The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2079: Cheng Sanlang's bold ideas and bold plan

Li Ke, Cheng Sanlang and Ren Yaxiang stayed indoors, eating supper.

At dusk, everyone was busy occupying the Iron Bridge City in an orderly manner, and then listened to Chigui Maben and others express their loyalty and introduce the situation of the garrison in the southern region.

After finishing all the work, it was almost midnight, and the three of them finally found a chance to have a meal and say hello.

Although it's midnight, you can't just settle for something to eat.

These are the delicacies of the ham they brought and the dried mushrooms stewed over a low fire. The staple food is of course the kind of bread baked with flour.

While eating, Li Ke didn't forget the serious business, and asked Brother Chu Bi how he planned to make good use of that master Jiacuo.

After all, this buddy has already made a high-five oath with Cheng Sanlang before, and if he loses, he will worship Cheng Sanlang as his teacher.

"I was just teasing Najiacuo at the time. He is a monk of the Bon religion. He worshiped me as his teacher. What should I teach him? Why can't I also shave a bald head and join the Bon religion?"

Cheng Chubi glared at this good brother who was full of bad ideas and bad ideas, and said unwillingly.

"I just like his prestige among those Tubo soldiers and civilians. Once he loses, those Tubo soldiers and civilians will have no fighting spirit. It is enough to prove that playing this card well will help us grasp this newly occupied land."

"Think about it, isn't the ruler of Tubo trying his best to support Buddhism and expel Bon religion?"

"However, in the Tubo Kingdom, believers in the Bon religion still account for the vast majority, and now, our Datang's control area has followed our advance.

We will definitely gradually control the southern part of Tubo, and we want to stabilize our rule here.

If you want to compete with Tubo here, you need to see Master Jiacuo. "

"Brother Chubi, what do you mean, with the help of the influence of the Bon religion among the people of Tubo, let the Bon religion believers help us Datang to control this territory?"

"That's the reason, and you can ask His Majesty to confer official positions on them. Think about it, the king of Tubo abandoned the Bon religion, and even deprived these eminent monks of the Bon religion from their official positions."

"If I, Datang, canonize them directly, you think that these followers of the Bon religion will lead those believers.

Standing on the side of the Tubo king who despises them and rejects them, or will he stand on my side? "

"As expected of Brother Chubi, your brain is alive. There is a precedent in the Tang Dynasty for conferring religious officials to official positions."

Cheng Chubi laughed aloud, his own thoughts and ideas are naturally based on the future, anyway, I don't know which era it came from.

On this plateau, religious forces gradually overwhelmed the secular official forces, but in the plateau area, because of the harsh living environment, all believers believed in those religions rather than secular officials. "The poets and poets all over the Central Plains, as well as those gorgeous ladies and sisters in Nasi Gong Fang, must be thinking..."

"Hey, where did these little-known **** come from?"

"How dare you gossip in Luoyang, our eastern capital, as if you want to wipe out our Central Plains literary world?"

Hearing Cheng Chubi's babbling, Li Zhen and the other Wu Xun disciples who strolled over had black lines on their faces, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many fat and strong Cheng family members next to them.

Concerned that everyone's talent needs to be provided by Cheng Sanlang, I can't wait to kick the kid twice.

But everyone understands what Cheng Sanlang means, which is to stir up the atmosphere first, stir up the heat, and stir up the explosion.

Let those Central Plains literary talents and poets who are unhappy show their true skills one after another.

Then, when they were slapped in the face with literary works by a group of rough men, they were killed by horses.

In this way, the effect will be even more sensational. Similarly, the rewards brought by huge risks are naturally very rich.

At that time, as long as you guys stand in the posture of conquerors, go to Nasi Gongfang and declare yourself as a family, hehe...

Li Zhen's eyeballs were almost red. Of course, he was not moved, but stimulated.

There is also Chai Lingwu, and Liu Renshi and Li Qi, who like to hang out with beautiful strangers.

Hearing Cheng Sanlang's alluring explanation, Li Qi looked at Cheng Chubi eagerly.

"Brother Chu Bi, it's all up to you, if you can't come up with a definitive work.

Looking back, our gang of brothers can only rush back to Chang'an in disgrace, and return to Luoyang shamelessly. "

"Don't worry, if someone Cheng makes a move, he will definitely not embarrass you brothers."

"However, you have been shopping around, and you have entered the city, hurry up and let me practice together at the back."

"Brothers, don't forget that although it is important for our brothers to make a name for themselves, it is also important to make a name for our Hantang Commercial Bank."

"Don't worry, as long as your poems are strong, my brother, I will pay attention to the mere Central Plains literary world."

Looking at this group of friends who were laughing and walking away, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

As the saying goes, if you don't want your children to be caught by wolves, if you don't lay more bait, there is no way to coerce these shareholders of Hantang Commercial Bank.

Standing on the second floor under renovation, Cheng Chubi stretched his head out and saw the eye-catching Peony Pavilion along the river.

However, apart from the peony flowers, the peony pavilion also looks very ordinary. There are even a few small vegetable beds beside the pavilion.

They grow coriander and the like. It seems that the talent of liking to grow vegetables everywhere is passed down in the blood of the Chinese nation.

Cheng Chubi remembered that when he was a child, his grandfather also used the most ass-big piece of land in front of his house, um, the dirt floor was less than one meter long and wide.

It is actually planted with dog meat, chives and coriander. Often when cooking at home and forgetting to buy spices, just open the door and pull out a few to solve the big problem.

This is considered Chubi even saw some families use flower pots to carry chives, and even grow peppers and tomatoes...

It seems that diligence and thrift in serving the family, self-reliance, and adequate food have always been the virtues of the Chinese nation.

Cheng Chubi thought about whether he should also turn over the soil at the entrance of the teahouse in Zhengjiazhuang that was requisitioned, and add more spices.

After all, when I make game myself, I often use spices such as dog meat, which grows really fast, and the more you pick, the more delicious it is.

"Brother Chu Bi, Brother Chu Bi?" There was a shout from behind, and when he turned his head, it was Fang Jun and his wife who walked over side by side and holding hands.

Cheng Chubi rejoiced, strode forward, and said after returning a salute to the young couple.

"We are short on time and have heavy tasks. Cheng will not be courteous to you. You stand here and don't move around."

Fang Jun and Gao Yang stood at the position designated by Cheng Chubi, and Cheng Chubi hooked his fingers towards Deng Chengxin who was beside him.

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