Cheng Saburo dare not say that he has experience.

But I haven't eaten pork, and I have seen pigs run away. In the beautiful southwestern region, many shantytowns have been renovated, which has always been the focus of news reports.

Cheng Saburo still remembers that the largest shantytown renovation project in the country in later generations is also in the beautiful southwest. Well, after the shantytown renovation, this shantytown has a very spiritual and rustic name: Huaguoyuan Community.

#####"But the third child, how can you give Dad all the things that these little kids play.

Fortunately, it is in the mansion. If outsiders know that your father is playing all the nursery rhymes of Te Niang, it would be strange not to laugh out of his teeth. "

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi also had one head and two big heads. It was a nursery rhyme. It was simple. What can I do?

But, fortunately, he had already threatened the stray prince Li Ke viciously.

Haha, let’s not say anything else, the six brothers of the Cheng family, who are fat and sturdy, can completely eat poor His Royal Highness Wu who often beats his own loincloth.

The first time Li Ke heard this threat, he made a vicious oath that he wouldn't be able to reveal any such important secrets anymore when he was killed.

Well, let's not talk about the gossip. As a filial doll who respects the elders, Cheng Chubi certainly can't ignore his father's request and ignore it.

That's tantamount to giving my father an excuse to convince others with virtue, and I might become a fun and laughing stock in the eyes of the brothers.

Cheng Saburo nodded vigorously and began to figure it out.

"...Well, think about it, kid, and see if you can make a simple song for you, but it's not a nursery rhyme."

Hearing this answer, General Cheng's big bronze bell eyes, which had been dangerously narrowed, instantly smiled extraordinarily kindly.

"Well, it's our Saburo, our brains are good, hurry up, get them out early, and use these soft things all day long. It's really boring."


You want to be exciting, right? In fact, it’s not bad, but there’s a lot of music on it.

But for that kind of heavy metal, Cheng Chubi was a little worried that his father who had just been exposed to pop music would not be able to accept it.

If Dad wants to sing a song for his mother to listen to, how about a love-oriented song "Love When I Die"?

No, no, this song is too noisy, and Cheng Saburo thinks that the intellectual and gentle mother can't stand this kind of howling like a ghost.

That sheep-sounding "Leo"? Hmm... Cheng Chubi felt that it might cause the father and son to cut off justice, forget it.

Cheng Chubi fell into deep thought, humming a melody from time to time, wanting to feel whether this melody actually fits the technique played by my father.

But General Cheng simply moved to Cheng Saburo's side, listening to his son's humming with a serious face.

But any tune that was soft, without a bit of blood burning, was directly rejected by General Cheng.

Unconsciously, Cheng Chubi didn't know what kind of tune he had hummed. Suddenly, his father's slap fell on his shoulder.

"Stop! Pour, pour, fall back."

"???" Cheng Chubi looked at his father in front of him with a dazed expression. What is it for? When your son is a cassette player, do you want to rewind or why?

"Just the previous tune you just hummed, come on, hum more and let Dad listen to it."

"..." Cheng Chubi said, and then began to hum the previous tune.

"No, no, one more."

When the tune was hummed, General Cheng's eyes lighted up, and his slap again slapped Cheng Chubi's shoulder.

"It's this taste, come on, you sing it from the beginning."

"Okay..." Cheng Chubi was also confused, and he really couldn't remember which song the melody was.

After humming for a long time, I couldn't help but took the pipa that was already stringed, and sang the words while playing:

"The red star is shining on the who are so I hope to be here and never have to be separated..."

Hearing this passionate and high-pitched singing, and the music that also seemed very passionate, General Cheng's eyes were bright.

"Okay! Just this one! Come on, come on, the third one, teach your father."

Cheng Chubi was wondering what the name of the song was, but when he was interrupted by his father, he instantly forgot to clean it up.

"But Dad, this song doesn't seem to be long, just a few lyrics."

"Hehe, isn't that right, it's simple and easy to learn, the important part is not long, it is suitable for the old man, don't be verbose, hurry up."

"..." Cheng Chubi was wondering what the song was called, but was interrupted by his father and forgot to clean it instantly.

"But Dad, this song doesn't seem to be long, just a few lyrics."

"Haha, isn't that right, it's simple and easy to learn, the important thing is not long, it's right